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“Eating pangolin Childe“ identity exposed, in the Hong Kong media has photos

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“Eating pangolin Childe“ identity exposed, in the Hong Kong media has photos(“吃穿山甲公子”身份曝光,在港媒上有照片)

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"Eating pangolin Childe" identity exposure photos | in the Hong Kong media Hong Kong | rich | show off _ news

A few years ago, Guo fires all over the network. On her Twitter with "Red Cross Society of China's commercial Director" who flaunt, bask in luxury cars, and Godfather's birthday.


The results? On September 10, 2015, Guo made Casino crimes, sentenced to 5 years and fined 50,000 yuan. Guo Mei Mei's bubble, but showing off on her microblog "gene", but have not disappeared. This time, Twitter users called @Ah-CAL today and complete fire. He was what? With a look.

Was received these gifts!


"Guangxi's investigation to a successful conclusion, thanks for asking, learned a lot! Department heads are very warm, special Li Huang Shuji provided with pangolin invited us to his Office, we eat, eaten for the first time, taste delicious, already deeply in love with this game! 14th, Wen Wei Po reported! "14th, Wen Wei Po reported! What is reported? Small fingers itch, looking to the Internet to find, this event turned out to be.


(China CPPCC UNESCO Wei body Committee Deputy Director, and new constant base International Group Director Council President Gao Jingde, July 8 led Hong Kong Chinese culture always, and Hong Kong and mainland investment business association 203 name business, and financial, and culture, and tourism territories well-known entrepreneurs mission arrived in Guangxi, Nanning city,, expand ' investment Guangxi to ASEAN-the-the 2015 Hong Kong enterprise Guangxi line ' study activities, and held more field project docking fair, reached has more than 20 more items cooperation intention, involved funding about more than 67 billion Yuan Yuan. ) Director Li Huang Shuji Cook pangolins in the Office?

There's too much information.


B-Party Secretary Huang

Office of the c Cook

D pangolin


Pangolins are protected second class animal in China. Red Star China endangered species import and export Management Office staff told journalists that "Chinese pangolin has disappeared on the Mainland. "In fact, as early as 1995, pangolins had been" commercially extinct ".


International wildlife trade research organization (TRAFFIC), pangolins has become the world's most common encounter one of the illegal trade in endangered wildlife. According to statistics from the Organization, 2007 ~2016 in August, Chinese law enforcement agencies seized 209 cases of pangolin is involved, there is the equivalent of almost 90,000 pangolins being illegally killed, smuggled into China. Although it has been listed as an endangered species, but why injured always a pangolin? "Pangolin plate is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, for some diseases there is a certain effect. So much for medical purposes. "Sichuan University Department of food engineering Dr Zhao Zhifeng said, according to his understanding, smuggling pangolins is medicinal. "At present, almost no precedent for breeding success of pangolin, pangolins smuggled in the market. "Well, they were smuggled into China through what channels? Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences engineer Zeng Yan said in a media interview, "mainly in South-East Asia, Africa to smuggle to China. Like Laos, Myanmar, through Yunnan to enter. Other countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia after the Vietnamese smuggled into Guangxi, or directly across the sea to Guangdong Province. "Red Star journalists, the author finds, the pangolin as meat consumption areas south of the Yangtze River. "South, especially Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces like soup, and superstition of pangolin meat, so, in order to achieve the purpose of nourishing, some people choose to hunt or purchase of pangolin meat. "Zhao Zhifeng said, however, eat the game such as pangolin, perhaps in making jokes about his own life.

"This is not a joke. "Zhao Zhifeng again. "Wild pangolins in and carry a variety of viruses, parasites, microbes and some of the toxins. For example, Botox can directly cause death. "Using superstitious nourishing effect is basically not up to," not blindly in Chinese medicine, the personal physical differences, and pangolin's nutritional value is not necessarily better than livestock in General. "Know it, pangolins are national second-class protection animals, illegal hunting suspected of crimes. Staff on duty at the animal protection Department of the State Forestry Administration has also called attention to the matter, sure if eating wild pangolins were arrested for administrative cases. As a "National School of administration," the top graduate from, can this do not know? Who is @Al_cal? He sent these are real or fake? Friends of the man known as "pangolin juvenile." A lot of people are trying to guess his identity, his intelligence when she's nervous, pangolin juvenile stressed-out, issued him the past five years more than more than 1600 tweets deleted in its entirety, only the phrase "scattered", after a while, leaving a question mark. However, many micro-blog content has been user screen permits. Red Star journalists start information, looking for clues related to @Ah-CAL.

