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Lijiang was beaten woman: not going to Lijiang, expert testimony, it’s dangerous

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/10 11:08:30 Browse times: 76 Comment times: 0

Lijiang was beaten woman: not going to Lijiang, expert testimony, it’s dangerous(丽江遭暴打女子:不会去丽江做伤情鉴定,太危险)

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Lijiang was beaten woman: not going to Lijiang Lijiang | beaten, expert testimony was too dangerous to do | |-Lin da _ news

(Legal evening news reporter Wu Jie Zhang Rui edit) the evening of February 9, gucheng district, Lijiang city, Yunnan's propaganda Department informed the official Micro-Blog "11.11 women tourists in Lijiang is playing the event", saying 6 suspects arrested by the approval.

Informed, on November 11, 2016, and a loose 6 people in the peace road, gucheng district, Lijiang city, such as beating a barbecue restaurant Dong XX (female), who, after the incident, the public security organs shall continue to carry out investigations, and 6 suspects detained under the law. According to the relevant provisions of the criminal procedure law of the people's Republic of China, on February 9, 2017, gucheng district, Lijiang city people's Procuratorate approved, gucheng district, Lijiang City Public Security Bureau branch on suspicion of crime of affray and a loose 6 arrest of suspects.

At present, the case is further processed.

The evening of February 9, the legal evening news reporters connection of the beaten woman Linda da in Lijiang.

 Communications-"hit me more people than this"

Legal evening news: Lijiang informed of case progress, 6 suspects being arrested, did they tell you?

Lin da: Lijiang, I just saw the official briefing. Hit me more people than this, people didn't catch enough. First let me recognize the suspect is 6, why is still 6 people? When we have a lot of people, about three or four people to play us a person.

Legal evening news: Zhuhai made several notes you back?

Lin da: I went back to Zhuhai in total a record three times, each time to be interviewed is a difficult task. Sometimes to do seven or eight consecutive hours in a day, and take notes, I have collapsed for the last time. Because heard this case, police did not rest on Spring Festival in Lijiang, taking evidence, statements, everywhere and take notes, it's hard.

Recovery-"eyesight face fluid nose"

Legal evening news: the current injury?

Lin da: went to the hospital for a review. Now eyes are blurred vision, their vision checked, and decline further not clear previously has been very clearly where to look.

Plastic surgery department doctors said that my facial fracture, maxillary sinus fracture is, doctors do not recommend surgery, because there is no good repair, only the first. There is still fluid, hydrops may completely disappear, this place is a hole or depression.

Nasal bone reduction surgery has been done once, next time deviation of nasal septum surgery. Each operation is not long, but cultivation for a long time, after each operation and maintenance.

Now my nose is not the same size, nostrils, a small, has become a nasal deformity; nose, normally on the right side, leaning on the left went long. Doctors, may be when playing away at a piece of meat, but sewing operation without notice.

Legal evening news: the last interview, you said that you often forget things, now has improved?

Lin da: very poor memory, sometimes just saying, you don't remember. Take notes when sometimes when I say fast, other records slowly, waiting for him to ask me back, I can't remember, all blank in my head.

Memory loss is the most grueling thing, I had lost my keys two days ago and finally unlock master to open the door.

The injury expert – "I'm not going to Lijiang for expert testimony"

Legal evening news: tomorrow is day of expert testimony, are you ready?

Lin da: police let me do expert testimony, 11th to Lijiang. But I don't want to go. Lijiang, I don't complain, never called Lijiang, Lijiang, but to me, call my friends are mostly of Lijiang. Lijiang, I'm not going to do expert testimony, if they went to Zhuhai to make me, this can be. If they don't, I won't go, I can't go to Lijiang, I think it's too dangerous.

I've considered the field expert testimony, but police delegate to local judicial expertise center of Lijiang, it remains to be seen whether they will. Lijiang do hurt, if I had to go to, I'm sure not going to go.

Legal evening news: Lijiang, Lijiang police insist that, if you go to, what would you do?

Lin da: in fact, according to the 90-day time I should do expert testimony on the 9th. I'm pretty confused, don't know what to do. They can't watch picture expert testimony. Police didn't do early detection really caused me a great deal of influence. I am now injury may not be so heavy. Police had no records, the hospital also did not record, now I can see is the scar on the face of injury, those parts of recovery had not arrived.

Case of playback

The night of January 24, user @ Linda da is my micro-blog post, November 11, 2011, during a visit by a group of men had suffered an unprovoked assault in Lijiang, badly led to disfigurement, and released some of their photos. Internet event raised.

At noon on January 25, @ Lijiang, Yunnan police "events hit Lijiang" informed of the investigation, said the main suspect had been controlled by the police, cases are handled in accordance with legal procedures. Said Dong XX (Linda da) injury, according to the appraisal standard of body injury degree 4.2.2, to face damage or tissue and organ dysfunction as main identification evidence, in damage identification of 90 days.

On January 25, the legal evening news reporters connected to the party Lin da. In an interview, she said that since the accident, did not get a good night's sleep, hair a lot down. She said that whenever her fair, she was not so desperate. In addition, wanted her married boyfriend, because such a thing had happened, broke up with her boyfriend. Ready to shop plans on hold indefinitely.

On January 26, the legal evening news reporter was informed that the police in Lijiang to Zhuhai made records for Linda da re, and wound up first. Check out Linda his signature was rejected. Linda da said, when she was hospitalized in Guangzhou, the hospital that she is 6 cm long wound, forensic yesterday is 5 cm, which she couldn't sign.

On January 27, Lijiang, Yunnan province, the City Government Press Office informed the "Lijiang hit" Update: involved and a loose 6 suspects are under criminal detention by public security organs.

On February 4, the Lijiang again went to Zhuhai to Lin da to be interviewed by the police.

On February 9, gucheng district, Lijiang city, Yunnan propaganda official Twitter released @ Gu Xuan informed "Lijiang woman was playing the" progress of their cases, crime was arrested 6 suspects on suspicion of affray.

On February 11, is the river police informed Lin da to do days of expert testimony, but Linda da says, she won't go to the expert testimony of Lijiang.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Lijiang beating Lin da

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Legal evening news
丽江遭暴打女子:不会去丽江做伤情鉴定 太危险|丽江|暴打|琳哒_新闻资讯

  (法制晚报记者 张蕊 编辑 吴洁)2月9日晚,云南丽江市古城区委宣传部通过官方微博通报“11.11女游客丽江被打事件”,称6名嫌疑人被批准逮捕。









  关于恢复——“视力下降 脸有积液鼻畸形”
















  1月24日晚,网友@琳哒是我 在微博发帖称,2011年11月11日,她在丽江游玩时被一群男子无端殴打,伤势严重导致毁容,并发布了几张自己受伤的照片。事件引发网友关注。






  2月9号,云南丽江市古城区委宣传部官方微博@古宣发布 通报“丽江女子被打”案件进展情况,6名嫌疑人以涉嫌寻衅滋事罪被批捕。



丽江 暴打 琳哒


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