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GT: some people continued to attack Chen Ning Yang, it’s kind of strange

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/22 9:26:08 Browse times: 48 Comment times: 0

GT: some people continued to attack Chen Ning Yang, it’s kind of strange(环球时报:一些人持续攻击杨振宁,这挺奇怪的)

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Global times: some people have continued to attack Yang | attack this strange moral | | Yang _ news

Already give up their foreign nationality to become Chinese citizens, Yang Chen-Ning and Andrew Chi-chih Yao to academician, the News Tuesday at the ripples on the Chinese Internet. Public opinion over the years on the complex emotions surrounding Chen Ning Yang once again, "it's fine, and back pension" "best scientific career abroad, old comes back to respect the" strange comment is typical.

Yang founded in the fifties or sixties of the 20th century, "Yang-Mills gauge field" theory and the "Yang-Baxter equation", and with Tsung-Dao Lee jointly proposed principle of conservation of parity in weak interactions and won the 1957 Nobel Prize in physics. He was one of the earliest Chinese-American Nobel Prize winner LI Zhengdao.

Chen Ning Yang, the 70 's of the last century began to return, making a contribution to promoting the development of science and higher education in China. He has a depth of scientific literacy and exciting culture, is also an influential public figure in Chinese society.

Around the Yang controversy began in 2004 he is 82 years old and 28-year old Weng fan married, both age disparity "young love" touches some, they sneer. The marriage became Chen Ning Yang was a symbol for a long time.

Marriage of celebrity a bit special public interest, by a number of arguments, it is normal. However it is to be noted that he is serious scientists, his social activities are mainly in the areas of science education, his non-celebrity. Public opinion keeps the old scientist is gossip, and morally fastidious to him, is not it should be.

Others vilified Chen Ning Yang, deliberately belittling his scientific contributions, he engaged in scientific research and educational activities in mainland China in recent decades of the motives and values, declared his "patriotic", discrediting such remarks often mixed Yang expressed discontent on the Web.

Have to say, so there should be no strong confidence of public opinion, it should not be is the public face of a business card on the Internet. Yang's accusations reflect the intolerance, it is also public opinion any one characterization of an act of, even on moral judgment of rudeness.

Yang Zhenning's choice of private life not hurting anything, to tell you the truth, on his marriage with Weng fan, outside is the most dignified attitude should give their blessing. There are those who envy them, this feeling can not be regarded as odd, fermenting it and use it to derive various taunts and attacks against Mr Yang, this is definitely not a media market to be proud of the performance.

Extended criticism of the Chen Ning Yang, many of which are not worth refuting. Forced contrast Yang Chen-Ning and Deng jiaxian, is mean to mess up. Does this person really is not necessarily the real admirer of Deng jiaxian, believe that if Deng jiaxian is alive, he would have continued with Chen Ning Yang, the classmate in his youth friendship.

Deng jiaxian devotion of defense-related research, has done for China to build atomic bombs and that generation of scientists in the typical great pay, he was moved by the story of Chinese society as a whole. However scattered combinations of things that shaped the countless different life, as long as life on the road in their best, as even made the outstanding achievements of Chen Ning Yang, also deserve respect.

Without a great spirit will try to imitate, great pay potential contains a tolerance. Diversity and value diversity of life forms a common heart of the community, should also be a beginner's mind is our pursuit of social progress. No matter how far we go, how high, and it should not be forgotten.

If Yang is the Internet media market see a spray of blacklisted, then our moral ruler hypocritical high and scary. Chen Ning Yang is so high academic achievement, and China has done a lot of things, he should be in the Internet media field of "positive character" list. In other words, how to deal with Chen Ning Yang, can be seen as a litmus test of how inclusive the Internet media market. (The author is the global times commentator)

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Attacks the moral Yang controversy

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