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Why China will have on Japan, “the eight-year war“ with the words “14 years of resistance“

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/11 11:32:20 Browse times: 89 Comment times: 0

Why China will have on Japan, “the eight-year war“ with the words “14 years of resistance“(中国为什么将对日本“八年抗战”改为“十四年抗战”)

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Why China will have on Japan, "the eight-year war" with the words "14 years of war |" _ the war news

Recently, China's Ministry of education II issued 2017 1th, in primary and secondary school places, correspondence course materials in the full implementation of "14 years of war" concept of the letter. Now spring of 2017 material has been fully implemented.

> Chinese Ministry education basic education in primary and secondary school curriculum materials, the second division of the full implementation of "14 years of war" concept of the letter. Network pictures

  "The eight-year war" with the words "14 years of resistance"

File asked education departments at all levels and comprehensive investigation, "eight-year war of words" with the words "14 years of war", and, as appropriate, modify the content associated with this to ensure that set up the concept and highlights the 14-year war.

For public information officers from the reporter learned that "the eight-year war" argument is from 1937 "emblazoned" calculated from the Sino-Japanese war broke out, until August 15, 1945 Japan announced the unconditional surrender of the emperor for 8 years. From 1931 "918 incident" is until Japan's unconditional surrender, for 14 years. The night of September 18, 1931, in Japan the Kwantung Army under the railway "garrison" Willow Lake in Shenyang, blew up near Japan built the South Manchurian railway tracks, provoking the "918 incident".

> "918" Museum of historical monuments. Profile picture

  Textbooks reflect national views

Textbook series change problem, contacted China's Ministry of education is a member of the staff of a publishing house, which introduces the process of compiling and modifying.

According to reports, both the primary and secondary school textbooks currently under the Ministry of Education issued an outline prepared, outlining the role of which is to regulate textbook view is, once the subject countries in different fields with new perspectives and views will carry out through the outline, material changes by modifying the materials need to represent and embody the State view.

In the process, textbook Department will organize University professors, experts and experienced teachers, textbooks compiled after review by experts from the Chinese Ministry of Education Committee, signed opinion, the materials to public use.

> Middle school history textbook in the Sino-Japanese war. Profile picture

  Officers of all

Textbook publisher: war of course will be mainly in the fall semester

10th, East China Normal University Press education Branch staff told reporters, involved subject curriculum content is mainly reflected in the anti-Japanese war on the new standard grade eight history textbooks, textbooks in the spring and do not affect, in modified versions are also being sent. Because of East China Normal University Press textbook subjects in the new curriculum focuses on Science, and these disciplines do not involve war, so this change of concept does not affect the compilation of other disciplines.

Hunan yuelu publishing house staff also indicated that course contents relate mainly to the fall of materials about the war theme, and present spring textbooks are not affected.

Then, contact the press officers Education Bureau of Beijing Normal University. Similarly, staff members reply said, before relevant documents would have been issued, the Publishing House also did preparatory work has been modified, does not affect the distribution of the textbooks in the spring.

> Of middle school history textbook "918" incident. Profile picture

  Officers asked

Material changes to understand what in the war?

 Experts believe that "14 years of resistance" to correctly understand "the whole war" meaning

Professor of history at Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing massacre history shenghong, a researcher at international peace Research Institute, told reporters that for a long time, "the eight-year war" this argument has a long history in the on-going publicity and many other films and TV series, including his own, and many scholars have put forward different views. In his view, the "918 incident" not only Japan's invasion of China began, also marks the beginning of the Chinese people's fight against the aggressor, the Northeast Army and huge pay for war should be taken seriously.

Shenghong, "said 14-year war" this statement appeared as early as early, Northeast Bookstore has published the history of 14 years of war. The Chinese Ministry of education in schools curriculum materials in the full implementation of "14 years of resistance" means national recognition of this concept will help students more fully understand the entire history of the war.

Institute of international relations at Tsinghua University Professor and Japan expert Liu believes that previously used on "the eight-year war", refers to the 1937 "the Marco Polo Bridge incident" at the beginning of "full-scale war" war of fire in China, no longer confined to the Northeast, as long as there is where the Japanese invasion, set off a full-scale war. Now, China's Ministry of education in schools curriculum, a comprehensive implementation of the "14-year war" concept, is the "Marco Polo Bridge incident" before Northeast military struggle is also included in the "war" in this historical concept.

However, Liu also believes that the changes also need to be clarified in the teaching and public understanding of a concept, that is, "14-year war" should be called "the whole war" that can be "918 incident", the "Marco Polo Bridge incident" link up these historical concepts, is no longer confined to the "eight years of war," "total resistance".

 Material modifications impact on history teaching?

