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Tongling temporary factory explosion no one died, doctor: could not tell the media

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/9 10:18:12 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Tongling temporary factory explosion no one died, doctor: could not tell the media(铜陵工厂爆炸暂无人死亡,医生:不可能告诉媒体)

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Tongling factory explosion temporarily without doctor death: no | | | explosion in a chemical plant of Tongling told the media _ news

> Explosion of Tongling city in Anhui Province. Xinhua News Agency

Tongling city, Anhui Province people's Government informed the official micro-blog on 9th, 8th 22:50, Tongling Hengxing chemical industry (private enterprises, discontinued) high boiling point solvent tank exploded, after investigation, there are no deaths. Reporters rushed to the scene to bring the first time exclusive.

Local residents thought it was an earthquake, one night didn't dare sleep

From factory explosions more than 20 meters away from the Center there is a restaurant, a reporter on the scene saw, here for the doors and Windows were blown up, items in the hotel ruins. Hotel boss told reporters that more than 10 o'clock last evening, she gets ready for bed, suddenly heard the thud sound, bright as day outside the House, she rushed out the House, view, find their hotel doors and Windows all blown up, "covered in front of a car full of oil, a pungent smell in the air. ”

During the interview, the reporter also contacted the home for winter vacation, Tongling, is Miss CHOY, the telephone, her voice slightly husky, "go to bed very late, lying in bed awake. ”

Said the scene of the explosion moments, Miss Choi recalled, "I live on the second floor, I was watching TV in the room. Suddenly heard ' bang ' sound, and then throughout the day lights up the all red, went on for about six or seven seconds of time. At that moment I was there was, unconsciously, just turn off the TV. Outside, people shouting, earthquake. ”

Location sharing through the QQ, Miss Choi sent her current location. Reporters found that Miss CHOY's district, only 1 km from the explosive chemical plants. Xinhua has arrived on the scene, visiting the supermarket, a store, turn around in a circle, did not appear in the local people rush to buy purified water, local people's mood is stable.

"I had students live near factories closer to the explosion, only about 500 meters. We also contacted last night, he said, the home of the glass without breaking, but standing on the balcony, can feel the heat of the explosion. "Miss Choi told reporters.

Officials: no casualties, online media inaccuracy

Contacted on Tongling municipal party Committee propaganda Department Director, he denied the existence of casualties, said no one was injured and no one was killed. Injured persons admitted to hospital, he repeatedly stressed that the unwitting, indeed no casualties.

On the phone, Zhang said: "because all of a sudden, Internet media misrepresentation", daily reports are accurate, Tongling, and stressed that "no casualties" representative of the real situation.

Reporter contacted the intersection of Tongling City Public Security Bureau, the outreach section staff, who asked not to be named told reporters that at present, only two people were slightly injured in the accident, but not caused by explosions, but cuts by flying glass fragments, which is subject to Tongling City Government caliber. The glass cuts staff stressed repeatedly that they arrived late, Tongling release or fire, can focus on Twitter. However, after just 10 minutes, the staff back over again, the responses and the difference before, the officer said, "go out public security is responsible for police, concrete is not clear", accurate to the City Government's publicity, said two people were injured before only because friends can see members.

Subsequently, the reporter also contacted Tongling City Fire Brigade, people listen to Jamboree of the detachment did not mention explosive things, but only direct reporters to official verification. After verification, the Director with the reply "no casualties" of a Director for the same person. However, when a reporter again when phone went unanswered, in cell phone calls.

Reporters find the Tongling post published today at 00:10 micro-blog, called the "explosion investigation and no casualties." Worth noting is that 00:47 today, the Xinhua News Agency announced, after the explosion, 2 were scratched by glass and were sent to hospital, has not been found in death.

Whether the blast casualties, how many casualties is, it remains to be confirmed.

Hospital doctor: could not tell reporters

Explosion injured rushed to the door of Tongling city hospital emergency room, reporters saw a lot of security. When they heard that when reporters asked them, doctors alert immediately rebuffed.

When a reporter asked for an interview with intent, doctor staring eyes and said, "you are the media, huh? That was less likely to tell you. "And called the hospital security reporter out the door.

Related links

Hengxing chemical industry have been listed as good environmental protection enterprises

Tongling city, published by the EPA in Tongling city of 2015-enterprise credit evaluation results announcement, Hengxing chemical industry have been listed as good environmental protection enterprises.

In addition, the explosion of the Hengxing chemical industry limited liability company West of the Yangtze River, East of Tong Guan road connected with the city, which is just 4-kilometer. Hengxing chemical factory area of Tongling chemical distribution-intensive and prone to accidents.

