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9 Chinese senior officials of “lover’s robbery“

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/14 8:17:42 Browse times: 47 Comment times: 0

9 Chinese senior officials of “lover’s robbery“(9名中国高官的“情人劫”)

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9 Chinese senior officials of "lover's robbery"

On February 14, Valentine's day. This romantic day for some Lok officials, is a different kind of "lover."

Since the late 90, the "Mistress" became part of Lok senior officials of "standard".

For example, former Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Cheng Kejie and his mistress Li ping, China, former Vice Mayor of Beijing, and hand over the mistress Wang Jianrui, former Prosecutor Li Baojin Tianjin Prosecutor's Office and the mistress Wang xiaomao ... ... Even in the so-called "public Mistress", Li jiating, and Chen tonghai, and Du Shicheng, and "public mistress," Li Wei, and so on.

Since the 18, hundreds of provincial officials have fell. Informed issued by the Central Commission for discipline inspection showed that the "Mistress" is still the provincial Lok officials more common phenomena.

Preliminary statistics show that 18 major waters after hundreds of provincial and ministerial level officials, almost 40% by the Central Commission for discipline inspection said involved "moral turpitude", "committed adultery with others", "power and sex, money transactions", and so on.

From the more than 40 employees involved "moral turpitude", "committed adultery with others" and "trading power for color, color" issues such as provincial Lok officials, sort out the following 9 people, some of them being "Mistress back", being mistress reported mistresses have somebody "working"; there's mistress, becoming one of the breakthrough of handling.

  By "Mistress back"

On December 6, 2012, the media fire 3 weibo, real names reported, the Chinese national development and Reform Commission Deputy Director, national energy administration Liu tienan, counterfeit degrees, Ni Ritao and businessmen formed collaboration between the Alliance and other issues.

One tweet posted a piece of his photos of Xu and lovers, says the two interests after the turn, she had repeatedly received death threats.

It was reported that Xu and Liu tienan, met in Japan, Xu after immigrating to Canada. His wife Ni Ritao and businessmen plan to set up a company in Canada, Xu was introduced by his find. Xu believes that its business model was arrested for forgery fraud, offered to resign after being threatened with death. Thus, Xu began to report Liu tienan, Ni Ritao.

Real-name was reported after 5 months, Liu tienan, on May 11, 2013, was taken in for questioning in December 2014, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Reportedly suffered "Mistress back" original, Member of the United Front work Department of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Wang Suyi, former Minister, former Director General of the Central Translation Bureau heckling.

In July 2014, Wang Suyi has been sentenced to life imprisonment for taking bribes.

Whether judgment is informed of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, Wang Suyi style had not been mentioned.

However, it was announced a few days later, rural version of Gu Hua, Deputy Editor of the Henan daily wrote in the microblog, Wang Suyi "has been the women's Federation to report corruption bribes nearly billion, package name daughter college student journalist, housing dozens of sets. About 30 relatives and eat empty rates. "

On January 17, 2013, Xinhua News Agency reported: the Central Translation Bureau heckling "life style" was removed from the post as Director.

Those removed from Office before the news was released, named Chang Yan the 120,000-word once, now feel the Beijing dream, discovers the ups and downs in the rain on the ping Internet speed, Chang Yan in the text itself had an affair with heckling, details on two human history itself for access to translation Bureau work, get a Beijing Hukou, to body Xu, two many, ...

After it has been removed from the Central Translation Bureau Director, heckling is now just as high grade experts in the Council.

Central Translation Bureau's website said heckling modern foreign philosophy, China is also Vice President, China Society of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Vice President, Vice President of the Chinese society for the history of Marxist philosophy, China materialism society Executive Director, Chinese science society Executive Director and other staff.

  "Working for the Mistress"

Evaluation of some critics said official relationship with the mistress is "help you, pull you down, want to defect."

If said Liu tienan, Wang Suyi, heckling encounter concubines "want to defect", then the former Vice Director of Jiangxi provincial people's Congress, Chen is "help you, pull you down" a typical representative.

In June 2015, Chen has been taking bribes, was sentenced to 12 years. Informed the Commission's question Chen had pointed out that its "morally corrupt, corrupt."

Chen an "immoral, corrupt" to what extent is it?

Chen Mistress "forthright" almost everyone knows.

