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Shandong girls killed skiing, tourists

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/10 11:08:31 Browse times: 86 Comment times: 0

Shandong girls killed skiing, tourists(山东女童殒命滑雪场,游客)

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Shandong girls die ski tourists: 40 minutes before clearing skiing | ski | death | _ news

> Original title: 10 year old girl died in linyi ski tourists said after the 40-minute ski clearance

Linyi public network, February 9 (reporter Wei Hui Deng Mengjiao Lin Peng Liu Yuandi) 9th, linyi, linyi, a 10 year old girl in the tea-growing hills ski area skiing, unfortunately was involved in Carousel deaths. After the incident, a number of witnesses described the incident to reporters. That afternoon, when reporters arrived at the ski, ski door shut and ticket office window from the outside on the bar. Lanshan linyi city, according to the official, head of the ski has been controlled, and the cause of the accident is under further investigation. Deceased mother an interview, she said when she is near the daughter, dressed in a ski outfit very inconvenient, failed to appear at the scene, as of press time, skiing has not given a clear statement.

> Ski Web site screenshot

  Witnessed tourists about process, about 40 minutes after the incident the ski radio still on music

9th, netizens claimed said in linyi city chashan ski area, a 10 years old girl fall in the uphill, hair and arms into the conveyor belt, left leg cut off, left rib fractures, broken ribs are worn out the internal organs, resulting in death..

According to one witness described, the incident occurred on the little girl is from the conveyor belt to the top of the mountain, when her ski poles on the conveyor belt, when the little girl reached down to pick up a ski pole, sitting on a conveyor belt does not stand up. Although there are people who want to help, but because of the distance, feet on the sled, only a bit moving forward, then the girls reached the conveyor belt and the top of the junction, long hair is rolled in, girl is pulled when arm is rolled by hand into it.

Mr Hu said the public, the time of the incident, he and the baby is just sliding on a journey to the top, see the belt stops. "The little girl was face down, full of blood. "Mr Hu told reporters half an hour after he had left the snow when snow or during normal operation, there is business as usual in the broadcast, 120 had already arrived at the scene.

During the ski public high lady told reporters that morning, she took the children to the tea-growing hills ski, and children hired a coach yourself sliding into the waiting children. 10:40, belt suddenly stops, says "above was wrong." High said, did not know exactly what happened, thought it was a mechanical failure, because the site did not see someone running, live speech still ringing music. Subsequently, the carousel opened next door, coaches with high and her children went next door continues to snow skiing. "We Skate twice before starting the clearance, at approximately 11:20, almost from the incident after 40 minutes. "High said, until they leave, nor heard any explanation in the broadcast," now think was still trembling. "

> 4:30, when reporters came to the tea-growing hills ski area, ski area has been closed, not to let anyone enter.

  Ski resort closed after the incident at the ticket office Windows and steel

13 o'clock, reporters get in touch with tea-growing hills ski area, hotlines connected immediately hang up. Subsequently, the ski area staff and private mobile phone contact with journalists, said after the signal is not good, hung up the phone again. Half an hour later, reporters tried again to contact tea-growing hills ski area staff, staff did not receive phone calls, sending text messages to reporters say they are meeting.

16:30, when reporters came to the tea-growing hills ski area, ski area has been closed at this time, not to let anyone enter. Reporters on the scene saw at the ticket office is closed, the ticket office window is also used steel pin. More than security at the door to prevent outsiders from entering. When a reporter identified, wants to enter the ski area to interview, was rejected. Security said the head is not. Reporters at the periphery see faintly through the fence, from the entrance to the inside, with two police vehicles parked in it.

Subsequently, the reporter from behind the ski resort East of the road from the Hill, but by 7 men claiming to be in the Middle surrounded by snow ski the night staff. Subsequently, four staff members, prevent journalists from up the Hill.

Reporters from the tea-growing hills ski area official Web site news section, linyi city, February 9 issued an article about "the end of the 2016 season" message, the specific content for: 2016 dasan end of ski season, thanks to the support of skiers to the ski. Looking forward to 2017 season.

Reporters check out the ski area official information see, tea Mountain ski area is located in linyi city Li Guan Zhen, Zhen Shan scenic area, linyi dasan ski functions, facilities, projects invested more than 50 million Yuan, covers an area of more than 500 acres. Engineering has built a large aerial skiing double chair lift high road, high drag and hold and magic carpet intermediate trail two, magic carpet run in practice areas. Primary trails for beginners, veneers as well as children's entertainment area, a single snow above 1000 meters in length, ski area 300000 square meters, width up to snow more than 100 meters, can hold 3000 people present at skiing.

> 4:30, when reporters came to the tea-growing hills ski area at the ticket office is closed, the ticket office window is also used steel pin.

  Official ski resort owner had been controlled, the cause of the accident is under investigation

16:24, Lanshan district, linyi city publicity Office official informed the official Micro-Blog @ LAN Shan said: tea ski a play about the women tourists in accidents, died.

