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2016 issued human rights record of the United States, China, the facts disprove their human rights situation

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2016 issued human rights record of the United States, China, the facts disprove their human rights situation(中国发布2016美国人权纪录,用事实反驳其人权状况)

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Release of 2016, China human rights record of the United States counter with the fact that its human rights situation | | American human rights record _ news

The information Office of the State Council, China (9th) release the 2016 United States human rights record, with plenty of data and facts to refute the human rights situation in the United States. Records state that in 2016, the human rights situation continues to deteriorate in some important ways.

Local time on March 3, the United States State Department released the country reports on human rights practices in 2016, to blame the world judge of human rights, and while its own serious human rights problems are completely ignored.

China has released nearly 10,000 words of 2016, of the human rights record of the United States, low-income groups from the personal life, political, living conditions, racial discrimination, rights of older persons, six in violation of their human rights of women and children, through a statement of facts in 2016, the human rights situation continues to deteriorate in some important ways.

Beautiful high incidence of gun-related crimes high imprisonment rates

Human rights records state that America's high incidence of gun-related crimes, incarceration rates remain high. Total shooting 58125, 15039 people were killed. June 2016, a gunman opened fire in a nightclub in Orlando, leaving 50 people dead and 53 others were injured, it was the most serious shooting incidents in American history. United States incarceration rate ranks second in the world, received imprisonment of as many as 70 million, one-third per cent of adults.

Police abuse of enforcement powers

Police abuse of enforcement powers. In 2016, there were 963 people were gunned down by the police. Police abuse rarely shot civilians be held criminally responsible.

US election political rights cannot be guaranteed

In 2016, trading power for money and money politics dominated American election campaign full of lies and farce, and political rights can be assured, the boycott and protests one after another.

Grim living conditions of low-income groups in the United States

Increasing gap between rich and poor in America, in the grim living conditions of low-income groups. In 2016, the proportion of American adults in full-time minimum level since 1983. Revenue inflows over the past nearly 30 years 70% to 10% most rich people's pockets. 45 million poor people living difficult, one-seventh of Americans living below the poverty line.

United States racism persistent deterioration in relations

Persistence of American racism, race relations are deteriorating. Afro-report of the Working Group of experts on the United Nations Human Rights Council said the race is a serious problem in the United States, did not solve the history of colonialism, slavery, apartheid, racial inequality and terrorism and other issues. America was facing a "human rights crisis".

The United States serious violations of rights of vulnerable groups

American women and children, protection of the rights of the elderly has not improved, and gross violations of the rights of vulnerable groups. Women earn significantly less than their male counterparts. One-fourth of women had been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace. Each year, about 5 million elderly abuse.

United States gross violation of their human rights

United States gross violation of their human rights, heavy civilian casualties caused by airstrikes, overseas monitoring project would infringe privacy. Illegal detention and ill-treatment of other prisoners has not been resolved.

United States still had not ratified the core international human rights conventions

The United States has still not ratified the economic, social and cultural rights, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and other core international human rights conventions, refused to accept the draft resolution on the human rights of the United Nations.

And human-rights record released on the 2016 United States human rights violations there are 16,000-word book, chronological record in human rights violations in the United States last year.

>: Tang Wu Yan

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Human rights record of the United States

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中国发布2016美国人权纪录 用事实反驳其人权状况|人权纪录|美国_新闻资讯




  美涉枪犯罪高发 监禁率居高不下

  人权纪录指出,美国涉枪犯罪持续高发,监禁率居高不下。全年共发生枪击事件58125起,共造成15039人死亡。2016年6月,一名持枪者在奥 兰多一家夜总会内开枪,造成50人死亡,53人受伤,这是美国历史上发生的最严重的枪击事件。美国监禁率居世界第二,受过监禁的人数高达7000万,占成 年人的三分之一。







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