High school history teachers think textbook changes will be new demands on the teaching of history

Cui Wei school high school history teacher, high school affiliated to Renmin University introduced Cao Lizhi, historians generally agree that the "918 incident" is Japan's invasion of China began in 2007, the old curriculum, which was outstanding. "Includes 918 incident, Manchukuo was established, northern China incident is standard requirements. "In this way, from 918 incident to the Marco Polo Bridge incident was a relatively complete set of historical clues, helps students understand the full history of the war.

However, the new standard went into effect since 2007, the people's education (compulsory) high school history textbooks the history between 918 incident to the Marco Polo Bridge incident was weakening, "918 incident only has a two-line description, other events belong to small to read, is not required." Cao determined to believe that textbook information content makes the war seem like this "fragmented" does not help students understand the historical context.

In response to the amendment request of China's Ministry of education, "the eight-year war" with the words "14 years of war", and determined to understand that highlight the "918 incident" of history, help students understand Japan invaded China full of clues.

However, this modification will also be new demands on the teaching of history. Cao determined to believe that students are required to master something more, teachers also are likely to increase. In addition, from 918 incident to the Marco Polo Bridge incident was a very complex period in Chinese history, a variety of complex and intricate historical events and how to help students fully understand is a challenge. For example, in war why it is also accompanied by the civil war? What are the various historical events interconnected?

> Sketch over the invasion of China by the Japanese territory. Profile picture

  Links to Chinese anti-Japanese war chronology

On September 18, 1931, Japan the Kwantung Army deliberately blew up near the Willow Lake on the outskirts of Shenyang railway, and planted Chinese troops, shelled the Chinese Army station, provoking the 918 incident.

On March 1, 1932, Japan occupied China's Northeast after, fostering the establishment of Manchukuo.

In 1935, Japan driving northern China incident, trying to become a second North puppet "Manchukuo", this is Japan the prelude to an all-out war of aggression against China.

On December 12, 1936, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched in XI ' an, "Remonstrance", detained Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman of the national Government military Commission, forced Chiang to stop the civil war, against Japan.

The night of July 7, 1937, Japanese troops in beiping to attack the Chinese army near the lugou bridge in Southwest China defenders have risen up against it. The war broke out.

On December 13, 1937, after the Japanese Army captured Nanjing on a killing spree, looting, rape, destruction, more than 300,000 soldiers and civilians were killed.

March 1938-April, Chinese troops in southern Shandong taier Zhuang region defeated the Japanese main force two elite divisions, Afar more than 10,000 people and achieved a major victory since the war.

August 1940 to January 1941, CPC by led of collapses 18th set mission Army (Army) launched hundred mission war, I behind enemy lines civil-military total for size fighting more than 1800 times, meter kill and wound day Army 20,000 more people, Elves more than 5,000 more people; captured day Army more than 280 more people, and elves more than 18,000 more people; damage railway more than 900 more in, and Highway 3,000 in; damage bridge, and station 258 at; and seized has large weapons and military material.

On July 26, 1945, China and the United States Britain published the China and United States Britain make Japan surrender of the Potsdam Proclamation, demanding Japan surrendered unconditionally and immediately.

On August 15, 1945, Japan's Emperor Hirohito in the form of release of the Gyokuon-hōsō, declared their acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation. Sino-Japanese War victory.

Beijing News reporter Lu Tong Wei Chen Weicheng of interns editor Zhang Tailing proofing Lu Aiying

>: Tang Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
The anti-Japanese war

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> 中国教育部基础教育二司《关于在中小学地方课程教材中全面落实“十四年抗战”概念的函》。 网络图片




> “九一八”历史博物馆纪念碑。 资料图片





> 中学历史教材中的抗日战争。 资料图片



  10 日下午,华东师范大学出版社基础教育分社的工作人员向记者表示,涉及抗战题材的课程内容主要体现在新课标历 史教材八年级上册,所以春季教材并不会影响,修改完成的版本也正在送审中。由于华东师范大学出版社的新课标教材学科主要集中在理科方面,而这些学科不涉及 抗战内容,所以,该概念的改变并不影响其他学科教材的编写。



>中学历史教材中的“九一八”事件。 资料图片














>  日军历年侵战中国领土略图。 资料图片

  链接 中国抗日战争大事年表








  1940年8月至1941年1月,中国共产党所率领的国民革命军第十八集团军(八路军)发动百团大战,我敌后军民共进行大小战斗1800多次,计毙伤日军二万多 人,伪军五千多人;俘日军280多人、伪军1.8万多人;破坏铁路九百多里、公路三千里;破坏桥梁、车站258处;并缴获了大批武器和军用物资。



  新京报记者 卢通 王巍 实习生 陈维城 编辑 张太凌 校对 陆爱英

>责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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