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Hallasan is not South Korean companies

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/10 9:45:38 Browse times: 100 Comment times: 0

Hallasan is not South Korean companies(汉拿山声明不是韩国企业)

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Hallasan is not South Korea | Hallasan | | Zhao benshan, China and South Korea _ news

Recently, domestic small storm, a group of South Korean companies, even enterprises with Korean elements series "gun".

Today, the main Korean food chain brand – Hallasan barbecue in its micro-public, made the confession statement, calling themselves 100% in the enterprise.

In a statement, Halla said he founded in Beijing in 2001, is funded by the Chinese, operation and management of Chinese domestic companies, is dedicated to the Chinese consumer, Lotte brand never have sales and use of any product.

Halla's statement aroused heated discussion, many users are said to eat "Korean food".

Reporters found that the app in a statement issued to the public account "Halla Korean barbecue" is "Korean" two characters removed, changed its name to "Hallasan barbecue."

Since it is a percent of Chinese enterprises, another question came, Halla who's the boss?

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  Chang Wen-Halla actual control

Public information, Halla, Jeju Island, South Korea, is one of three mountains in South Korea. Halla mountain restaurant, also known as the leading domestic Korean fashion. It operates mainly in Bulgogi, Korean bibimbap and other Korean food series.

Halla company's website shows that Halla was founded in 2001, and owns a barbecue Hallasan barbecue, Han Luoyuan, Star m rice hot pot, small town of fisherman's fish, Mt-stone pot bibimbap, Hui spicy incense spicy incense pots, stew pots, strange cool odd cool fried chicken, Mong Kok, crabs, Cook 10 brands.

Among them, the Hallasan barbecue Garden Road, since the first restaurant in Beijing in March 2001 opening date, have been signing more than 70 cities in China to open direct chain of more than 300 outlets.

"North to Manchuria, South of Hainan Island, from the coastal cities in the East, the West, Shannan in Tibet, restaurants throughout China, popular all over the broad masses of consumers. "Halla claims to be on its official website.

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>(Mt statements)

Reporter noted that "Hallasan barbecue" micro account, subject to the public as the mainstay for Tibet Hallasan catering management co., Ltd.

Business and information display, sole shareholder of Halla mountain in Tibet Shenzhen Tak catering management co., Ltd. Wende shareholder in Shenzhen as a natural person shareholder Chang and Zhang Wenzhi and the Corporation de catering management limited, Shannan in Tibet, in which Wende, Shannan in Tibet subscription to 9.97 million Yuan, Shenzhen Wende 99.7% shares held.

Natural persons, Chang is the only shareholder, Shannan in Tibet, which owns 100% shares. It can be seen that stake after penetrating, Chang shares held all of Halla mountain in Tibet, is the actual controller.

Halla mountain in Tibet as the main body, Chang Wen-foreign investment amounted to 19 companies, almost all food and beverage companies, and North Canton region of Tibet, the majority, and to use MT Enterprise of up to 10.

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Halla said at the bottom of the website, its Beijing Halla group, all rights reserved.

Reporters noted that no direct business information to "Beijing Halla group" registered company, but there are dozens of "Beijing Halla" head company. And the executives of these companies or legal representatives, for Chang.

  Chang Wen-the circle of friends who?

At least on the shareholders ' information, Hallasan is not Han Chinese background.

Reporters gather information found, Halla actual control, Chang, probably rates as the Koreans. Baidu knows, some netizens have said Chang Wen-the Koreans to Jilin. Immediately unable to confirm the claim.

According to the Beijing Association of Korean entrepreneurs bulletin, Hallasan barbecue is its members, Chang's name also appears in the Association list. In 2014, Chang in Beijing Korean entrepreneurs Association Executive Director, Chairman of Halla's identity, to the 15th session of Korean games in Beijing donated 30,000 yuan.

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In addition to the above information, the reports about Chang is not much.

In February 2010, the West China city daily to "Night Revels of Chang Wen-Zhao benshan little tigers, a meal eaten 20,000 pieces titled" reported, an old friend of Zhao Chang, Kunming Lake in Beijing Halla banquet of seafood restaurants, hosted a dinner for Uncle Zhao master and apprentice and the Tigers squad members Nicky Wu, Su, Banny Chen, also Director Chu Yen-ping, polybona boss Tung and others.

