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CCTV surveys: how balloon gun led to 3.5 years of imprisonment?

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CCTV surveys: how balloon gun led to 3.5 years of imprisonment?(央视调查:打气球的枪怎么导致了3年半的徒刑?)

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CCTV surveys: how balloon gun led to 3.5 years of imprisonment? | | guns _ the balloon news

Not long ago, a balloon stall Tianjin Boyle in a Court of first instance sentenced to 3 years and 6 months, on charges of illegal possession of firearms. After this happens, quickly sparked a public debate, firearms, found what is the standard? Ordinary people can you recognize and see out? CCTV reporters to a survey interview.

  Granny spot "gun" was sentenced to 3.5 years

Gun jailed mother named Zhao in Tianjin, 51 years old. Zhao's daughter to show reporters his mother's stall with the tricycle, car side is a panel that opens into the hanging balloons used to shoot at the target.



Zhao's daughter said that the parents have divorced, in 2013, the mother followed her from Hulun Buir of Inner Mongolia rural areas came to Tianjin, hold part-time jobs to earn a living.



August 2016 Zhao at 2000 prices, Pan it from others in this tricycle, prizes for dolls, and playing a balloon "gun". Balloons on "Tianjin eye" Ferris wheel on the lower River, and over more than 20 people eight or nine o'clock at night you can't make an omelet, 12 o'clock decided to make more than 2000 Yuan a month.

The night of October 12, 2016, is you can't make an omelet Zhao was taken away by police, then was taken away by a total of 13 people, Zhao Tonghua's son Sean is one of them. That day, his son placed the "balloon". Currently 8 have been released on bail pending trial, 5 people including his son is still in custody, Zhao was the first hearing by the Court.



On December 17, 2016, for the crime of illegal possession of firearms, Zhao, Hebei district, Tianjin people's Court of first instance sentenced to 3 years and 6 months.

  6 balloon gun was identified as "firearms"

In the criminal judgment, Zhao was the direct cause of punishment is that the center of Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau of forensic identification, the 9 guns seized from Zhao's hands, 6 are normally fired with compressed gas-powered guns.



128th in accordance with China's criminal law stipulates:

Violation of firearms control regulations, illegally holding or hiding a firearm or ammunition, and three years imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance; the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years. Again in accordance with China Supreme People's Court on trial illegal manufacturing, and sale, and transport guns, and ammunition, and explosion real, criminal case specific application legal several problem of explained of provides, illegal holds, and possession to compression gas, for power of other non-military guns 5 support above of, for "plot serious"; benchmark penalty for shall be sentenced to three years, if over 5 support, each increased 1 support, sentence increased six months.

In so doing, Zhao has 6 by public security identified as "firearms" gun sentence is 3 years and 6 months.



Zhao was identified as "real" gun, this is she used to earn a living gauge, fired bullets are plastic BB shell. Zhao's daughter said, this gun play BB play and sometimes even the balloon could not have broken, customers often comment, how is this gun really gun? Zhao Tonghua's son Sean has three balloons of the guns were identified in order to "real guns".

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Zhao Tonghua said, the gun is 70 Yuan each to purchase, said both he and Zhao's daughter, from no one and they said that balloon gun crime "real gun", in their stalls, and nobody ever told them, on the contrary, was also a 500 Yuan a month in management fees.

  "Tell me, we will never do this. ”



Zhao Tonghua said the balloon near the River, a long time are more than 10 years, has always been such a balloon stall.

  "1.8 joules per square centimeter" judgement "firearms" is based on what?

According to Chinese regulations, when the muzzle of the weapon than when the kinetic energy greater than or equal to 1.8 joules per square centimeter, are identified as firearm. What is a concept?



Xu Xin, a law professor at the Beijing Institute, is a close (10 to 20 centimeters) to shoot a person's eyes can injure eyes of a standard if grilled rabbit skin at close range, can only lead to the skin of rabbits with red spots, not to break the skin.

Experts, similar firearm identification standards, Hong Kong is 7.077 joules per square centimeter, Taiwan is 20 joules per square centimeter, Russia is 19 joules per square centimeter, United States was 21 joules per square centimeter. By 2008, China's non-standard firearm identification standard is 16 joules per square centimeter, after adjustment for the current 1.8 joules/cm, less than the standard one-Nineth.



According to the Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau of forensic Center expertise, Zhao involved 6 "guns" muzzle than the kinetic energy of the lowest is 2.17 joules per square centimeter, highest is 3.14 joules per square centimeter. According to the standards, are higher than the 1.8 joules/cm, 6 guns are guns.

  Judgment than court expected social effect the parties appeal

Make a verdict, Hebei district, Tianjin people's Court Vice President, said after the verdict, the social effects does go beyond the expected. He pointed out that the trial of legal basis is not a problem, but whether it makes sense, in making decisions "may not so much".



It is understood that Zhao after the verdict of first instance judgement, has filed an appeal. Petition for main, 1.8 joules per square centimeter standard is far from causing the possibility of casualties, to identify toy guns as firearms is wrong. In addition, the appellant had no criminal intent at all, nor does it have the social harm. Appeal for Zhao, first intermediate people's Court of Tianjin has been accepted.

  Expert advice: "firearms" sentence ought to be treated

In recent years, imitation guns and toy guns were eventually identified as "firearms" and criminal cases are not uncommon. Sichuan boy Liu Dawei out of personal interest, online shopping 24 replica gun was seized by Xiamen, identified 20 of them with injuries, identified as guns, charged crime of smuggling weapons, was sentenced to life imprisonment. After a complaint, on October 18, 2016, the Fujian High Court review concluded that upheld the "obvious inappropriateness of sentencing", decided separately by the Fujian High Court collegial panel of retrial. Experts believe that such cases had raised public concern, because the judgment of the Court, contrary to common sense, common sense.

In addition, in Chengjiang County, Yunnan province, and operating balloons, police seized ten suspected gun, eight were eventually identified as "firearms", Zhao than Tianjin's "gun" or two, Chengjiang County people's Court sentenced Zhang XXX 2 years 02 months of imprisonment, suspended for three years. Because the Court held that the defendant's incentive to illegal possession of firearms business balloon entertainment only, not subjective, and suspended the community does not have significant adverse social impacts.

Reporters combed 23 swing balloon in recent years were criminal cases, with 17 defendants were given suspended sentences, 3 people had been sentenced to only 3 people were sentenced to actual criminal, treat different issues involved.



Ruan qilin, a law professor of CUPL considered, such as Tianjin, Zhao, and balloons were criminal cases, in addition to relying on the professional conscience of judges and professional skills, we need more precise explanation on the law applicable to it. After 2010, China's sharp decrease in firearm identification standards, from the original 16 joules/cm is reduced to 1.8 joules per square centimeter, but also applicable in sentencing is a judicial interpretation of the old, which led to the original number not applicable penalties were sentenced to heavy penalties. Experts believe that China is the country of strict gun control, in the case of firearm identification standards unchanged, you can differentiate sentencing considerations for different firearms. For example, balloon-like gun to punishment, does not have to be punished as a criminal offence.

>: Tang Wei chun

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The balloon gun

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  违反枪支管理规定,非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;情节严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。 再依照 《中国最高人民法院关于审理非法制造、买卖、运输枪支、弹药、爆炸物等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》的规定,非法持有、私藏以压缩气体等为动力的其它非军用枪支5支以上的,为“情节严重”;基准刑为有期徒刑三年,如果超过5支,每增加1支,刑期增加六个月。
















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