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China discipline inspection and supervision cadres to corrupt officials as informants – 1 billion project, he was once Peking University graduates

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/5 9:10:43 Browse times: 150 Comment times: 0

China discipline inspection and supervision cadres to corrupt officials as informants – 1 billion project, he was once Peking University graduates(中国纪检干部给贪官当线人,揽10亿工程,他曾经是北京大学高材生)

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China discipline inspection and supervision cadres to corrupt officials as informants – 1 billion project, he was once Peking University corruption | right | top | discipline _ news

> Top scorers on the gaokao, Peking University School of law. Admitted to the Central Commission for discipline inspection organs to work directly after graduation from college. Has been involved in major cases such as Wu Changshun, ever meritorious prize ... ... Not very successful, but it is also very well.

> However, the 37-year old Department level cadres while the level is not high, but is very severe and harsh discipline.

> On January 4, 2017, by the Central Commission for discipline Inspection Department disclosed the Central Commission for discipline inspection, China Central television Director of discipline inspection, former Deputy sixth Yuan Weihua "readily" means – secrets to make deals.

> From North straight to jail

> Yuan Weihua case is a typical case of the Central Commission for discipline inspection organs investigated and dealt with.

> Put himself in prison for corruption. Yuan Weihua cameras confessed: really regret doing those things. Against corruption on the one hand, and corruption on the one hand, this is indeed feel very regret, remorse is one thing.

> Yuan Weihua said, my school is very smooth on the road is always the first first first first, all the way to the North. Because I was about your career development is a relatively quick plan, hoping to level the post as soon as possible. But under this situation, if the way to live better, it is the best result.

> Will report letter revealed to Vice-ministerial-level cadres

> Reporter noted that Yuan Weihua numerous violations in the most prominent, the worst problem was deliberately leaked the merits.

> Secret more than once, he will work to make the transaction, which took place in 2004 for the first time, on his own initiative disclose to a Vice-ministerial-level cadres to report content.

> Known Yuan Weihua after learning of the report the contents of the letter, disclosed orally to a Vice-ministerial-level cadres. Deputy Ministerial-level cadres serving area, belong to the Yuan Weihua sixth discipline inspection room where one of the contacts, Yuan Weihua so there are access to reflect the party cadres in the area for clues.

> Yuan Weihua said: "in the case of a mouth, succeeded, so there really is a feeling that cannot be received. ”

  Using the power contract to 1 billion yuan project

> Leak for the first time, for a project he can't even imagine: all the reserve's infrastructure, was handed over to Yuan Weihua father's team.

> Mentioned in the feature film, before the Yuan Weihua to the Central Commission for discipline inspection work, Yuan Weihua's father only a small contractor team of 35 people, can only undertake the waterproofing, housing renovation works, but his sons helped him become local contract engineering specialist. Yuan Weihua asked her father to make a will, to read "to all family property to his eldest son Yuan Weihua".

> Years, Yuan Weihua used his power to contract to a total amount of more than 1 billion yuan for the project. In 2015, to outline the review a few days ago, Yuan Weihua operation took two works for his father. He is walking on the path of violating the so far and the circumstances are so serious, shocking, or thought-provoking.

> Documentary disclosure, Yuan Weihua except by engineering, and also received a large number of properties. After the party's 18, he still has not converged, hand, cadres in the leaked content in addition to clues, also included important cases of early nuclear programme, audit reports, investigation reports, they do review with analysis and advice.

> Central discipline Inspection Commission sixth Director of the discipline inspection and supervision introduced Mu Hongyu, Yuan Weihua is a typical case is still. Disclosure of such secrets will be brought to the disciplinary review greatly hindered or even destroyed, but driven by interests, Yuan Weihua about bottom line discipline.

> Central Commission for discipline inspection for cleaning a four-year deal with 38 people

> Reporters comb found, since the party's 18, the Central Commission for discipline inspection organs handled a total of 38 people, in which case investigated and dealt with, 17 organizational restructuring 21 people, China discipline inspection and supervision system dispose of more than 7,200 people, conversation refer more than more than more than 4,500 people, organizations handled more than 2,100 people.

> Trust no substitute for supervision, supervision of the discipline first of all lies in party committees at all levels. Discipline Inspection Commission must accept self-restraint of inner-party supervision and democratic supervision, supervision by the masses and public opinion supervision combined fence fastening system, clean build loyalty of the team, who answer to oversee discipline problems and live up to the trust of the party and the people look forward to.

