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Bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek of Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University is covered in cement, put the “Taiwan independence“ banners

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/10 9:52:22 Browse times: 128 Comment times: 0

Bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek of Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University is covered in cement, put the “Taiwan independence“ banners(台辅仁大学蒋介石铜像被涂满了水泥浆,身上挂“台独”条幅)

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Bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek of Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University is covered in cement, put the "Taiwan independence" banners | Taiwan | bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek | _ news

> Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University campus is a bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek destroyed (photo: "free newsletter")

[World Wide Web reporter Wu Wei] of Taiwan colleges and universities are busy with final exams, Fu Jen Catholic University's bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek's 10th was found "cross-dressing": who hung says, "Taiwan people frequently create Taiwan" banner, face being covered in mud, no facial features. Workers discovered, immediately cleared, more than 9 o'clock have largely restored to its original condition.

Taiwan "free newsletter" 10th said, in previous years a "2·28 event" anniversary, Halloween or Christmas Eve, Jen Chiang Kai-shek statue is always "dress": a bronze statue of Pluto-cremate, and feet covered paper had been wearing mask killer Jason, or blood-sucking mosquitoes, the main appeal is the bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek to leave campus. Assistant University responded by saying, respect for free speech on campus, but to take into account the xiaorong, not specified in the school to put up posters, found to be dismantled.

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Taiwan Chiang Kai-shek statue

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  [环球网报道 记者 吴薇]就在台湾各高校都在忙着期末考试事,辅仁大学的蒋介石铜像10日凌晨被发现“变装”:身上挂上写着“台湾人出头天一同建立台湾国”的布条,脸部则被涂满了水泥浆,不见五官。工友发现后,立即进行清除,9时多已大致恢复原貌。


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台湾 蒋介石 铜像


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