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Japan dollar diplomacy United Kingdom think-tank, tarnish the image of China

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/2/3 8:25:00 Browse times: 83 Comment times: 0

Japan dollar diplomacy United Kingdom think-tank, tarnish the image of China(日本花钱收买英国智库抹黑中国)

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Japan dollar diplomacy United Kingdom think-tank, tarnish the image of China

  Japan buy United Kingdom think-tank, tarnish the image of China.

According to the United Kingdom, the Sunday Times revealed that Japan stationed in United Kingdom Embassy with 10,000 pounds a month (about 87,000 yuan) buy United Kingdom think-tank "Henry m. Jackson Association" to anti-Chinese propaganda, including the employment of United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, a United Kingdom politician.


Network diagram

  Rifkind acknowledged with the "Association of Henry m. Jackson" contact

Rifkind admitted, "Association of Henry m. Jackson" had contact with him, persuaded him to use his own name for the works was published in August last year in a signed article on the British media. This article entitled if we let China in Hinkley point nuclear power projects, and how China will head off United Kingdom of light, technical control plant rumors China might use the back door.

Rifkind said he did not know "Henry m. Jackson Association" relationship with money in the Japanese Embassy.

  British media: Japan had tried to contact the agencies spreading the "China threat theory"

In addition, the Sunday Times also reported that the newspaper reporters had seen a copy of the draft at the beginning of last year, information relating to "Henry m. Jackson Association" and to "the media intelligence partners" British public relations firm. Information both on the monthly price of £ 15,000 for the Japan Embassy custom "communications strategy", in the United Kingdom and senior politicians are brought on by the mainstream media, "China threat theory", and eventually "Henry m. Jackson Association" with £ 10,000 price alone this "communication strategy" implementation.

Xinhua days before the Japan Embassy in London sent an e-mail requesting comment on the Sunday Times of London reported. Acknowledge receipt of a message, but the Embassy has yet to reply. Xinhua News Agency also sent a letter to the "Association of Henry m. Jackson", spokesman for the Association said it would not disclose any details.

  In other words, the parties concerned neither certain nor denied involvement.

Japan why buy tarnish the image of China, a think-tank of experts? Japan doing this, what are we going to do?

CCTV reviews

  Japan in the international community toward China in the war of public opinion not only today.

As early as during the Sino-Japanese war, Japan took advantage of Western countries like the UK, France and the United States, rendering the newspaper "China does not comply with international law" and "China is not part of the civilized world" and other information, in order to emphasize its so-called war against China, "justice", in particular suggesting that between Japan and "civilized" and "savage" contrast. In the following decades, Japan when it comes to large-scale act of aggression against China, Japan's public opinion warfare always go hand in hand, or hype in China "row", or to trouble accusing China of "provoking" the facts, confuse right and wrong, said the list goes on.

Japan's public opinion warfare continued a century in the future will also heat up

In recent years, as Japan game full speed toward China, the war of public opinion toward China in the international community is also warmed up rapidly. It is interesting, focus Japan operations of the war of public opinion, rather than a century ago, "seniors" are the same: accused China of "lack of respect for international law", stressed that Japan is "advanced democracies", rendering the "China threat", claimed that China's domestic "anti-" emotional ... ...

Throughout Japan to rhetoric, makes people feel its more than 100 years to the routine of the war of public opinion has not changed, just happens to have some language the changing of the times.

Worth noting is that the last two years, Japan's Foreign Ministry and other departments of the promotion budget has been greatly increased, and was also included on the Diaoyu Island issue, such as special funds for specific projects.

Can be expected in the next few years, Japan in the China war of public opinion around the world will continue to heat up. This is a war, but an invisible smoke of war. In this war the Japanese reporters, editors, academics, NGO, think tanks actually warrior with the force, while newspapers and TV channels, the Internet and various social activities has become a battlefield.

Japan's Foreign Ministry (information above)

  Face of the war of public opinion China stepped up to master skills

For China, encounter slings are not terrible--it is the inevitable stages of rise of Nations and it is left to our task. If we cannot resolve the predecessor does not solve the problem, they cannot achieve their predecessors failed to achieve the target. From this perspective, how to deal with Japan's global war of public opinion, is both a challenge for China, China an important opportunity to enrich and improve their abilities.

In particular, in the field of international public opinion, China should not only strengthen the "vocal", attention should also learn "vocal skill", in a more professional way to let the international community understand their point of view and voice. International public opinion is not simply "propaganda" and "adverse publicity", not just "external propaganda", which involved complex Affairs, policy, legal, economic and other factors, actors and staff have raised very high demands. Japan has a very professional team, have mature bodies and platforms, there are mechanisms that run for a long time, there is coverage around the network.

In the United Kingdom think tank event, for example, Japan is not only in the "borrow her mouth" and "mouths", established relationships, through Rifkind, United Kingdom politician, said Japan wanted to spread freedom. To be sure, this was not alone, it is not is a State in the United Kingdom for, but affect the widespread practice of manipulating public opinion abroad.

  In order to effectively hit back at Japan, have to find proper ways, and cannot be a simple vocal opposition.

How to more effectively disseminate China's voice in "people"

In order to better disseminate China's voice to the international community, not only needs to be adjusted and enriched policy support, you also need to strengthen institutions and the construction of talents team. All the work boils down to "people" to complete. As a journalist, for example, Japan familiar to many foreign correspondents of news operations, and often is an international expert in the field of – such as security, marine, terrorism, international law, and their respective news organizations often send reporters to State think tank, the University exchanges. In the process of learning exchanges, these reporters are not only to be more thorough understanding of object state, also able to work with all sectors of the country, "friends", "expand the network", on a daily basis, "subtle" to transmit ideas, influence the other mainstream social cognition. These approaches require policies, mechanisms and financial support is indispensable for the country.

It is well known that international competition in today's world is not only the competition of hard power and soft power. In the composition factors of soft power and influence is an important part of international public opinion. In recent decades, hard power of China's development are obvious, influence in the realm of soft power also worth noting. But with regard to influence international public opinion and facing more complex challenges, and we are going to do still a lot of work, is a "long way to go." This can be a generation or more time to complete their tasks, but also tasks that must be completed.

(Editors: Liu Longlong UN827)
2017-02-03 08:04:51
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(责任编辑:柳龙龙 UN827)
2017-02-03 08:04:51

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