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Rumors once again stuck with China: 500 men to interfere in Indonesian elections Governors

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/13 11:53:28 Browse times: 92 Comment times: 0

Rumors once again stuck with China: 500 men to interfere in Indonesian elections Governors(谣言再度缠上中国:派500人插手印尼选举省长)

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Rumors once again stuck with China: Governor of 500 men to interfere in Indonesian election | | Indonesian | rumors _ the election news

> Data chart: Zhong Wanxue

[Global network of military global times reported on February 13 correspondent in Indonesia You Xianhe] Indonesia's local elections will be held on February 15, China debut, will be held in sync, 101 cities, counties, elections. This election has nothing to do with China because of rumors and found in relation to China, especially with regard to the capital, Jakarta, ethnic Chinese candidate, Governor Zhong Wanxue messages. "Ethnic and religious factors will decide the fate of Chinese-American Governor? "The 12th Hong Kong's South China Morning Post quoted experts as saying," it will become very ugly black election. "

Jakarta Governor in this election of the SAR had 3 candidates, first candidate candidate Zhong Wanxue, Argus, second and third candidate anís. Apart from Zhong Wanxue, and remaining both Muslims. Zhong Wanxue for "blasphemy of Islam" was found guilty of court trials. Indonesia's mainstream newspaper, Kompas, pollsters SMRC recent poll results show that Zhong Wanxue's support rate is about 36%-39%, leading the other two candidates, but far from the law the winner must receive over 51% votes, elections are expected to enter the second round, by the beginning of the top two candidates with the most votes is selected against.

According to Indonesian law, on February 11, the candidates were allowed to hold rallies for the last time, from 12th to 14th as "cooling off period", and no candidates campaigning. 11th, radical Muslim groups in Indonesia, "defend the Islamic Front" held at Jakarta's largest mosque to pray, said 100,000 people attended. Activities site slogan asking followers "swear selected Muslim leaders." Argus and anís were present at the party, is considered to be the two to fight against Zhong Wanxue sign.

Network in Indonesia, targeting Chinese Zhong Wanxue false rumors. Indonesia's "net" reported that social media spread in Indonesia said "China has 500 men to protect Zhong Wanxue" was eventually proved to be false. Some labor groups and university students in Jakarta have accused Zhong Wanxue insisted on reclaimed land off the coast, is "in order to sell land to the Chinese island".

12th issued a document known as the New York Times of the United States, Zhong Wanxue is the highest ranking since 1998 Indonesia towards democracy ethnic Chinese politicians. Often regarded as the gateway to the Indonesian President, Jakarta Governor level. Ethnic Chinese population accounts for only 1% to 4% of Indonesia's population, but because they have a lot of resentment of wealth. "Zhong Wanxue struggle within the native concerns", the report said, some Chinese-Indonesians strongly supported Zhong Wanxue, but some worry, Bell learning style of politics may make Chinese once again become a scapegoat for Indonesia's political struggle.

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Election Indonesia rumors

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  [环球网军事2月13日报道 环球时报驻印尼特约记者 游弦鹤]印尼中国性地方首长选举将于2月15日登场,将有101个市、县、省同步举行选举。这场本来与中国毫不相干的选举却因谣言和中国扯上关系,尤其是关于首都雅加达华裔省长候选人钟万学的各种消息。“种族和宗教因素是否会决定华裔省长的命运?”香港《南华早报》12日引述专家的话称,“这场黑色选举将变得非常丑陋”。






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