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United States overseas mission audibles Tsai: “Taiwan independence“ will die

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/15 8:10:19 Browse times: 48 Comment times: 0

United States overseas mission audibles Tsai: “Taiwan independence“ will die(美国华侨团呛声蔡英文:“台独”死路一条)

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United States overseas mission audibles Tsai: "Taiwan independence" die | Tsai | Taiwan | transit _ news

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[Global network integrated reported] according to United States overseas reported reported, United States "San Francisco Bay District China unified association", and "North California China peace unified association" and "beauty West China peace unified association" and "full beauty China peace unified Association Federation" "America China unified association joint always" common held against Taiwan leaders Tsai Ing-wen take transit United States of machine, for "independence" acts of demonstrations choke sound rally, local time January 14, Tsai these groups held a protest rally outside the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

According to Taiwan "in the newsletter" the 15th, the US "promotion of China's reunification in the San Francisco Bay area" and other groups early in the morning on the sidewalk opposite the Hyatt raised a red flag, shouting "one China, One China and opposing Taiwan independence" slogans marched nearly 200 protesters. Among them, there are many people in the County, frequently shouting "" one China, ' Taiwan independence ' will die. "

According to the newspaper reports, "manpower Foundation in San Francisco," first Vice President Cai Wenyao (12th), at a press conference, had read according to Tsai, the "Taiwan independence" separatist Act statement and hold demonstrations express Tsai not to recognize the "92 consensus" continues to "Taiwan independence" anger and opposition.

At the meeting, said Cai Wenyao, this event by the above 5 "and the" and "system" groups, over more than 200 community support and response on January 14, the 3 major Chinese-language newspaper published in the San Francisco Bay area against Tsai Ing-wen to take transit lines in the name of "Taiwan independence" acts of false statement. He said their concern about Taiwan issue has more than 30 years, Tsai refused to acknowledge a desirable culvert "92 consensus", the "Taiwan independence" line farther on the road, this is the global overseas Chinese firmly oppose.

"Northern California and Commission" President Zou Zhiqiang points out that since last year's 520 after the DPP came to power, changes in cross-strait relations. Tsai is not only not to recognize the "92 consensus" or to "maintain the status quo" as a cover to get in the Interior "cultural Taiwan independence" in the international arena and hold United States leg, makes himself a United States to contain China's pawn, for use by outsiders. Tsai, "Chua calls", the more naked "Taiwan independence" and nature. "In Northern California and the Commission" to Tsai Ing-wen called, "Taiwan independence" reined in on the road, come to recognize the "92 consensus" for the well-being of compatriots on both sides, for the descendants of peace open.

"The American West and the Commission," said Wu Youyi, President, Tsai en route during a visit to Central and South America, especially the "transit" United States, which she orchestrated a conspiracy aimed at attempting to utilize United States of the machine, causing a false impression to the world like United States in support of her. But Tsai Ing-wen's plan would never work, and her attempts to split the shameful defeat. "The American West and the Commission" together with the vast number of overseas Chinese, protested Tsai splitting acts and conspiracy. Unite calls for Chinese and overseas Chinese at home and abroad, for the peaceful unification of China, to work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

> Editors: Dong Zhang

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Tsai Taiwan transit

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  [环球网综合报道]据美国《侨报》报道,美国“旧金山湾区中国统一促进会”、“北加州中国和平统一促进会”和“美西中国和平统一促进会”与“全美中国和 平统一促进会联合会”“美洲中国统一促进会联合总会”共同举办反对台湾地区领导人蔡英文借过境美国之机,进行“台独”行径的示威呛声集会,当地时间1月 14日,上述团体在蔡英文下榻的凯悦酒店外举行抗议集会。

  据台湾“中时电子报”15日报道,美“旧金山湾区中国统一促进会”等团体一 早 在凯悦酒店对面的人行道上高举五星红旗,大喊“一个中国,One China,反对台独”口号进行示威游行,抗议者近200名。其中,有不少中国大陆人士,也频频高喊“”一个中国,‘台独’死路一条”。


  会上,蔡文耀表示,这个活动由上述5个“和统”与“统促”团体发起,获得200多个社团支持和响应,在1月14日,在旧金山湾区3大华文报纸刊登反对蔡 英文借过境之名行“台独”行径之实的严正声明。他说,自己关注台湾问题已有30多年,蔡英文拒不承认一中意涵的“九二共识”,在“台独”的道路上越行越 远,这是全球华侨华人坚决反对的 。

  “北加州和统会”会长邹志强指出,自从去年520民进党上台执政后,两岸关系发生巨变。蔡英文不 但 不承认“九二共识”还以“维持现状”为幌子,在内政上大搞“文化台独”,在国际上,紧抱美国大腿,甘心做美国遏制中国的棋子,为外人所用。蔡英文在“川蔡 电话”中,更赤裸裸地暴露“台独”用心和本质。“北加州和统会”向蔡英文大声呼吁,即刻在“台独”的道路上悬崖勒马,大彻大悟,承认“九二共识”,为两岸 同胞谋福祉,为华夏子孙开太平。

  “美西和统会”会长吴有义表示,蔡英文在访问中南美洲途中,特意“过境”美国,这是她精心策划的一个 阴 谋,目的是企图利用过境美国之机,给世人造成一个假象,好像美国在支持她。但蔡英文的如意算盘绝对行不通,她分裂图谋必将遭到可耻的失败。“美西和统会” 将与广大侨团一起,严正抗议蔡英文分裂行径和图谋。吁海内外华人华侨团结起来,为中国的和平统一,为中华民族的伟大复兴而共同奋斗。


蔡英文 台湾 过境


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