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CHENZHOU, Hunan province killed 35 people in the bus fire accidents: 21 were filed for investigation

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/13 7:56:12 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

CHENZHOU, Hunan province killed 35 people in the bus fire accidents: 21 were filed for investigation(湖南郴州致死35人的大巴起火事故:21人被立案侦查)

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CHENZHOU, Hunan province killed 35 people in the bus fire accidents: 21 were traffic accidents investigation | | | Chenzhou Chinese _ news

>, CHENZHOU, Hunan province Yi feng Expressway "6·26" site

Recently, the official reply of the State Council of China, CHENZHOU, Hunan province Yi feng Expressway "6·26" particularly serious road traffic accident investigation report. Chinese State Council investigation team found that the accident was particularly serious production safety accidents, 21 corporate officers and persons suspected of crime personnel investigation and the imposition of criminal compulsory measures.

On June 26, 2016, Yi-feng Expressway in Chenzhou city, Hunan province, yizhang, a bus collision occurred the burning fire of a particularly serious road traffic accidents, which left 35 people dead, 13 injured, more than 22.9 million yuan of direct economic loss. Survey finds, accident of directly reasons for: driving people Liu Dahui fatigue driving caused vehicles runaway, and Road Central guardrail occurred times collision, led to vehicles tank damaged, and diesel leak, right front wheel to outside side dumping, wheel Shang of bolt nut and ground continued friction produced high temperature, caused leak diesel and vehicles fire; vehicles stop Shi its right Qian angle tight got road side concrete guardrail, door was block cannot effective expand, car within passengers cannot timely evacuation, and security hammer not by provides placed in car within, Passengers unable to break Windows to escape, causing heavy casualties. Survey finds, accident of indirect reasons for: Hunan Hengyang June up tourism passenger limited not effective implementation driver rest system and anti-fatigue driving system, not by provides carried out vehicles dynamic monitoring and emergency management the work; Hunan scenery international travel agency limited, units illegal violations engaged in tourism business activities, exists illegal lending travel agency business business license, and not and visitors signed tourism contract, problem; Hengyang City traffic transport sector violations will tourism tours passenger logo brand across district concentrated issued, Passenger transportation enterprise safety production supervision form; Hengyang public security traffic management sector road in tour focused on commercial vehicles, such as law enforcement and day to day management and control weaknesses; tourism industry in the regulatory area in Hengyang City travel agency or service outlets illegal illicit travel business activities oversight; Hengyang City people's Government to pay enough attention to work safety, leadership that is not required by law to strengthen work safety.

Investigation team to 42 persons dealing with comments. Among them, the public security and procuratorial organs had 21 corporate officers and suspected of crime personnel investigation and the imposition of criminal compulsory measures of Hengyang City Vice Mayor Liu zhengxing 21 local government and related departments staff party discipline and administrative discipline punishment. In addition, entrust Hengyang, Hunan provincial people's Government and municipal party Committee and Government made deep inspection; related to entrusted the Hunan provincial people's government organizations enterprises involved in the sector and related violations of administrative sanctions. (CCTV reporter Cui Shijie)

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Traffic accidents, CHENZHOU, China State Council

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> 湖南郴州宜凤高速“6·26”事故现场



  调查组对42名责任人员提出了处理意见。其中,公安、检察机关已对21名企业人员和涉嫌职务犯罪人员立案侦查并采取刑事强制措施;对衡阳市人民政府副市长刘正兴等21名地方政府及其有关部门工作人员给予党纪、政纪处分。此外,责成湖南省人民政府和衡阳市委、市政府作出深刻检查;责成湖南省人民政府组织有关部门对事故中涉及的企业及其相关人员的违法违规行为作出行政处罚。(央视记者 崔世杰)


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