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Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: pangolin son Li Jiahe

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/8 9:21:27 Browse times: 90 Comment times: 0

Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: pangolin son Li Jiahe(广西壮族自治区投资促进局:穿山甲公子确为李加和)

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Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: pangolin Childe | Li Jia and Li Jia and pangolin | Childe | Guangxi _ news




Beijing News News (Xinhua Zhao Jia Shiyu interns) from the Twitter users "Ah_cal" published in 2015, "mission officials in Guangxi eating pangolin" Internet post, caused a stir after being dug out. Today, the Beijing News reporter from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, officials of the investment promotion Bureau confirmed that leaked photos online, attention "pangolin son" I do Li Jia.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Guangxi official website shows, July 8, 2015-10th, "investment to ASEAN-in 2015, Hong Kong enterprises in Guangxi Guangxi tour held in Guangxi. The event hosted by the investment promotion Bureau of the autonomous region. Gao Jingde, Deputy Director of the China cultural, health and sports of the CPPCC Committee, led by Hong Kong entrepreneurs to invest in Guangxi delegation, 201 people attended the event.

Guangxi Bureau of investment promotion officials confirmed to the Beijing News, photos on the "pangolin son" is Li Jia, who also are members of the delegation. But, he says, sparked controversy by Twitter may or may not be sent by Li Jia and I.

Former official told the Beijing News reporter, Li Jia, and participated in a Hong Kong enterprise in Guangxi 2015 activities, but he was Li Jia and I didn't register. Li Jia and participated in the mission, identity, he could not remember.

"We were lying in trenches in the gun. "The official said, after you find out about this, they identified and found, photos no autonomous investment promotion agency leadership and staff. And they also send the photos to the 14 prefecture-level cities of Guangxi's investment Chief, their identification, the feedback is not their man.

The officials also said that poor working conditions of investment promotion Council, do not have the Internet post photos presented in the reception capacity. He led the reporters went to the dining room view on the ground, the dining room transformed from a printing workshop, build a shack. In addition, the Office of the Chief of the Bureau for about 1 of 10 square meters room, Deputy Director of the Office of the Deputy Director for two sharing a room. The source said, they also with the Director of the Office of the Secretary of the Office is no different, does not enjoy.

Yesterday afternoon, the lucky watch group said in a statement, the Group was in 2010 was officially acquired by Sun international group, and has been a Sun-one of the members of the international group. Beginning in 2010 so far, Cai Jiazan, President of the lucky watch group, the Group has no connection with Li Jia and her husband and her father.

Beijing News reporter noted, the Shenzhen news net in a news report released in April 2010, Li Fusheng lucky watch group known to attend an event.

In addition, the business and financial culture tourism entrepreneurs to invest in Guangxi delegation said in a statement today, this incident with the mission does not have anything to do with purely Li Jiahe personal behavior.

Statement said the delegation dated July 8, 2015 to 10th, during our visit, the Mission in accordance with required collective local reception buffet, and no individual meals. On July 10, after the visit, the delegation returned to Hong Kong. But Li Jia and not returned to Hong Kong, but left on their own on July 11 in Guangxi when this happened with friends, and Twitter on July 15 in a network.

>: Tang Liu Guangbo

Article keywords:
Pangolin son Li Jia and Guangxi

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The Beijing News

  新京报快讯(记者贾世煜 实习生赵明)一则由微博网友“Ah_cal”发表于2015年的“广西考察时官员请吃穿山甲”网帖,被翻出后引起轩然大波。今日,新京报记者从广西壮族自治区投资促进局官方人士处确认,网上流传出来的照片中,受到广泛关注的“穿山甲公子”本人确系李加和。

  广西投资促进局官方网站的消息显示,2015年7月8日—10日,“投资广西 走向东盟——2015年香港企业广西行活动在广西成功举行。该活动由自治区投资促进局承办。中国政协教科文卫体委员会副主任高敬德率领香港企业家赴广西投资考察团一行201人出席活动。










穿山甲公子 李加和 广西


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