Nine years ago, fire in the enterprises concerned have

Anhui new media group's "Zhong an online" on March 10, 2008 has published a report, the Tongling, a sudden fire in a chemical plant of toxic smoke drifting into the residential area, "the early morning of March 9 and 40 minutes, phosphorus pentasulphide Hengxing chemical industry limited liability company of Tongling city fire emergency workshop, more than 40 tons of industrial sulphur raw materials such as highly toxic phosphorus or seriously threatened by the fire. Firefighters quickly arrived at the scene of the city emergency, after nearly 2 hours of arduous struggle, we successfully put out the fire. Following a preliminary understanding, dissolving sulfur Groove and Groove in the workshop materials were burned, but caused no casualties. ”

Enterprises who have been arrested for bribery in an accident safety supervision Bureau

Reporters a Tongling intermediate people's Court in Anhui Province was released on October 13, 2016 judging books, numbered "(2016) 86th Wan 07 penalty", in which a defendant for Hu Shanjun, Tongling city, a former Deputy Director of the work safety supervision Bureau.

Wrote judgments "from 2011 to 2015, Hengxing Chemical Co Director of the General Office Secretary of Tongling city a new project for the company in the ' three ' safety assessment and daily production and management will be the defendant in person Hu's care, before and after the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, many gave cash, gift card total of 32000. Meanwhile, Division one in 2012, gave Sinopec card 5000 Yuan Hu; 2013, 2014 for reimbursement of expenses for oil is about 5000. ”

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Tongling chemical plant explosion

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铜陵工厂爆炸暂无人死亡 医生:不可能告诉媒体|铜陵|化工厂|爆炸_新闻资讯
>安徽铜陵市爆炸现场。新华社 图

  讯 安徽省铜陵市人民政府官方微博9日零时通报称,8日22时50分许,铜陵恒兴化工(民企,已停产)高沸点溶剂罐发生爆炸,经排查,目前无人员死亡。记者第一时间赶赴现场带来独家报道。


  距 离工厂爆炸中心20多米有一家饭店,记者在现场看到,这里的门窗全部被炸飞,饭店内的物品一片狼藉。饭店老板娘告诉记者,昨晚10点多,她准 备睡觉,突然听到轰的一声,屋外亮如白昼,她在内屋赶紧出来查看,发现自己的饭店门窗全部炸飞,“门口的一辆轿车也覆盖了满满的油污,空气中一片刺鼻的味 道。”



  通过QQ里的位置分享,蔡小姐把她当前所在的位置给记者发了过来。记者发现,蔡小姐所在的小区,离爆炸的化工厂只有1公里。记者特地赶到现场,前往周边的超市、小卖部转了一圈, 当地并没有出现市民抢购纯净水的情况,当地人的心情还算平稳。





  交 汇点记者联系上铜陵市公安局,该局宣传科一位不愿透露姓名的工作人员告诉记者,该事故中目前只有两人受轻伤,但并非爆炸所致,而是被飞溅的玻璃碎片戳伤, 具体情况以铜陵市政府口径为准。该工作人员一再强调伤者是后期被玻璃戳伤,具体的可以关注铜陵发布或消防微博。然而,仅仅10分钟后,该工作人员又再次回 电话过来,此次回复与之前有所不同,该人员称“公安只是负责外出处警,具体的不清楚”,准确的应以市政府外宣为主,之前所说的有两人受伤也只是因为在朋友 圈看到大家在传。






  当记者提出想要采访的意图时,医生瞪着眼睛说:“你们是媒体的啊?那更不可能告诉你们了。” 并叫出医院保安把记者请出门外。






  安 徽新媒体集团主办的“中安在线” 2008年03月10日曾发布过一篇报道,《铜陵一化工厂突发大火 大量有毒烟气飘向居民区》,“3月9日凌晨零时40分左右,铜陵市恒兴化工有限责任公司五硫化磷车间突发大火,40余吨工业硫磺和剧毒黄磷等生产原料严重 受到大火威胁。该市消防官兵迅速到场紧急处置,经近2小时的艰苦奋战,成功扑灭大火。经初步了解,车间内溶硫槽和槽内原料被烧毁,所幸未造成人员伤亡。”



  判 决书中写到“2011年至2015年,铜陵市恒兴化工有限公司综合办主任司某为该公司新建项目在‘三同时’安全评价及日常生产经营中能够得到被告人胡某甲 的关照,于每年春节、中秋节前后,多次送给胡现金、购物卡共计32000元。同时,司某于2012年送给胡中石化加油卡5000元;2013年、2014 年为胡报销油费约5000元。”


铜陵 化工厂 爆炸


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