Chen Zhong

According to reports, the Pingxiang officialdom ever circulated about Chen four "18" piece: "1.8-meter tall, 180 pounds of weight, a pound of 82 for liquor, 18 year old girl. "People familiar with the matter said, of the Chen's Mistress" forthright "in Pingxiang official almost everyone knows," he took his money rarely, mostly to his mistress, is basically working for mistresses. ”

The China economic weekly said, Jiangxi province, discipline inspection system a person familiar with the matter said, in prison, Chen confessed to all his crimes, had given a series of female cadre name, also wrote a long confession.

  Mistress into one of the breakthrough of handling

Officials announced the investigation, his mistress was also taken in for questioning. Media reports said some enrichment in conjunction with official mistress had become one of the breakthrough in the case.

After the original Nanjing Mayor JI jianye Lok Ma, were found three women received a disciplinary investigation: a State-owned hotel Yangzhou Deputy General Manager, Yangzhou, Yangzhou city officials of the China national development and Reform Commission, the municipal environmental protection Bureau, former Director Jin Qiufen.

JI jianye

It was reported that the female officials of the national development and Reform Commission of China was originally a typist in the Office of the municipal government, fair-skinned, often send files to bypass the Secretary personally gave JI jianye, JI jianye after promoted to Deputy Director of China's national development and Reform Commission, the city, JI jianye, she followed.

Inform the Central Commission for discipline inspection when JI jianye, adopted the "moral turpitude". Media reports said JI jianye was keeping several mistresses, and even some of the women officials to commit adultery.

Secretary of the Nanjing municipal Committee of the original Yang weize, Federation Chairman Guo Yongxiang, Sichuan province, two people were investigations, two mistresses was also taken in for questioning.

According to the independent Commission against corruption Watch reports: Wuxi New District "beauty propaganda Minister" Yu Minyan and Yang weize known locally. Yu Minyan is under the jurisdiction of the county-level city of Wuxi Yixing, who majored in art, usually drive an Audi car, she was born in 1977, but files were changed in 1983. His father was engaged in the construction of merchant, and Yang weize cross.

Following Guo Yongxiang was taken away by the level of female cadres, who work in the Executive Office of the Sichuan provincial party Committee. The officials who met with her, the woman cadre in his native Chengdu, more than 30 years old, looks excellent in quality, when working in the Office of the provincial, provincial party Committee Guo Yongxiang, Director of the General Office of the provincial Committee of the Secretary-General, "the relationship between the two close, very close." "She drives an Audi, usually not much. 2012 was promoted to Deputy Division level, recently adopted a year earlier period, and didn't think it was wrong. ”

In June 2015, the mystery woman mired in corruption nest case in Jieyang city of Guangdong, "Xu Xiaowan" (real name Xu Qiulin), sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for bribery. It was reported that Xu Qiulin is the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Standing Committee, Wan qingliang, former Secretary of Guangzhou Municipal Committee and Jieyang municipal party Committee Chen hongping, former Secretary of "public mistress."

According to reports, "Xu Xiaowan" had a son with his Wan qingliang, Chen hongping, respectively. After hearing, "Xu Xiaowan" the final statement said: "I have six children, the youngest only 10 months, followed by a 23-month, for nearly three years, I have not seen them, and I don't know what they, their father had been arrested. ”

"Xu Xiaowan" bribe not associated with Wan qingliang, too? Officials did not disclose details. Although there have been bribes Wan qingliang Hong Group Chairman Huang Hongming, who brought several sums into control of the company, by "redistribution".

  , Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region shot dead lover

On November 11 last year, Shanxi province Taiyuan intermediate people's Court of the first instance, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Inner Mongolia publicly Zhao Liping murder, bribery and illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, illegal storage of explosives, identified Zhao Liping the defendant is guilty of murder, bribery and illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, illegal storage of explosives offences, decided to implement the death penalty.

Zhao Liping served in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Department, Director of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Inner Mongolia autonomous region ten Vice Chairmen of the people's Government.

A premeditated crime, gun hunted down and shot the victim in the residential area, dumped for spite and opened fire at the victims, burn the corpse with gasoline, its criminal nature and seriousness of the crime of intentional homicide committed by particularly bad, crime with particular cruelty committed extremely serious social harm, the effect is extremely bad, pleaded not guilty and should be punished according to law.

Zhao Liping came because of love disputes a gun lover, after shooting at the victims ' bodies to vent their anger, and burn the corpse.

Written by reporter Wang Shu/Beijing News proofreading: Guo Liqin

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2017-02-14 20:47:14
The Beijing News














































  撰稿/新京报记者 王姝 校对:郭利琴

(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2017-02-14 20:47:14

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