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We decided to establish a National Security Committee

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/13 7:30:16 Browse times: 306 Comment times: 0

We decided to establish a National Security Committee(我国决定设立国家安全委员会)

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We decided to establish a National Security Committee | | | the third plenary session of the national security of the National Security Committee _ news

  "Bulletin" extracts

The plenary, innovation and social governance, must focus on maintaining the fundamental interests of the people, the maximum increase harmonious factors, enhance social development, improve the level of social governance, the interests of national security, and ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order.

To improve social governance, stimulate energy, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts, improving public security system.

The establishment of the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security.


"Set up a National Security Council to deal with national security challenges"

Plenary session Communique noted that established the National Security Council. The news quickly rise to the concern. Experts say that in recent years, China meets the challenges and tasks relating to the national security of more diverse and complex, needs a body such as the National Security Council to coordinate and harmonize.

  Improving national security systems and national security strategy

Communique of the third plenary session, to improve social governance, stimulate energy, innovative and effective system of preventing and resolving social conflicts, and improve public security system, set up the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security.

In fact, China set up a programme of the National Security Council, is not the first time.

The State Council, says Shi yinhong, Professor, school of international relations at Renmin University, China does have tried to establish a similar institution in the past, but the urgency is not enough. Today, the third plenum Communique said the establishment of the National Security Council, reflects the rapid growth of China at the same time, foreign policy, foreign policy and security challenges become more complex and diverse, we need more than any national Security Council to focus on high power, as well as coordinating all the relevant departments of the institution. Establishment of the National Security Council will help improve the efficiency of the national security strategy and policy.

 "National security is a flexible system of settings"

Shi yinhong said communiqué to establish a National Security Council, to make safety, economic policy, Foreign Affairs, military forces together, all sectors relevant to national security and should be represented in the Committee. When discussing important matters, participating departments, the National Security Council will enhance coordination and concentration, is a very necessary institutions.

The other hand, Shi yinhong also pointed out that national Security Council should be a more flexible institutional setting, which would need the National Security Council to discuss in the future, depends on the specific situation. Not every foreign strategy and policy issues will require national Security Council discussions and decisions, there are many other institutions, so that its role is flexible.


Establishment of a National Security Council to improve coordination of national security level

China Qu Xing, Director of the Institute of international studies: with the development of high-tech, prior to the issue of national security and not the same situation, national security issues become more complex, requires the collaboration of multiple State departments, the effective protection of national security. So the national security mechanism on the original, we will establish a new coping mechanism. Establishment of the Committee, to become more effectively integrated in all sectors, to coordinate more effectively, a higher level of coordination. This will facilitate the overall planning of the State security, unified and coordinated action and concentrate.

 For foreign policy, National Security Council to ensure

Deputy Director of the China Institute of international studies, Ruan Zongze: decided to set up a National Security Council, is a major move of Chinese national security institutional mechanisms, and it is an innovative initiative, also marks China's diplomacy will further down. It can serve two very important, is to upgrade or improve the efficiency of the decision-making, now China's diplomacy can be said to be complicated, but to have a good coordination mechanism, the National Security Council, will take on such a role. Second, our decision-making mechanisms, special needs to have such a link, this link would reduce the rules. Through involvement in such a security system, you can maximize the efficiency of our decision-making, to deal with more complex diplomacy.

  National Security Council would co-ordinate arrangements for safeguarding national security

Military Song Zhongping: national defense and national security in the future rules of procedure through the National Security Council to discuss major issues, this is actually one of my senior deliberative organs. Just before the national security leadership group, now fixed it, through the Committee, future involves both countries of significant security can only be set through the National Security Council. China faces increasingly complex national and international security situation, we set up the National Security Council, to co-ordinate arrangements for safeguarding national security in the future, coastal areas and security, which is a foreign show national security concept.

  Stone of other mountains

At present, many countries in the world have set up similar to "National Security Council" such institutions, in addition to United States, but also Brazil, and South Africa, and Turkey, and Malaysia and other countries, Japan is actively promoting a similar "National Security Council".

  United States National Security Council chaired by the President of

United States National Security Council (National Security Council, NSC for short) is a United States President has presided over the highest levels of national security and Foreign Affairs Policy Committee.

United States in 1947 under the National Security Act established the National Security Council (NSC), chaired by the President, regularly attending members, Vice President, Secretary of State, the Minister of finance, the Secretary of Defense and the President's National Security Assistant. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, and the Director of Central Intelligence with military advisers and intelligence advisory capacity attend meetings respectively.

Can optionally specify the relevant personnel to attend the meeting of the President, the White House Chief of staff, the President's legal adviser and Assistant to the President's economic policies will be invited to take part in any United States National Security Council meeting.

National Security Council chaired by the Assistant to the President for national security affairs, is responsible for the daily work. Is mainly the responsibility of the National Security Council on national security and foreign policy to the President recommending in various government departments in coordinating security and foreign policy.

Shi yinhong said that United States National Security Council under President in a different, roles are not the same.

  United States National Security Council

The President: the President

Regular attendance by members: Vice President, Secretary of State, the Minister, the Secretary of Defense, the President's National Security Assistant

Advisory: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, and the Director of Central Intelligence

Not regularly attending members: White House Chief, Assistant Legal Adviser to the President, the President's economic policies, the Minister of Justice, the Director of the Office of management and budget, government official

Japan National Security Council: this month is expected to pass the Bill

Japan media reports, Japan establishment plenary session of the House of representatives recently passed the "Japan National Security Conference (Japan version of the NSC)" Bill, it is expected that the Bill will be passed within this month. If adopted, the "Japan national security meeting" will be the Japan foreign and security policy of the Conning Tower.

"National Security Council" the main contents of the Bill are: in order to be able to decide the foreign and security policy, established by the Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Foreign Secretary, defence phase composition of "4 the Council of Ministers"; in the Cabinet (equivalent to China's State Council), the new "national security agency".

Japan Government decision of 11th, appointment of the incumbent Cabinet's participation in guneizhengtailang in the upcoming Japan Conference on national security (Japan version of the NSC) was the first Secretary.

Once established the "Japan national security meeting" related acts established Japan Government will be held in December, "4 the Council of Ministers" decided to outline new national security strategy and defense. January 2014 sets size of about 60 people of Japan, "National Security Council".

Integrated Beijing News reporter Chu Xinyan, Yan Xin Yu people's daily and other media reports

(Original title: the establishment of the National Security Committee)

(Edit: SN069)November 13, 2013 The Beijing News(我国决定设立国家安全委员会|国家安全委员会|国家安全|三中全会_新闻资讯















  ■ 解读







  ■ 他山之石


  美国国安会 总统任主席

  美国国家安全委员会(National Security Council,简称NSC)是由美国总统主持的最高级别的国家安全及外交事务决策委员会。





  ■ 美国国家安全委员会










  综合新京报记者 储信艳、闫欣雨 人民网等媒体报道



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