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Lotte supermarket was fined 500,000 in Beijing, 59 wines priced at 498 Yuan

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/6 20:23:20 Browse times: 49 Comment times: 0

Lotte supermarket was fined 500,000 in Beijing, 59 wines priced at 498 Yuan(乐天超市在北京被罚款50万,59元酒标价498元)

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Lotte supermarket was fined 500,059 wine priced at 498 Yuan in Beijing China and South Korea Lotte recoverable | | | _ news

> Original title: Lotte supermarket by the supplier to recover debts


Lotte supermarket in China uncover layer upon layer of violations were. On March 6, the Beijing newspaper reporter received supplier material, said Lotte supermarket overdue suppliers millions of Yuan loans currently sentenced to return. Lotte supermarket closing stores in some cities, timely recovery of payments a priority for Lotte supermarket suppliers.


Lotte supermarket scandal when the fermentation, a food company in Beijing received a surprise--the Court sentenced Lotte (China) investment company limited Beijing Branch return the payment owed to the company's 2 million Yuan. The company responsible for the Beijing business today said, "our company is a litigation submitted to the Court last August, I do not know why after the verdict, but today is the end of the appeal period, we've won, Lotte did not appeal."

Not just Beijing, Jiangsu Lotte business limited on March 1, also received the letter. Beijing business today reporter obtained a copy mentioned in the letter, a company in Shanghai since the beginning of 2007 with the Rakuten business dealings, the Lotte company agreed to supply, however did not receive full payment of the purchase price, with a value of up to 2 million Yuan. Long an law firm Hu Liang of the admissibility of the case, said, "our lawyers launched on March 1, as of March 5, Lotte no response."

In fact, CR, Yong-Hui appeared before "cost adjustment, promotional discount", and so on, supermarket to unilaterally reduce the dealer's price. For example, the price is 10 Yuan, the supermarket side who adjusted to 9 Yuan, dealer interest reduced, leading to litigation. Hu Liang said, which mostly belongs to the supermarket don't have the spirit of contract, and that actions are the basic supplier won.

  Being close

Great environment, Rakuten in China encounter bottlenecks frequently closed. On March 2, a Lotte supermarket in Lung Yeuk Tau, located in Changping District, Beijing Street (huoying store) closed, and was posted at the door for rent call. Beijing business today reporter called for leasing telephones, staff in charge of the mall property, Liu told a press conference: "Lotte supermarket is not closed on March 2, at the end of February we will have got a closing notice. "The Lotte supermarket (huoying Branch) closed not because of the recent uproar" Sade "event, she said, mainly due to supermarkets to poor management of the initiative to evacuate, closing procedure has been completed. Lotte supermarket closing property is again enveloped stores for rent.

Coincidentally, Lotte supermarket Yang gate, Chaoyang District, island shop is closed. From the front of the shop post announcement on February 6 and February 15, February 6 to send a message that in-store renovation closed February 15 announcement revealed that the shop had stopped operating.

Also notice shows that Dr Gates Lotte supermarket stores around the island membership and Lotte supermarket shopping cards may continue to be used by other major stores in Beijing, using the rules as they are, and opened shops around the island customer service hotline dealing with customers about Dr Gates asks, points and other matters.

At present, tonghu Street, Tongzhou district, Changping District shop, Johns Hopkins stores and Yang gate, Chaoyang District, Shop 3 Lotte supermarkets around the island have been closed.

Beijing business today contacted Lotte supermarket trying to prove to closing and plans for the future, but as of press time ago, Lotte line is always in a State of no answer. But South Korea's Yonhap News Agency quoted South Korean Government sources source, Lotte supermarket 3 stores out of business really is true, and "Sade" and no associated business caused by the poor performance.

  Rational protection

Lotte group situation in recent days, Beijing has an interview with the business daily, President of the Beijing Association of supermarket supply w.h. Yao, Yao Wenhua said, in order to protect the interests of suppliers in the industry, recommended suppliers organized to the Association as well as the related departments in the rational rights and safeguard their own interests.

It is understood that Lotte China as early as two months ago, South Korean executives from Headquarters had been evacuated to return home. But the message does not get Lotto headquarters responded.

  Related news

  Lotte supermarket price violations in Beijing was fined 500,000

Beijing business today Lotte supermarket further punished violations. China's national development and Reform Commission in Beijing in a recent check, Lotte supermarket jiuxianqiao road, Chaoyang District, found illegal exists in the sale of goods, the reminder to continue after warning, 500,000 Yuan by administrative penalties.

, China's national development and Reform Commission, according to the message, checks, Lotte supermarket selling goods there, jiuxianqiao road, Chaoyang District, "the use of false or misleading pricing means to entice consumers to trade or other business operators" price-related violations. Remind the relevant departments after the warning, Lotte supermarket continued implementation of price-related violations were administrative penalties of 500,000 yuan. Fails to pay the fine, 3% Add a fine in amount of the daily penalty.

In sales among, Lotte supermarket variety commodity appeared price violations, as sales "52 degrees west Phoenix year seal hid wine" Shi, standard "price 268 Yuan price 49.8 Yuan", price real for 55 Yuan; sales "wuliangye 52 degrees masters style cotton soft" Shi, standard "price 498 Yuan price 59.9 Yuan", price real for 59.9 Yuan; sales "Luzhou old cellar 52 degrees M6 clear Valley" Shi, standard "price 298 Yuan price 49.9 Yuan", price real for 49.9 Yuan; sales " Wu Liang ye 52 deluxe five-star ", the" original 598 Yuan price 139 ", original price it is 139.

It is learnt that the Lotte supermarket have received administrative punishment for price violations committed before and was ordered to correct them.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Pottery recovered in China and South Korea

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Beijing business today

乐天超市在北京被罚款50万 59元酒标价498元|乐天|追讨|中国和韩国_新闻资讯

>  原标题:乐天超市遭供应商追讨欠款


















  北京商报讯 乐天超市再被处罚违法行为。北京中国国家发展改革委员会在近日的检查中,发现朝阳区酒仙桥路乐天超市在销售商品时存在价格违法行为,在提醒告诫后仍继续,被行政处罚50万元。





乐天 追讨 中国和韩国


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