> Central Commission for discipline inspection said of party members and cadres, lost ideals and convictions, lost its sense of purpose, would lose the line. Yuan Weihua life when high officials as on the one hand, and want to make a fortune on the one hand, such deformities, distorted view of life, driven by his organization and discipline so have no fear, it is not surprising.

Text/legal evening news reporter Zhang Ying

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Power corruption Commission for discipline inspection

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>  高考状元、北京大学法学院高材生。大学毕业后直接考入中央纪委机关工作。曾参与过武长顺等大案要案,也曾经立功受奖……不能说非常成功,但也是十分顺利。

>  但是,这名37岁的处级干部虽然职级不高,但违纪行为却非常严重和恶劣。

>  2017年1月4日晚,由中央纪委宣传部、中央电视台披露了中央纪委第六纪检监察室原副处长袁卫华“捞油水”的手段——将工作秘密拿来做交易。

>  从北大高材生到锒铛入狱

>  袁卫华案是中央纪委机关查处的一起典型案件。

>  因贪腐把自己送进监狱。袁卫华面对镜头忏悔道:真的特别后悔做这些事情。一方面反腐败,一方面腐败,这个确实是自己觉得挺后悔,悔恨的一件事情。

>  袁卫华称,我的求学之路是很顺的,始终是第一第一第一第一,一直到北大。因为我当时对自己仕途的发展是一种比较快速的规划,希望能够尽快地进入处级这个岗位。但是这个目标情况之下,如果顺便能生活更好,那就是最好的结果了。

>  将举报信内容透露给副部级干部

>  记者注意到,袁卫华众多违纪行为中最为突出、最为恶劣的问题,是故意泄露案情。

>  他不止一次将工作秘密拿来做交易,其中第一次发生在2004年,他主动向某副部级干部泄露举报内容。

>  据了解,袁卫华得知举报信的内容后,口头透露给某副部级干部。这名副部级干部任职的地区,属于袁卫华所在的第六纪检监察室对口联系的地区之一,袁卫华因此有机会掌握反映该地区党员领导干部的问题线索。

>  袁卫华称:“在一张嘴的情况下,竟然成功了,这样就真的是有一种一发不可收的感觉了。”


>  而第一次泄密,就换来了一个超乎他想象的大工程:这个保护区所有的基础设施建设,被交给了袁卫华父亲的工程队。

>  专题片中提到,在袁卫华到中纪委工作之前,袁卫华的父亲手下只有一支三五个人的小包工队,只能承接一些防水、房屋翻修的小工程,但他儿子却帮他逐渐成为当地有名的承揽工程专业户。袁卫华则要求父亲订立遗嘱,写明“将家庭财产全部给大儿子袁卫华”。

>  多年来,袁卫华利用自己的权力,承揽到总金额超过10亿元的工程项目。就在2015年被立案审查的前几天,袁卫华还为父亲运作拿到了两个工程。他在违纪违法的道路上走得如此之远、情节如此严重,令人震惊,也令人深思。

>  专题片披露,袁卫华除了通过拿工程牟利,也收受大量财物。党的十八大之后,他仍然没有收敛、收手,泄密内容除了中管干部的问题线索,还包括重要案件的初核方案、审计报告、调查报告等,甚至帮审查对象一起分析情况,出谋划策。

>  中央纪委第六纪检监察室主任穆红玉介绍,袁卫华是典型的以案谋私。这类秘密的泄露都会对纪律审查工作带来极大的阻碍甚至破坏,但在利益驱使下,袁卫华把纪律底线置之脑后。

>  中纪委清理门户四年处理38人

>  记者梳理发现,党的十八大以来,中央纪委机关共处理38人,其中立案查处17人、组织调整21人,中国纪检监察系统共处分7200余人、谈话函询4500余人次、组织处理2100余人。

>  信任不能代替监督,对纪委的监督首先在于各级党委。纪委要把自我约束同接受党内监督、民主监督、群众监督和舆论监督结合起来,把制度的篱笆扎紧,建设忠诚干净担当的队伍,回答好谁来监督纪委的问题,不辜负党的信任和人民群众期盼。

>  中纪委称,对党员干部来说,失去了理想信念、丢掉了宗旨意识,也就失去了底线。袁卫华一方面把当大官当作人生追求,一方面又想着发大财,在这样畸形、扭曲的人生观驱动下,他对组织和纪律如此毫无敬畏,也就并不奇怪了。

  文/法制晚报记者 张莹


贪腐 权力 纪委


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