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Reports, "said Chang Liao, China has specially arranged competition champion Deng Xian chef crafted lobster King, millet, steamed live sea cucumbers, Felicity is roast suckling pig, the sea Tigers 26 features dishes such as thorn in honor of Zhao and the little tigers. "Reports that this meal, 26 famous dishes, finally closing costs in about 20,000 yuan.

In October 2008, the Beijing Evening News reported that "Beijing Halla, Chairman of catering, 35 years old, on suspicion of crime of causing traffic casualties has been the prosecution to the Haidian District Court. ”

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>"Prosecutors charged on September 25, 2006, the defendant driving a vehicle to road non-motor vehicles, zizhuyuan road, Haidian road, when front West of the Halla mountain catering co, collided with the two pedestrians, one person died of traumatic hemorrhagic shock, and one person suffered minor injuries. ”

Later designated by the Haidian District Traffic Team: a violation of the people's Republic of China on road traffic safety law article 35th of the "motor vehicle, non-motor vehicle to implement the right" rule, and take full responsibility for the accident.

Afterwards, the company driver Huang Zhang came forward to Patsy, and making false statements to the public security organs. On October 11, 2006, two people to transport teams to surrender.

Prosecutors believe that defendant Zhang one death caused by violation of safety regulations, its behavior should be investigated for criminal responsibility in crimes of causing traffic casualties; the defendant Huang knowingly crime, still its Patsy, its behavior should be to cover up the pursuit of responsibility for crime.

The report did not directly pointed out that Zhang's name. The driver could not be identified in this report a relationship with Chang.

  Cooperation with Wanda Rapid expansion

Hallasan is developed? Reporters noted that Halla's development is inextricably linked to Wanda's expansion.

In 2009, reported that in internal meetings, Chang said, positive results, while recognizing, Halla had caused extensive internal management operating costs high, "in recent years, Mt stores are running at full capacity, only reduce cost, reduce costs to improve profits. Costs and expenses are the province of. ”

In 2011, winning business network has interviewed Jin Jiazhe Halla executives. Jin Jiazhe said Halla shop policy is mainly based on the presence of large shopping centers, Department stores, "because they have a good level of operation and management of the property, can store up to a supervisory role, promote the store to find the problem, and then improve, helped brand the tenant stores management. ”

"Halla insisted on new stores between area control in 400-600 square, so as to keep the rent at a certain level. "The report said.

Reported that Wanda square in China, almost all can see Mt store. "In addition to Wanda, we also like China resources land, Kaisa, maoye group and other large commercial real estate developers have reached a strategic cooperation. "Jin Jiazhe said.

While, also has reported said, Halla brand established Qian ten years, Halla of stores number rarely, 2009, Halla first is located in million up square of Shijingshan million up shop opened, zhihou Halla and million up group established has strategy cooperation partners relationship, "Halla aspects said, and million up of cooperation, makes more of commercial real estate and Halla reached strategy cooperation partners relationship, further speed up has Halla extension shop. ”

"Only two years, Halla Bulgogi stores will be based on the original double expanding much faster than 13 years before the time of opening pace. "According to the report.

Reporters noted that Chang and Hallasan participated in the activities of the Wanda Plaza. In 2009, Wanda was attended by Chang on behalf of Halla Group stores new strategic partnership signing ceremony.

Media reports in 2012, maunfacturing capital stake in Halla, Halla and soon showed a trend of rapid expansion. Precision resource is "Wanda son" Wang Sicong's private investment arm.

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>(Precision resource investment website, Halla was classified as portfolio)

On the case from the maunfacturing capital website, also have introduced Hallasan, display portfolio companies for Tibet Hallasan catering management co., Ltd. But Halla mountain in Tibet at present in the list of shareholders, and there were no precision resource capital figure.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Halla mountain in China and South Korea, Zhao benshan

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src="" alt="" border="1" align="middle">>(汉拿山声明)





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src="" alt="" border="1" align="middle">>“检察机关指控,2006年9月25日,被告人张某驾驶车辆行驶至海淀区紫竹院路辅路非机动车道、汉拿山餐饮有限公司门前西侧时,与两名行人相撞,致一人创伤失血性休克当场死亡,一人受轻伤。”















src="" alt="" width="594" height="600" border="1" align="middle">>(普思投资官网上,汉拿山被列为投资案例)



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