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Anti-corruption Director in Liaoning province were suspended: informants say, because under pressure video

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/11 9:59:30 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Anti-corruption Director in Liaoning province were suspended: informants say, because under pressure video(辽宁反贪局长被停职:举报人说因为迫不得已才发视频)

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Anti-corruption Secretary of Liaoning was suspended: the videos made by the reporting person is compelled against corruption whistle-blower | | | nightclub _ the Secretary news

News Flash: Liaoyang Hongwei District Anti-Corruption Bureau Director Liu Gang parties accepted the invitation and out of nightclubs, to grill food and drink videos around the net, was suspended immediately, accept the discipline inspection and supervision departments to investigate.

  Local discipline Inspection Commission Office recently released survey results

North network, the liaoshen evening post newspaper reports published after the publication, yesterday morning, CCTV news channel broadcast of anti-corruption authorities accepted the Secretary reported this event hosted by the parties. News said Liaoyang Hongwei District Anti-Corruption Bureau Director Liu Gang favors accepting the party hosted by the videos recently attracted netizens buzz. After more than 10 days of investigation, the local discipline Inspection Commission Liu Gang has been officially. Once but found their crimes will be referred to judicial authorities and will soon inform the public of the final investigation results.

Hongwei District officials described in a CCTV interview, find videos, District Government through research, immediately convened a district Party Committee Standing Committee, district and make two decisions, and Liu Gang was to be suspended from duty, is to oblige the discipline inspection and supervision departments investigate the second group, conducted a special investigation. Refer to places and characters that appear in the video, the Group had contacts, and evidence has been done, and Liu Gang video at I agree that, no more different opinions, and cooperate with the investigation, and the comparative investigation of the investigation team successfully.

 Xinhua News Agency: Liu Gang was reported to have been suspended for less than 24 hours

On February 8, the Xinhua News Agency has reported on the matter. Xinhua News Agency reported that Liu Gang was identified in and out of the nightclubs and other high-end entertainment, were suspended on January 28. Liu Gang was reported to have been suspended for less than 24 hours.

Hongwei district Party Committee propaganda Department, said Liu Gang investigation results will be the first time in the event of Hongwei District Web site "window on the magnificent" Grand "window of release to the community.

  Implementation of Liaoning prosecutors outside the eight-hour ban

To implement Central Government on "improving the style of work, maintaining close ties with masses" eight requirements, as well as issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the prohibitions of conduct outside the prosecutors for eight hours, Liaoning province's procuratorial organs outside the General overview of the eight-hour ban, cautioned Members to reflect deeply on and the alarm bells ringing. Especially need to pipe in his mouth, and shouldn't eat eat;; to keep your legs, and shouldn't have to go not to;; would govern its own hand, shouldn't have taken things do not show.

Combines practical of procuratorial work, and stressed on the part of prosecutors in enforcement process vulnerable to uncivil language norms, behavior, program details such as loose, requiring leaders to strengthen discipline, and adverse impact on staff in the investigation in a timely manner, and actively maintain the good image of prosecutors.

As soon as possible to conduct a full scale style discipline focused educational activities, and developing a series of rules and regulations around these activities, and strengthen the sense of honesty and self-discipline of all prosecutors, effectively avoid the occurrence of illegal violations.

 Mysterious informer tells video behind the imbroglio

Anti corruption Bureau nightclub videos uploaded by the mystery informer who is? He appeared in pictures and a video of a few people what kind of relationship? Upload videos and for what purpose is it? Several days stay in touch, the whistleblower in indecision, indecision, test a few days later, finally agreed at yesterday's meeting with North network, the liaoshen evening news reporter, summed up the details.

 Report asserts that the Internet posting originated from two cases

Reports allege that Internet postings originating in both cases, the "first case is, more than 10 years ago, Zhao bi-Dong and Lee in Dandong in the video business together, then broke off. Zhao green East to report to Dandong procuratorial Lee, Lee had been there for 9 months after its second case was Lee, green East Zhao Hongwei District Anti-corruption Council report, Lee became informers. Appeared in the video of Dandong, public officials, and the first case, and the anti-corruption Bureau Director Liu Gang is the second case of investigators ' questions. The 22 cases were related to the Lee, and two of his case will sit together to eat and drink. ”

  Full version video confirmed that Liu gang Club nearly 3 hours

Report mystery man to the North network, liaoshen evening news a USB memory stick, which is transferred from the Club and grill to get surveillance tapes, totaled 5G.

