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“Stewardess dead closet case“ suspects arrested in Shenzhen, have been transferred to the Hong Kong side

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/3 8:25:14 Browse times: 96 Comment times: 0

“Stewardess dead closet case“ suspects arrested in Shenzhen, have been transferred to the Hong Kong side(“空姐藏尸衣柜案”嫌犯深圳归案,已移交给港方)

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"Stewardess dead closet case" suspects arrested in Shenzhen has been transferred to Hong Kong | | | flight attendants _ the police of Hong Kong News

February 1 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, upon request of the Hong Kong Police, was arrested in the Mainland, "Hong Kong stewardess corpse hidden closet case" suspect Mo Junxian, was escorted to the Hong Kong-Shenzhen boundary of Huanggang in Shenzhen with Lok Ma Chau Bridge, and officially handed over to Hong Kong Police by the Guangdong Police escorted back to Hong Kong.

Squad, 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) was informed that, since 2000, Mo Junxian was handed over to Hong Kong Police by the Guangdong Public Security Authority 174th national criminal.

> On February 1, the news of the transfer of China's Ministry of public security published Mo Junxian. China's Ministry of public security's website screenshots

> Mo Junxian and allegedly killed flight attendant girlfriend. Photo/Beijing,

  Hair salons in Shenzhen to justice suspects

  The police have a reward of HK $300,000 arrest

October 2016, the Hong Kong Police letter, request the Mainland public security authorities to assist in the investigation to arrest absconding Mainland Hong Kong major kill suspect Mo Junxian.

> February 1, Mo Junxian was taken out of the detention center prepares to hand over to Hong Kong Police. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

Mo Junxian (male, born on November 4, 1987, Hong Kong) in Hong Kong is a society sensation, "flight attendant corpse hidden closet case" of suspects.

> Mo Junxian was taken to the scenes of the transfer. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

December 8, 2013 2:10 A.M., 26, the Dragonair flight attendant Chen was found murdered, Allway Gardens apartments-body in the bedroom closet. Extensive investigation by the Hong Kong Police confirmed that Mo Junxian her ex-boyfriend has major suspected of the crime, its dispute with Chen for trifles, Allway Gardens, Tsuen Wan Chen pinch died at their home in flight. Subsequently, the Hong Kong Police reward of HK $300,000 arrest Mo Junxian.

> Guangdong Police convoy carrying Mo Junxian going to surrender. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

After receiving a notify the Hong Kong Police case, the Guangdong public security organs attach great importance to and deploy public security organs at the provincial and municipal levels capable force task force around Mo's activities in the Mainland to conduct in-depth investigations, spare no efforts to arrest and keep in close contact with the Hong Kong Police, met to coordinate and exchange intelligence leads on the case several times.

> Mo Junxian signed the relevant legal documents before the transfer. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

After several days of hard rigorous investigation team Mo Junxian activity areas in the Mainland and tracks have been identified. On October 29, the public security organs in a beauty salon in Longgang District henggang store will Mo Junxian successfully captured. Trial, Mo Junxian in Hong Kong killed his ex-girlfriend and inscrutability confessed the crime. Guangdong public security authorities to notify the Hong Kong Police for the first time.

> Mo Junxian was to capture the scene. Screenshot photo/CCTV news police pictures

  Head of the Hong Kong police force:

  Hong Kong and the Mainland is not a crime "safe haven"

The incident in Hong Kong, victim and crime per capita for Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong. At the transfer site, the Guangdong public security authorities and the Hong Kong police official said, the case detection, close cooperation in combating cross-border crime is co-operation and success stories, is a long-term close cooperation, both the police force and win-win results, and police authorities in recent years around the fight against serious cross-border crime, and constantly improve our ability to combat crime results. Detection of the case also shows, neither Hong Kong nor the mainland criminals "safe haven", police will continue to maintain close cooperation between the two places, severely crack down on all illegal and criminal activities, efforts to maintain social stability and people's well-being of the public.

> Guangdong public security authorities and the Hong Kong police force for transfer procedures. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

According to understand, Hong Kong return yilai, mainland police organ and Hong Kong Police firm implement "one country, two systems" approach, from conducive to guarantees between residents lawful rights and interests of, and conducive to combat across border crime, and conducive to between long-term prosperity stable starting, in mutual respect, and mutual support, and non intervention other law enforcement activities of spirit, in counter-terrorism, and combat across border crime, and business exchange and the police works training, the aspects for has rich effectiveness of cooperation. Among them, the Hong Kong police force has set up a high-level regular meetings, exchange of information, case coordination, training, Exchange and cooperation mechanism to jointly solve a series of major cross-border crimes and maintained social stability and prosperity of the two places and the lives and property of residents.

> Handover Mo Junxian by Hong Kong Police on the train back to Hong Kong. Photo/CCTV news screenshots

  Case review

  "Hong Kong hostess corpse hidden closet case"

  Suspects who absconded to the Mainland Public Security Bureau to help wanted

Tsuen Wan in December 2013 Dragonair flight attendant Chen Manyi (Arbe) were killed dead closet case, suspected of shooting dead ex-boyfriends Mo Junxian, who fled Hong Kong after police officially issued a reward of 300,000 yuan and its photographs wanted, urged members of the public who have information on the case or knows the identity and whereabouts of the suspect, to contact the police as soon as possible.

Being 26 years old man wanted reward Mo Junxian nickname "water", he had sent SMS to friends before the murder exposed claimed that "homicide". To the crime exposed, Mo has absconded to the Mainland, police found, then inform the Mainland Public Security Bureau to assist hunting.

The morning of December 8, 2013, Allway Gardens phase II d living with their families in a room, serving in the Dragonair flight attendant Chen Manyi (26 years old) because of missing more days, family into her bedroom to find and found she was killed dead end of wardrobe.

Chen believed strangulation after police investigations had been dead for at least 3 days, after checking closed-circuit TV camera film, found that look like Mo Junxian men and neck injuries had left the building on the day of the crime. Police investigations revealed that Chen Mo Junxian had beaten over money and relationship problems in the past. Classified as homicide a case, Mo Junxian was a wanted man.

> "Hong Kong stewardess corpse hidden closet" scene of the crime. Image source/overseas network

Integrated Ministry of public security website reporter Wang Mengyao CCTV Beijing, Beijing News reported

Source: squad 37th micro-public

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Hong Kong Police flight attendant

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“空姐藏尸衣柜案”嫌犯深圳归案 已移交给港方|香港|警方|空姐_新闻资讯
























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  警方调查后相信疑遭勒毙的陈已死去最少3天,翻查大厦闭路电视影片后, 发现外形酷似莫俊贤及颈有伤痕的可疑男子在案发当日曾经离开大厦。警方调查发现莫俊贤过去曾因金钱及感情问题殴打陈。案件列作凶杀案,莫俊贤一直被通缉。


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