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Lijiang was hit woman sustained minor injuries secondary treatment spend no money a lawyer

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/24 23:44:41 Browse times: 61 Comment times: 0

Lijiang was hit woman sustained minor injuries secondary treatment spend no money a lawyer(丽江被打女子轻伤二级,治疗花光积蓄没钱请律师)

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Beaten woman sustained minor injuries secondary treatment of Lijiang Lijiang, spend no money lawyers | | beaten _ news

(Legal evening news reporter Zhang Rui editor Wu Jie), February 21, at 9 o'clock in the evening, "Lijiang was beaten" party Linda da received service of the Public Security Bureau of Lijiang Lijiang city branch of the municipal Public Security Bureau notice of expert opinion, information on the degree of injury verdict was sustained minor injuries secondary. Said if it disagrees with the views on the identification, can apply for supplementary identification or recertification. You want to apply for supplementary or recertification, Linda da told reporters that she was under consideration.

"Shortly after I finished the identification of Lijiang police as, call sent a team, asked me to go to a third party body to identify, I refused. "Linda said da, river police said lawyers can step up," from the up to now was my own money, I worry about surgery, but did not dare to think about the future costs of surgery and plastic surgery. So no income for a long time, I could not afford a lawyer, I do not know where to go for money. ”

> Linda da before and after the injury


  "Lijiang police identified up and let me go to the third party authentication"

On February 12, the Lijiang police personnel to Linda da expert testimony.

The night of February 21, expert testimony submissions sent to her on his hand. According to expert opinion, gucheng district, Lijiang City Public Security Bureau branch of hiring staff to Linda da body damage degree of expert testimony, expert opinion is sustained minor injuries secondary. Notice shows that views on the identification of objects, can apply for supplementary identification or recertification.

In response, Lin da told reporters that do not apply to add or recertification, is also under consideration. "I don't know what to do next. February 12 after he finished his medical examination, put a heart, and a few good night's rest. But the calm didn't last long. A few days later, I received a call from police in Lijiang, said they sent a team, asked me to go to a third party to identify, I refused. “

"I did not see the police sent by the people of Lijiang, I have finished the identification, also signed, why third party identification? "Lin da said, after which she began to anxiety," can't fall asleep, wake up several times a night. Months of experience as a dream, I always thought that if I haven't hurt this much good, can someone help me how nice...... "She sighed, then said," How is it possible to go back in time? Am I stupid? ”

  "Police said lawyers involved I can't afford a lawyer"

Linda da said that Lijiang police told her, now lawyers can intervene, "the real question is, do the operation but also the lives of, from the up to now was my own money. I was not rich, now bankrupt, and dread to think what the future costs of surgery and plastic surgery. So no income for a long time, I could not afford a lawyer, I do not know where to go for money. ”

Despite future do surgery and cosmetic of costs, may will spent huge, but Linda da said she also didn't wants to had compensation of problem, currently only wants to go formal legal program, "from accident to now, hurt had I of those people of parents, and relatives, and friends, no a people station out and I said a sentence ' sorry ', the how sentenced on how sentenced's. ”

  "Recently left under the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus cyst bleed every day"

Hospitals are the most reluctant to Linda da place, "operation at a time, to cut nasal hair, which is painful. Surgery kept sneezing, nose will fall, and gauze stuffed in there holding the nasal bone. Already breathing disorders, sleeping after surgery will be arousal. Even now, sometimes is arousal. ”

Linda da says she can't want to smile like that laugh, cry cry, "I can't smile, a smile face pain on both sides. Is not felt before, the entire face is numb. ”

Previously due to body does not apply, Linda da had to hospital do had check, in Linda da provides of a copies Guangdong Province second people Hospital of medical report in the wrote, "double side nasal bone, and nasal septum, and left maxillary sinus Qian wall, and inside wall and the top wall more sent fracture, and bone at density more Qian slightly increased, consider has bone scab growth; original left maxillary sinus product liquid basic absorption; left maxillary sinus mucosa Xia cyst; double side screen sinus inflammation. ”

"See ' submucous cyst of maxillary sinus on the left ' I'm scared, I was afraid to ask a doctor, check the information from the Internet, said the possibility of cancer, it's hard to accept. "Linda da says she does not know what to do, now online say not to eat spicy food, don't eat Bacon, preserves, do not drink, coffee or drink," when I want to wait for the next surgery, ask your doctor. ”

Why not problems to consult a doctor, Linda da admitted avoiding.

