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Chengdu appeared 200 spring and autumn and the warring States period tombs, unearthed thousands of cultural relics

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/3/6 20:23:09 Browse times: 39 Comment times: 0

Chengdu appeared 200 spring and autumn and the warring States period tombs, unearthed thousands of cultural relics(成都出现200座春秋战国墓葬群,出土千件文物)

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Chengdu appeared 200 spring and autumn and the warring States period tombs unearthed thousands of cultural relics

After nearly a year of archaeological exploration and excavation, heritage workers in the big bend town of dual village, qingbaijiang district, Chengdu city found nearly 200 boat coffin tombs of the spring and Autumn period to the warring States period. Unearthed thousands of artifacts, particularly exquisite exception of bronze, can be called an "underground treasure trove of bronze".

 154th Tomb status noble

3rd, the reporters into the excavation site, see foot has two football fields in the Great Plains, with closely spaced rectangular earthen Tomb pits of different sizes. Graves is mostly North-South, few things to most tombs buried boat coffin. Most of the Tomb group distribution, two pairs, three of a group, there are more than more than 10 groups.

A M154 Tomb in one of the biggest in the Middle, and dark, heavy boat coffin lying in the graves of more than two metres deep, can clearly see the coffin together with lid is made from throughout the ancient wood. Evenly around the boat-coffins in a thick layer of green paste used for seals with mud.

Chengdu Institute of cultural relics and archaeology excavation site leader Wang tianyou introduced M154 graves 2.3 m deep, boat coffin 6.1 meters long, 1 m wide, largest number, the highest level in utensils unearthed from inside. Copper seal symbol paint patterns on wood characteristics, characteristics and similar artifacts unearthed in the tombs of the 2000 boat-coffins in Chengdu is very close. Boat coffin burials are considered early King of the ancient Kingdom of the warring States period tombs, 154th Tomb identity should also be very dignified.

 Bronzes up to more than 540 pieces

Up to now, the total excavated 180 tombs, with a scale of rarely seen in recent years. Wang tianyou, told reporters age tombs span more than 200 years, lasts from late spring and Autumn period to the warring States period in the late funerary objects unearthed a large number of bronze ware, pottery and lacquer wares, jade stone.

Among them, the number of bronzes up to more than 540 pieces, and perfectly maintained, exquisite decorations, including weapons, containers, tools, accessories, etc. Also unearthed 8 stamps, more than 40 pieces of beautifully shaped, brightly painted wooden furniture, as well as more than 500 pieces of pottery. Part of the appliance found in rice, seeds, nuts, etc.

Reporters later in qingbaijiang district, the Museum saw the bronze "hosting": urn, pot, Nathan, an ancient pot, GE, Tomahawk, sword, spear, catty, cutting, sawing, cutting, species diversity, dazzling, beautiful shapes, brilliant pattern, let people enjoy the colorful ancient civilization.

A few bronze style bronzes and Chu culture style is almost. Which a bronze lamp, cover, and body most ornaments Pan Chi lines, caught hand, and device ear, and device foot used through carved, and relief process, fine exception; has two pieces bronze GE, GE body respectively painted has fine of Dragon lines, and Tiger lines relief, once off a ": a witness to"; also has about 4 cm long, and rather fine of all kinds of copper cut knife, tiny apparatus.

 Unveiled this veil of the ancient Shu culture

"Decorative bronzes unearthed from the most common patterns in BA-Shu culture, including cicada, Tiger, Dragon, Palm pattern, Ba Shutu language judging before the age most of the tombs in the Qin dynasty destroyed prachuap khiri Khan. "Liu Yumao, a researcher at the Institute of archaeology, said in Chengdu, Chengdu, past boat coffin were found in the surrounding area during the warring States period, very few of the spring and Autumn period, the excavation fills this gap.

Liu Yumao, experts say, from the jinsha site, boat coffin, qingbaijiang dual village spring and autumn and the warring States period tombs, until recently just released the Pujiang boat coffin tombs of the warring States, the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the ancient civilization of the late warring States period sequence, to unravel the mysteries of ancient civilizations. To research the history and culture of the ancient BA and Shu areas, burial customs and blending between the spring and autumn and warring States, provided important information.

According to Xinhua News Agency

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2017-03-06 04:59:34
成都出现200座春秋战国墓葬群 出土千件文物















(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2017-03-06 04:59:34

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