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Liaoning publicly confirmed for the first time: from 2011 to 2014 data fraud

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/17 9:12:34 Browse times: 109 Comment times: 0

Liaoning publicly confirmed for the first time: from 2011 to 2014 data fraud(辽宁首次公开确认:2011年至2014年经济数据造假)

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Liaoning publicly confirmed for the first time: from 2011 to 2014 data fraud

On January 17, the 12 session of the national people's Congress of Liaoning province eight meetings opening of the Liaoning people's Hall. Deputy Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and provincial Governor Chen Qiufa on behalf of the provincial government, a Government work report. 2016, Liaoning overcame difficulties, general budget revenues of 219.9 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%, exceeding targets.

A major bright spot in the report was the past problems, errors, does not shy away from. Chen Qiufa, first in the work report recognizes that cities and counties under the jurisdiction of Liaoning province, financial data fraud problems in 2011 to 2014, pointed out that from 2011 to 2014, "several characters and Digital Government", causing the data to be injected into water.

2015 Liaoning double-digit drop in revenue growth. In this regard, the Governor of Liaoning province, Chen Qiufa explained in the Government work report, "we face the ugly pressure, carefully squeeze water 2015 solidified the fiscal receipt, since 2016 effort to tamp the other economic data. ”

Chen Qiufa in Government work report in the pointed out that: 2016, I province area production total, and scale above industrial increased value, and fixed assets investment, and exports, index failed to completed expected target, here is has "three period overlay" of effect and subjective efforts enough, factors, but main reasons is past a period, economic development thought once deviated from Central of decision deployment, deviated from party of facts thought route, "officer several Word, and digital out officer", led to economic data contains water.

Report cited a document from the National Audit Office 2016 years: "under the jurisdiction of Liaoning province, city and County data prevailing in the financial fraud, and are long, wide, various means and so on. Inflated amounts and proportions from 2011 to 2014, showed an increasing trend. Financial data fraud, not only affect the judgments and decisions of the economic situation in Central Liaoning province, also affects the scale of Central Liaoning province, transfer payments, reducing the financial resources available for the city and County Government and human security ". In addition to the financial data, other economic data there are not real problems. ”

Reporter learned from relevant sources, cities and counties under the jurisdiction of Liaoning province from 2011 to 2014, the revenues of nearly 20% accounted for, inflated up to 2014 is the year, inflating up to 23%.

Data fraud and some cadres face Liaoning flicker style, Party Secretary, Mr Leahy severely several times warned the province's Party Secretary and heads of main office: which gay headed, wants to rapid development in the region, the data look better, it is a play. But we want to pursue real development, pursuing development without water, the pursuit of unity of quality and efficiency of development. Our pursuit of achievement, are responsible for the party's cause, responsible for history, accountable to the people, this is a bigger play.

To cheat the wind, figure, officer, officer numbers "talk" culture, a new abomination of Liaoning Provincial Committee. Mr Leahy, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that "must not be allowed to talk culture, flicker no market, that jerk who has no future! ”。

In 2014, the central inspection teams visited Liaoning seriously pointed out that in the first round, "Liaoning province's widespread economic data fraud". "You're welcome to say, in terms of economic data, previous digging a huge pit. "A prefecture-level city of Liaoning Province Government Research Office, sad to say," and huge debts owed nearly one trillion yuan, Liaoning now is not on the ground floor, but at the bottom of climbing. ”

2014, the economic data it is difficult to see. GDP is negative, revenue period of double-digit decline, decline in fixed-asset investment 60%-70%. Leading indicators fell sharply, but economic and social stability, the people's livelihood without much impact. In this regard, Liang Qidong Vice President of Liaoning Provincial Academy of social sciences researcher, with respect, a period of decline in this cliff-, it is difficult to use economic models to explain. In addition to the economic difficulties itself, there is only one possible, is before the economic data is not real, widespread fraud.

Study on local economic experts, some County economic data in the past at least 20%-30% water. Around Shenyang city canton, statistics 2013 is 2.4 billion yuan of revenue, after an audit by the Audit Commission "is amended as" less than 1.1 billion yuan. A similar situation is not an isolated phenomenon. For example, xiuyan Manchu autonomous county, inflated revenues 847 million Yuan, up from 127% of the same year actual revenue. Is the star of a few years ago, Kaiyuan County, hundred counties, served as Party Secretary of Kaiyuan Wei Junxing, Deputy Secretary General of the provincial government at Lok Ma, Kaiyuan middle cut of revenue.

  Revenue data fraud, "brag is also taxable", and some cities in Liaoning Province pay a terrible price. A prefecture-level city Communist Party Secretary told reporters that the tax distribution system, the amount of tax revenue to inflate, to hand over to the Central Government and the province in proportion. Revenue in previous years inflated racing, did not benefit the people not to say, as much as the average per person to pay taxes 1000!

In August 2016, on visits to inform the rectification of Liaoning Provincial Committee stated: "data for all regions of the province's main economic indicators due diligence audits, so that grass-roots accurate data, micro-data matching, statistical data objective truth. Increase the intensity of the statistics law enforcement, on false economic data, found according to discipline shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. "At present, Liaoning is in accordance with the relevant provisions, strictly implement the responsibility system of the quality of statistical data, the authenticity of statistical data.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2017-01-17 18:33:12














(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2017-01-17 18:33:12

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