By monitoring the video as you can see, picture is clearer. Network communication video clips from here on out, only 4 minutes left.

Liu Gang, who spend at the Club, time for almost 3 hours, monitoring equipment, a total of four channels respectively, copies, respectively, channel I, 49 or 19, 21, a total of four a total of nearly 12 hours. Each channel is different, from different perspectives. Nightclubs are being monitored in the lobby, you can clearly see in everyone.

There are many online video without detail: Dandong, a public officer got a phone call at the nightclub, then left ahead; Lee after seated, sit next to Liu gang, Liu Gang had not got up, two men look more familiar with each other.

And barbecue restaurants in the video has only two channels, and each time is two hours.

These videos are from two merchant stores copy on your device, there are also two time periods during the day captured the belonging to Reshoot, at the appearance of the store, not customers.

  Whistle-blower dialog

Reporter: you have a problem few people appearing in the video?

Informer: I'll give you full video, you know all about.

Reporter: is your purpose posting videos?

Informer: I'm just telling the truth, so that everyone knows what they are doing.

Reporter: who was Zhao?

Whistleblower: is the man who is Lee reported, Zhao first reporting Lee, Lee reported, in turn, Zhao, Liu Gang investigators ' in this case.

Reporter: do you is Zhao?

Informer: it's not.

Reporter: How do you remember in such extreme ways to report it?

Whistleblower: there is no other way!

Reporter: Zhao and Lee what is the relationship?

Whistleblower: they were partners in business together, all Decade. Business grew, gradually diverge.

Reporter: with Liaoyang Hongwei District in Dandong city is how to connect?

Whistleblower: Zhao reported Lee was in Dandong, and later Lee came out, and you'll find a Liaoyang Hongwei District, Hongwei District reporting Zhao Bi, but I had no idea, informants with the anti-corruption Bureau Director to drink with dinner.

Reporter: through what channels to obtain information and related videos?

Whistleblower: ... ... We are forced, there wasn't anything. But after seeing these, what can I say?

 Lawyer: exercising supervisory authority cannot invade other people's privacy

Liaoning friend Li Zhenge law firm lawyers solicitors said that citizens of State agents have the right to monitor, but citizens in the exercise of the power of supervision as well as the absence of violation of the law.

Whistleblower reporting countries by means of access Hotel video human behavior is not illegal, but not invade other people's privacy, evidence from legitimate sources.

Under normal circumstances, businesses should not be relevant video information to others, view the customer's consumption, but except for the judiciary. Hotels and other public places through reimbursable disclosure related videos, then the staff of the hotel will violate the law.

If citizens ' property lost in hotels and other public places, citizens may, through consultation, access to each other's consent, can obtain monitoring information.

If videos of their activities is disseminated on the Internet and have a negative effect, causing losses to customers, so customers can pursue other civil liability.

Counsel suggested that citizens in exercising the right of supervision, reports of agents of the State, you can take the normal channels of Justice, reporting to the discipline inspection and supervision departments.

Video leaked barbecue restaurant staff said their video surveillance rights that are high, ordinary workers simply cannot reach.

 Expert view: it is recommended that due process reporting

Deputy teaching aid David Lau of the Liaoning University School of law, argues that after the District Government be able to see the video, in a period of less than 24 hours for prosecutors to deal with, react every time, make people look on the positive side.

At the same time, practice of stalking, access to surveillance video is questionable, this method easier to the entertainment of the public's privacy violations, whistle-blower normal judicial procedure is the right choice for the public.


Liu Xu Liaoyang Public woman: really pretty fast speed of response of the Government, would meet him the next day and suspended, what's next for it.

A Netizen named "Bachelors 21 nine bricks": the point is, whether he is in the middle of acts of obstruction of Justice. North network,

Liaoyang journalists on mission Kanekuni liaoshen evening news building

February 10, 2014(辽宁反贪局长被停职:举报人称发视频属迫不得已|举报人|反贪局长|夜总会_新闻资讯


  当地纪委立案 近期公布调查结果











  将反贪局局长出入夜总会的视频上传的神秘举报人究竟是谁?他与视频中出现的几个人到底是什么关系?上传视频是出于什么目的呢? 经过多日保持联系,这位举报人在迟疑、犹豫、试探数天后,终于同意在昨日与北国网、辽沈晚报本报记者会面,道出了个中细节。








































  网友“九砖学士21”:关键是,他是否在中间有妨碍司法的行为。 北国网、

  辽沈晚报特派辽阳记者 金国建


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