Linda da told reporters next to the location of the cysts in the nose, visible to the naked eye, look higher than skin, soft to the touch, push, "from under the left eye to the left nose is. These days up, nosebleed, face wound hurts in these two days, I also don't know if and cysts. In short these days in the midst of fear. ”


  In early March "to surgery fear of putting things in my mouth"

"The beginning of March, I went to the hospital to have septum surgery, nasal bones are not reset, and do surgery must first solve the problem of nasal bone of the nasal septum. See the hospital to run. "Lin da told reporters, after the last surgery anesthesia, it ran a high fever," they can't eat painkillers and antipyretics, only ice for pain and fever, it's a day and a night. Nose breathe, using only their mouths to breathe, drink water in three minutes, and I can't get up, this means that 24 hours a day, I can't sleep, take care of my people can't sleep. ”

Linda da said, not only that, but each operation, doctors in her throat in a similar amplifier the same thing, "awake, would hamper the talk, taking also hurt. Think about surgery, it is afraid, even before operation check, think feel unbearable, fit a hose from left nostril, come out from the throat, and put into the right nostril. Because my nasal bone fractures, not to wear, even if you spray the anesthetic, and a headache. ”

Linda da said that relative to the physical pain she felt psychological pressure is also great, "each operation, my Mom took care of me. My mother is in poor health, in order to take care of I eat well, sleep well, I was guilty. ”

  "The police informed me at night take me the next day to be refused"

Linda da says she doesn't want to sleep in the evening, always drifted off to sleep until dawn, "only five or six o'clock in the morning and when it was day, hearts will be steadfast, to fall asleep for a while. She is afraid of night, or even when they went to the police station to be interviewed, as long as the evening, they will somehow upset and wanted to go home, don't want to stay on the outside. ”

Linda da said that few days ago, the police informed her to take expert testimony reported in the evening, "I will discuss it with each other, wanted to go during the day the next day, was rejected. When raining, no way but to go to. ”

"Don't know if it's depression, and felt someone looking at me and talking about me. One day to go out with friends for dinner, think quietly talking to the person next to me, I would like to know what they say about me, can not hear well to ask results on pins and needles. I feel so tired, you send a long message to my mother and my brother tell me MOM, I'm a bank card password, scared her to give me a call. Finish my mom calls me crying all night, really feel the need to hold on. ”

  Extended interview

  Lawyer: disability identification requires a loss difficult to do

Journalists access to information found that secondary refers to a variety of causes of injuries caused by the primary injury or complications caused by the primary injury is not life-threatening; remnants of tissue and organ structure and function of minor damage or appearance.

Lawyer with Beijing Beijing Wang Dianxue told reporters that the text was made on charges of affray in the case, two minor injuries should be held criminally responsible. Linda da, for it involves the criminal supplementary civil compensation case, if you want to claim compensation for moral damages, the Court would not necessarily support. But she can advocate health care, time, care, nutrition, transportation and other costs, because this matter has led to a series of losses.

Said Wang Dianxue, Lin da late follow-up treatment, including surgery, cosmetic surgery costs are included in medical expenses, medical expenses overall functions returned to normal.

Judging from the present situation, there may be a court compensation, but if the refusal or afford, Wang Dianxue suggested that Linda da can go to apply for State aid funds, "If Lin da identification does not endorse, can apply for recertification, or malingering. ”

  Case of playback

  Lijiang tours have been beaten up the face of the woman was disfigured by bottle

The night of January 24, user @ Linda da is my micro-blog post, November 11, 2011, during a visit by a group of men had suffered an unprovoked assault in Lijiang, badly led to disfigurement, and released some of their photos.

At noon on January 25, @ Lijiang, Yunnan police "events hit Lijiang" informed of the investigation, said the main suspect had been controlled by the police, said Dong XX (Linda da) injury, according to the appraisal standard of body injury degree 4.2.2, to face damage or tissue and organ dysfunction as main identification evidence, in damage identification of 90 days.

The night of January 25, reporter Linda da connection the parties. She said to her fair, she was not so desperate. She was going to marry her boyfriend, because this thing broke up with her boyfriend. Ready to shop plans are put on hold.

The afternoon of January 26, reporters learned that Lijiang police in Zhuhai made records for Linda da re, and wound up first. Check out Linda his signature was rejected. Linda da said, when she was hospitalized in Guangzhou, the hospital that she is 6 cm long wound, forensic yesterday is 5 cm, which she couldn't sign.

On January 27, Lijiang, Yunnan province, the City Government Press Office informed the "Lijiang hit" Update: involved and a loose 6 suspects are under criminal detention by public security organs.

On February 4, the Lijiang again went to Zhuhai to Lin da to be interviewed by the police.

On February 9, gucheng district, Lijiang city, Yunnan propaganda official Twitter released @ Gu Xuan informed "Lijiang woman was playing the" progress made in the case, said crime was arrested 6 suspects on suspicion of affray.

On February 11, is the river police informed Lin da to do days of expert testimony, but Linda da says, she won't go to the expert testimony of Lijiang.

On February 12, Linda his expert testimony.

On February 21, Lijiang Bureau issued certificate of injury identified Linda da's injury minor secondary.

On February 23, Linda da said it is considering to be malingering.

Text/legal evening news reporter Zhang Rui

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Lijiang beat

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丽江被打女子轻伤二级 治疗花光积蓄没钱请律师|丽江|暴打_新闻资讯

  (法制晚报记者 张蕊 编辑 吴洁)2月21日晚9点,“丽江旅游遭暴打”当事人琳哒接到了丽江公安局送达的丽江市公安局古城分局《鉴定意见通知书》,通报对其人体损伤程度鉴定结果是轻伤二级。通知称如果对该鉴定意见有异议,可以提出补充鉴定或者重新鉴定的申请。对于要不要申请补充或者重新鉴定,琳哒告诉记者,她还在考虑中。


> 琳哒受伤前后







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  文/法制晚报记者 张蕊


丽江 暴打


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