Red Star newspaper reporter found out, one fact said, @Ah-CAL is the people of Hong Kong and Swire, Lexus car, license plate ED1184. And pan shiyi's son cross. However, car, license plate, and pan shiyi, son of intersection of evidence seem to be screenshots from @Ah-CAL used Twitter, authenticity is not known.

In addition, Netizen and explosive material, said @Ah-CAL Li Jia and father called Li Fusheng, is Chairman of the Hong Kong lucky watch group. However, when red star journalists to staff at lucky watch group in Hong Kong when the confirmation, the staff member said, "our company did not name the two names of people, and our President is not Li Fusheng. "Red Star journalists then lucky official online watch group found that the company Chairman called Cai Jiazan. In addition, some media said, @Ah-CAL's name was Li Jia and, after his father was Li Fusheng, Chairman of transit watch business. Li Jia and I also inherited his father's watch business, the business expanded to include China, and into the sales network. Red Star journalists did not pass transit limited verification of whether the news is true. Red Star journalist found a photo on the Web site of the Hong Kong media, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Watch trades Huang Lichang and Li Jiahe photo, said he was the family tables of young people, whether the same person, and small series of deliberately putting two pictures, you see.

> This diagram is a picture published in the Oriental Daily News Online Edition

This is true, the current staff of the propaganda Department of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, claims to have up to this matter are verified, the truth will be clarified by other means. After some Internet users said, Twitter is mentioned in "Party Secretary Huang" Guangxi investment promotion Office of the current Party Secretary Huang Wenbiao, verified by the media call, his staff denied the claim.

Source: Chengdu business daily

>: Tang Wei chun

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Hong Kong's rich second generation wealth

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“吃穿山甲公子”身份曝光 在港媒上有照片|香港|富二代|炫富_新闻资讯

















  国际野生物贸易研究组织(TRAFFIC)称,穿山甲已经成为世界上最常见的遭遇非法贸易的濒危野生动物之一。据该组织统计,2007年~2016年8月,中国执法部门共查获209起涉及穿山甲的案件,有相当于近9万只穿山甲被非法杀死,走私到中国。虽然已被列为濒危物种,但是为什么受伤的总有穿山甲?“穿山甲甲片是一种中药,对某些疾病确有一定功效。所以多用于医疗目的。”四川大学食品工程系赵志峰博士称,据自己了解,走私的穿山甲多为药用。“而目前,国内几乎没有养殖穿山甲成功的先例,所以市场上的穿山甲多为走私。”那么,它们通过什么样的途径被走私至中国?中国科学院动物研究所高级工程师曾岩在接受媒体采访时表示,“主要还是东南亚、非洲向中国走私。像老挝、缅甸,会通过云南输入。其他如印度尼西亚、马来西亚等国家经过越南走私到广西,或直接过海到广东。” 红星新闻记者检索发现,将穿山甲当作野味食用的地区多在长江以南。“南方,尤其两广地区的人多喜欢煲汤,又迷信穿山甲肉的功效,所以,为了达到滋补的目的,部分人选择捕杀或购买穿山甲肉。”赵志峰说,但是,随意吃穿山甲等野味,也许是在拿自己的生命开玩笑。

  “这不是玩笑。”赵志峰再次强调。“野外的穿山甲身上或会携带多种病毒、寄生虫、微生物以及部分毒素。比如,肉毒杆菌能直接致人死亡。”而使用者迷信的滋补效果也基本达不到,“不能盲目滋补,个人体质有差异,而且穿山甲的营养价值未必比一般的家畜大。” 知道了吧,穿山甲是国家二级保护动物,违法捕食涉嫌刑事犯罪。国家林业局保护司动物处值班工作人员也称关注到了此事,若食用野生穿山甲肯定涉嫌行政案件。作为“国家行政学院”毕业的高材生,能对这都不知道?@Al_cal到底是谁?他发的这些是真是假?该男子被网友称为“穿山甲少年”。就在很多人都在猜测他的身份,为他的智商着急的时候,穿山甲少年不堪压力,将他过去五年发布的1600多条微博全部删除,只留一句“散了”,过了一会后,删得只剩一个问号。但是,很多微博内容早已被网友截屏留证。红星新闻记者也开始在众多信息中,寻找跟@ah-cal有关的蛛丝马迹。







香港 富二代 炫富


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