Reported on February 9, 2017, around 10:38, Li Guan Zhen tea-growing hills ski area, a 10 year old (female) visitors ride the snow Hill fell down a conveyor belt, the body is choked by conveyor belt. Staff of rescue and immediately dialed 120 and 119 in the first, Li Guan Zhen, public security, fire fighting, hospital departments were quickly on the scene and the active rescue. The visitors by the doctor's diagnosis, confirmed dead. After the incident, the Government immediately launched emergency plans, set up by the safety inspection, quality inspection, tourism and public security department accident investigation team, led by the District Government in charge of the district went to the scene to investigate. At present, the ski area closed ski area who has been brought under control, of which the cause of the accident is under further investigation.

Mothers of the dead children nearby when the incident, because the mobility of ski equipment failed to appear

At 17 o'clock, reporter contacted the girl's mother, Ms. The phone, Ms Chan's hoarse and heartbroken.

She told reporters this morning, she took her daughter and colleague to go skiing, daughter nominal age 10 years old this year. Slide slide was accompanied by her daughter for the first time, daughter not to, just want to slip once, but tragedy occurs. Chen said that when she was in the vicinity of the incident and saw her daughter had an accident, but dressed in ski equipment very inconvenient, so not being able to appear on the scene.

"After the accident, my colleagues called police, the doctor had to say had no vital signs, at present are waiting for forensic identification. "Ms Chan said that ski area did not give a clear statement yet, she must get a statement for their children. Because they are so sad, Ms Chan said after saying a few words out.

17:40, reporter learned from Lanshan district propaganda Department, has already set up investigation teams, the child remains at the funeral home. Li Guan Zhen said, snow is consulting with family members, estimated that tomorrow will be the preliminary results.

  Ski fatalities occurred as much domestic security problems

It is understood that in recent days, many ski in ski accidents. Only in January this year, two people died in three days skiing.

On January 16, a female graduate student at Peking University in chongli wanlong ski skiing, unexpected death, when this girl in the first tie in the snow, surrounded by bark, and when the rescue team when the girls out of the snow, girls look very ugly. On January 18, Chong Li ski too dance, appeared in the tragedy, according to Internet users broke the 18th too dance ski patrol found a wounded boy, and later the boy was taken to the hospital, at the hospital, had no vital signs, and ultimately died.

Skiers how to "safe roads"? Industry insiders said, snow skiing ski should choose a full formal and hire a qualified coach, to start from the first level, under the guidance of coach skiing, through participation in formal training to learn to ski. Skiers to increase their sense of security, especially beginners, must themselves choose their own snow. In addition, skiers in the ski area to buy ski tickets can be purchase of insurance, such as unexpected, the injured can be based on the purchase of insurance reimbursement of a certain percentage of the cost.

Attachment: 7 ski safety considerations

(1) abilities: when a skier's skill level so that we can stop safely and avoid when barriers and other skiers on the piste, to go skiing in high snow fields.

(2) the side rest stop: staying at rest, stopping on the edge of the piste, and full attention and avoid people slide down from the top, so are when you go back into the snow.

(3) preventing collision: ski saying, not afraid of falling, fear hit. That is rather fall or collide, the collision is very dangerous, not against others, is to hit the tree, on the block, ranging from contusions, fractures.

(4) risk: not to ski in the Woods, steep slopes and deep valleys. Generally speaking three or more people ski the most security.

(5) security fall: fall not to struggle, to rapidly reduce the center of gravity to the recoil. Under normal circumstances, you can raise your hands and arms, bend, letting it slide down, to avoid the number one down, more to avoid tumbling.

(6) first aid: usually should learn some basic first aid and medical knowledge, such as injuries, fractures the measures to be taken.

(7) the science to the rescue: find others injured, don't rush to dispose and move, should report to the snow field ambulance personnel as soon as possible.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Ski resort killed skiing

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山东女童殒命滑雪场 游客:40分钟后才清场|滑雪场|殒命|滑雪_新闻资讯

>  原标题:临沂10岁女孩殒命滑雪场,游客称事发后40分钟雪场才清场

  大众网临沂2月9日讯(记者 韦辉 邓梦娇 林鹏 刘元迪)9日,临沂一名10岁女孩在临沂茶山滑雪场滑雪时,不幸被卷入传送带死亡。事发后,多位目击者向记者讲述了事发经过。当天下午,记者赶到滑雪场时,滑雪场大门紧闭,售票处的窗户上也从外面别上了钢筋。据临沂兰山官方通报,滑雪场负责人已被控制,事故原因正在进一步调查中。死者母亲接受记者采访,她说事发时就在女儿附近,因为身着滑雪装备行动很不便,未能及时出现在现场,截至记者发稿时,滑雪场还没给出明确说法。




































滑雪场 殒命 滑雪


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