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Foreign Media: United States permanent deployment in the South China Sea Coast Guard

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/5 9:10:46 Browse times: 64 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: United States permanent deployment in the South China Sea Coast Guard(外媒:美国在南海永久部署海岸警卫队)

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Foreign Media: United States permanent deployment in the South China Sea Coast Guard Nanhai | | | Navy China and the United States _ news


[World Wide Web Reporter Zhao Yanlong] United States defence magazine Breaking news network of Defense reported on January 2, Trump as President, United States permanent deployment in the South China Sea the coast guard. United States Coast Guard Commander Paul? ' said Chu Kong Fute said in the magazine, he worked with naval operations, Richardson (John Richardson) discussing permanent deployment in the South China Sea and the region of the coast guard read Gai, claiming that this would strengthen and expand and Viet Nam, and Japan and the Philippines relationship with allies in the South China Sea South China Sea to jointly promote "freedom of navigation".

The Philippine Star reported on January 5, former members of Congress, the national security adviser of the Philippines Golles (Roilo Golez) on this a few days ago, "said sea games will be more exciting."

This is not the United States Coast Guard for the first time made a similar claim. Last February, the United States Coast Guard Deputy Commander Lieutenant General chaersi·mixieer said, u.s. Pacific command Theatre commanders hope that the United States Coast Guard sent ships to the South China Sea region. United States Coast Guard Commander baoluo·chukongfu had on November 29 last year to accept United States media interviews expressed such wishes. He United States next Government propaganda said, currently deployed in East China Sea and South China Sea China Sea police, if China's Defense Ministry wants greater play the role of the coast guard, should be their ships dispatched to show United States forces. He said that if the next government orders, United States Coast Guard will also help Viet Nam, Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries to develop a maritime law enforcement capability, and help to maintain peace and security in the waters around.

Naval military academic research fellow Zhang has told global times-global network of reporters, United States Coast Guard, usually under the United States Department of Homeland Security, relative to the control of naval operations, is the United States one of the five armed forces, which is a maritime law enforcement. He said that United States Coast Guard should concentrate on United States homeland defense and security. If you want to send ships to sea areas under the jurisdiction of other States or disputed waters, it would be too long a reach.

Zhang told global times-global network of reporters, the East China Sea and the South China Sea dispute, should be resolved by the parties through consultations and negotiations for peace, against outside intervention. China and the United States have collaborated in joint fishery law enforcement and police involved in disputes but its nature and the sea is completely different. Even if the Obama administration put forth effort to promote the "regional balance" strategy, and no coast guard to lead. If the new Government really allow Coast Guard involvement in China's thousands of miles East China Sea and the South China Sea disputes, will only complicate the situation in the disputed region.

>: Tang Wei chun

Article keywords:
Navy's South China Sea, China and the United States Government

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  [环球网报道 记者 赵衍龙]美国防务新闻网络杂志《Breaking defense》1月2日报道称,特朗普就任总统后,美国可能在南海永久部署海岸警卫队。美国海岸警卫队司令保罗?楚孔夫特日前在接受该杂志访问时称,他曾与海军作战部长理查森(John Richardson)讨论在南海及相关地区永久部署海岸警卫队的槪念,声称此举可加强和扩大与越南、日本及菲律宾的合作关系,与盟友在南海共同推进南海“航行自由”。

  菲律宾《星报》1月5日报道称,菲律宾前国会议员、国家安全顾问戈莱斯(Roilo Golez)日前对此表示,“南海的游戏将会更为刺激”。





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