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China last year made a “green card“ increase in US media: foreigners are still difficult to take cards

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China last year made a “green card“ increase in US media: foreigners are still difficult to take cards(中国去年发“绿卡”增加,美媒:外国人仍难拿卡)

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China last year made a "green card" increase in US media: aliens still tab | green card | _ news

Original title: last year, China issued a "green card" substantial increases in US media: foreigners are still difficult

Reference News February 27 us media say, analysts say, China usually sent hundreds of "green card", recent growth shows that authorities are looking for ways to attract more foreign investors and celebrities, while most get a "green card" are still Chinese.

According to the New York Times reported on February 24, former NBA-controlled weisidifen·mabuli (Stephon Marbury) at the Chinese Basketball Association to create his second career, he said, he likes when non-celebrities in Beijing. "There is a long way from home, I kind of like it," he recently wrote in the Tweets published along with a video, the video shows him eating hot pot in China.

Marbury, now 40 years old is 1576 foreigners granted permanent residence in China last year. According to the official Chinese news media reports, the so-called "green card" approval management was initiated in 2004, last year received a "green card" was the previous year's increase in the number of 163%.

However, for a country with 1.3 billion population approximately 600,000 foreign residents, get a "green card" remains very small. By contrast, America's population is about 324 million, according to government data in 2015, approved by more than 1 million green cards.

In modern Chinese studies at Leiden University Professor Peng Ke (Frank Pieke) said that immigration policies are contradictory, on the one hand, in order to improve the economic modernization of China, giving priority to attracting foreign talent, on the other hand, these policies reflected the deep-rooted instinct of distance with foreigners. Peng Ke said that these policies are similar with Japan and South Korea, was "based on the strong sense of nation States, which defines itself as home to a specific ethnic and cultural groups to maintain their purity, only those people who really need it. ”

Fei Geman (Fragomen) Becky Xia, a partner of international immigration law firm in Shanghai, said that Shanghai 2015 a relaxation of the foreign citizens living in the local "green card" eligibility criteria. Although applicants still must show proof has lived in Shanghai for four years, and there are more than 600,000 yuan of annual salary, she said, but the new rules are no longer required to be senior managers.

Xia said that Fei Geman last year sought a "green card" applications help customers has increased by 50%. She said, most of whom are Europeans working in the information technology industry, they are responsible for overseeing manufacturing in China. She added that she expects China's "green card" number will increase, partly, China have passed the retirement age (60 years for males and white-collar woman 55 years old) age of foreigners doing business in China is no longer eligible for work visas, they can apply for a "green card."

From the employer's point of view, "I think, there are more choices to get the talent you want," she said in reference to Shanghai's new rules. She also said that a "green card" and work permits, the "green card" does not need to be linked to the employment contract and, and "green card" of 10 years validity period can be extended.

But, experts say, workers in General, in particular since the beginning of 2000 in the southern city of Guangzhou live African traders and entrepreneurs, limits more and more, these people usually for overstaying.

China also has procedures for naturalization. State-run news media reported this month, two well-known Chinese-born scientists give up their American citizenship to become Chinese citizens, one is the 1957 Nobel Prize in physics Yang Chen-Ning, another computer science Turing Award Andrew Chi-chih Yao, was granted in 2000. They were Professor at Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences academician.

However, the successful cases are extremely rare. And recently a system of work permits for foreigners working in China and setting limits.

According to official media reports, the system has been implemented in November last year in the provinces, aim is to "encourage high-end, general control, limiting the low end" of foreign talent to build an information technology-driven economy.

Said Zou Mimi, Assistant law professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in fact, the law was granted a work permit by workers at the bottom has become extremely difficult.

Demographers predict that China could end up facing a shortage of low-skilled workers in General, and more liberal immigration policies can help stabilize China's economy in the long term. However, Zou said encryption, as many migrant workers are still looking for work in China, the Government has not considered the establishment of the guest worker program for foreigners.

Mimi said Zou, China can increase fertility or, eventually raising the retirement age, or by investing in automation to solve the labour shortage problem. She added that some of this investment has begun, and Chinese companies are outsourcing low-skill production to other Asian countries. "But obviously some work cannot be outsourced, such as domestic work," she wrote in an e-mail.

Source: reference news network

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Green Card alien

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China News Network
中国去年发“绿卡”增加 美媒:外国人仍难拿卡|绿卡|外国人_新闻资讯

  原标题:中国去年发放“绿卡”大幅增加 美媒:外国人拿卡仍难


  据美国《纽约时报》2月24日报道,前NBA控卫斯蒂芬·马布里(Stephon Marbury)在中国篮球协会打造了他的二次职业生涯,他说,他喜欢在北京当外侨名人。“这里是远离故土的家,我喜欢它,”他最近在伴随一段视频发布的推文中写道,视频显示了他在中国吃火锅。



  荷兰莱顿大学从事现代中国研究的教授彭轲(Frank Pieke)说,中国的移民政策是矛盾的,一方面,中国为了提高经济现代化,优先吸引外国人才,另一方面,这些政策反映了与外国人保持距离的根深蒂固的本能。彭轲说,这些政策与日本和韩国的很相像,是“以极强的民族国家感为基础的,这种国家将自身定义为一个特定民族和文化群体的家园,要保持自己的纯洁性,只让那些它真的非常需要的人进来。”

  费戈曼(Fragomen)国际移民律师事务所在上海的合伙人Becky Xia说,上海2015年的一项规定放宽了在当地居住的外国公民获得“绿卡”的资格标准。虽然申请人仍必须拿出已在上海居住四年的证明,并且有高于60万人民币的年薪,她说,但新规定不再要求他们是高级管理人员。












绿卡 外国人


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