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Zhejiang uncovered online selling fake cosmetics case, involving over 800 million

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/16 10:42:37 Browse times: 126 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang uncovered online selling fake cosmetics case, involving over 800 million(浙江破获网上销售伪劣化妆品案,涉案金额超8亿)

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Zhejiang uncovered online selling fake cosmetics case involving over 800 million _ | | | fake cosmetics, cross-province news

> Seized piles of counterfeit cosmetics.

> "Chanel" perfume appeared muddy.

Although high imitation and counterfeiting are two concepts, but the meaning is close. High copy you may be able to buy a pair of shoes to wear on the feet, but do you dare to buy counterfeit cosmetics?

Recently, jiaojiang, Taizhou Public Security Bureau uncovered a trans-provincial production and sale of counterfeit cosmetics cases, seizures are Amway, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Chanel, Christian Dior and other big names in the world, totaling more than 1200 boxes, quality goods valued at more than 800 million. The online sale of counterfeit cosmetics, have the potential to cause harm to the human body.

Police caught Li, Zhang and 15 other suspects have been transferred to the procuratorial organs to review 13.

  The informant used the term "Amway" feeling under the weather

  Led out across the province, the police case

In early February, Jiao Wang, low price for a group of Amway products on the Internet, including shower gel and shampoo, etc.

Used to miss the formal King of the Amway products found that although these shower gel and shampoo in appearance and flavor almost find fault with, but feel less comfortable to use. Miss Wang suspected that the network bought the products may have feline, and to provide feedback on their concerns to local police.

After receiving the report, police found by network information, Lee, Caldwell and others in the jiaojiang District through Taobao shops selling fake "Amway" brand product, a large amount. To this end, jiaojiang District Public Security Bureau set up task force to conduct an in-depth investigation.

On March 15, 2016, the task force arrested in a building on East ring road, jiaojiang district production and sale of fake or substandard products suspect Ke Mou, Lee and 4 others, and in the sale of two warehouses near the den seized counterfeit "Amway Amway" products over more than 100 boxes, worth nearly 200,000 yuan. Later, another Member of the gang, Wang voluntarily surrendered.

Meanwhile, the task force, Public Security Bureau of food and drugs, environment, a group of members of the joint investigation team, in Barry road in Wenzhou captured another suspected production and sale of fake or substandard products suspect Lee.

It is understood that the Lee group in July 2015, between March 15, 2016 and Amway series Taobao selling fake commodities, sourced from Li, Harbin, Wenzhou and Henan. Its general sales for goods on Taobao direct resale home.

  Cost more than 10 selling 10 times times

  To prevent raids factories and had a German Shepherd

According to suspect section of pingdingshan, Henan province, an account of, their own line and set up shop on the Internet for at least seven or eight under, through false scalping, improve the reputation of the shop, ushering many "cheap" customers.

"Most customers buy our merchandise, discover what's strange, after some careful customers find products have problems, our theory, in this case, we immediately agreed to give them a full refund. "Said many returning customers get money, generally no longer blaming will even continue to praise.

But many customers "tough", give them a bad review and complaints, and others online shop also has had various titles by platform experience. However, when the shop is, they quickly reopened.

A recognized, their big in pingdingshan in production and sales of factories, the brand covers a very wide, well basically mass, major brands, such as Chanel, Lancome, Estee Lauder, he didn't miss a.

How these counterfeit brands of cosmetics is processed out of it? "We buy is the production of raw materials for cosmetics, and match against them in accordance with the formula, and then loaded into the packaging from the Guangdong side to buy and wholesale sales to wholesalers. ”

Revealed that costs only a few more than 10 bucks a bottle of fake cosmetics, online selling price of 10 times or even dozens of times, for example, a brand of toothpaste, they take goods cost price at around 10 Yuan a piece, on the Internet selling at least more than 20 Yuan, half lower than the original price.

Some fear, knowing that sooner or later there will be sectors to look up, but profits, he cannot accept. In order to prevent its own warehouses and factories to check and combat, specifically where he had several ferocious dogs, see strangers mad roar, even stepped forward to attack.

In this connection, jiaojiang District Public Security Bureau of food and drug and environmental crime investigation Brigade under Captain Zhang Kuiyong has learned. After his check to a hideout, trying to get into. When the police had just over the wall into the warehouse, the ferocious guard dog starts growling, civilian police were forced out.

"Suspect thinks dogs can turn us away, but we also have solutions. "After some consideration, Zhang Kuiyong decided to" buy "these vicious dogs, and arranged for police came to the shop and bought a bunch of ham, after the second feeding for dogs to eat, when they eat, police quickly took the opportunity to enter the fishing expedition.

  Package copy genuine QR code

  Victims of allergic skin fester

Yesterday morning, at a warehouse in jiaojiang County Public Security Bureau, reporters saw traced part of fake and shoddy products, whole half warehouse is full. One of the Chanel perfumes, Floc impurities in the liquid inside appeared cloudy.

Press random pieces of counterfeit packaging, using a mobile phone while scanning the QR code above, can show the formal introductions and price of this product. "This is very confusing, many consumers think that QR codes can be found must be authentic, in fact, these QR codes are copied genuine QR code, so the displayed information is of course true. ”

Police told reporters that during the process of investigation, they also have access to some of the victims, these victims after used these fake cosmetics, skin allergies and even fester.

"The amount of fake and counterfeit products are so large, the Chinese public security authorities for these products simply cannot self-destruct. "It is understood that at present they are contacting some qualified departments, through scientific means, the chemistry of these counterfeit products destroyed.

Source: qianjiang evening news

> Editor: Zhang di

Article keywords:
Cosmetics, across the province, fake

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浙江破获网上销售伪劣化妆品案 涉案金额超8亿|跨省|化妆品|假货_新闻资讯












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