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A forced collection of Expressway in Shandong province subsidies

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2017/1/2 6:49:16 Browse times: 68 Comment times: 0

A forced collection of Expressway in Shandong province subsidies(山东省一高速公路服务区强行收取人头费)

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A forcibly collecting subsidies of Expressway in Shandong province high-speed service area | | subsidies _ news

> High speed service to stop a car from passing cars collection "subsidies"

Qilu network, January 1 (Xinhua yangshuaisongxiaolong) in order to facilitate local people to travel long distances, residents living close to the expressway from the trouble of running, many service areas offer purchase ticket window. However, this convenience good thing in black and silver-Zibo service quietly changed: passenger cars in service passengers must pay subsidies. These people are and what they charge them the fee ownership, legality of their acts, to investigate this reporter.

  High-speed service to stop a car to charge past the "subsidies"

The morning of December 17, 2016, reporters at the Green silver-Zibo area saw such a scene. Several men and women in uniform to attract passengers, and deliver it to their own to ride buses, and in accordance with the bus number, vehicle owners to charge a fee, such costs are bus owners called "subsidies". Since bus drivers found this charge "subsidies" behaviour is unreasonable, so he quarrelled with the uniforms for men and women.

Bus driver question: "I'll ask you a few questions. You say, where do you belong to the management? Do you have a work permit? "Station in Zibo, told bus driver uniforms for men and women workers, but no working document, but also threatened:" or you don't like it don't come. " They tell the bus driver, passenger vehicles throughout the service area under their jurisdiction, pit stop because passengers are required to pay fees. This is the driver said "subsidies".

No matter what the bus driver requirements, Zibo, high-speed service area the men in uniform is not to produce any documents. But the attitude is resolute, don't pay no way out of the station. While the bus driver says that car receive subsidies is an arbitrary, so strongly does not give. But did not expect men in uniform more persistent than bus drivers, the people standing directly in front of the passenger train blocks the way. As the two sides deadlocked when another passenger cars entering the area. Two of them ran over to prevent missing any parking pick-up vehicles.

Reporters asked: "how much money do you buckle? "Didn't expect a uniformed woman greeted another uniformed man," you get up, you don't talk to him, get up. "And directly into the car.

But this time, the uniformed man standing in front of the passenger car is not moving at all. Is a sentence, do not give money who can't walk. Hurry to catch a plane for passengers using cell phones to record the scene in, did not think it came close to being beaten by the men in uniform. "Don't give me a record," the uniformed man said, yanking the passengers, and under his supervision, deleted just by recording of passengers were forced to shoot the video. Fearing that the vehicle passenger flight is late, deadlock after half an hour, just fares by the bus driver no choice but to pay the so-called management fees-5 Yuan.

Reporters found that they are issued to the driver of the so-called charging document, Shun and the passenger transport business service company station in Zibo, turned out to be passengers on the number approved, there is no stamp any seal. Passengers on the vehicle in this case is also very dissatisfied with, "you look at starting at a ridiculous price, is the industry standard for minimum."

  Charging standard yanguobamao stand

Green silver-service area in Zibo, a bus service passengers must pay varying amounts of subsidies. While continuing to survey found that just happened that scene is not alone. The next day, the reporter once again came to the Green silver-Zibo area to investigate. Southwest corner of the area is the location of passenger vehicles and passengers yesterday that several people were standing there in uniform. At this point, a passenger to Jinan from laizhou happened to enter the service area, the reporter asked, "Jinan, huh? There is, right? "Uniform woman told reporters that charges 30 yuan, but when a reporter asked when the woman has claimed that no tickets.

Sell tickets even without a ticket, people is very difficult to understand. But then, reporters saw a scene is all the more shocking. "Three on a total of 15". Bus driver was just going to give the uniforms for men and women to pay "subsidies". Did uniformed men, who are dissatisfied with "the one man, how much money? A five piece, please? One man 10! "So after the uniformed men and women hands down, bus drivers will head to pay 10 yuan per person fee.

So, what this 10 yuan per person costs? Bus driver told reporters: "he can not pull not to sell tickets: no white busy? Said his regular his regular, said he was not regular, who also could not be confirmed. They wore uniforms, but selling tickets but no tickets. "

Bus driver told reporters that this phenomenon has existed for a long time. Soliciting passing vehicles from Zibo service area, these people would receive subsidies, and the fees charged and there is no standard. Bus driver said, "you come in the morning, one button 20. Afternoon deducted 15, buckle 10 pieces, there is button 5. From Weifang to zouping upside down a, on station to see a 5-dollar storage fee. ”

Fees are not fixed, but it is yanguobamao. Even change a car must pay a transfer fee of five Yuan, freak. Drivers told reporters that although passing drivers and passengers were unhappy with, but it is not hesitating to say. "Do not pay money not to let on, screw up the glass and hit your car. Told Lacey the car, beat several people to push him to the ground. For a few dollars more than 10 20 bucks is not worth it. "The bus driver told reporters.

  Strong who received subsidies to tube?

Charged on a per-head basis, forced to stop a car, beating the driver and threatened passengers, these tools do not present a working document-uniformed men and women belong to which Department, this charge is reasonable? Reporters rushed to the Canal District, Zibo city investigation.

Reporter to show the transportation management office staff, Zibo city, secretly shooting video, Canal staff is sure to tell reporters: "not our guy! "The reporter asks," who is not you? Wearing your uniform? "" No, look, wearing the uniform? Top traffic law enforcement please? ”

Well, not the transportation management office staff, these people belong to which Department, Zibo transportation management office staff said that they would investigate. However regrettable is that Canal, Zibo journalists so far have not received any reply.

>: Tang Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
High-speed service subsidies

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山东省一高速公路服务区强行收取人头费 |高速服务区|人头费_新闻资讯

>高速服务区拦车 向过往车收“人头费”

  齐鲁网1月1日讯(记者 杨帅 宋小龙)为了方便当地百姓的长途出行,让居住在高速公路服务区附近的居民免受奔波之苦,很多服务区都开设了购票乘车的窗口。然而,这个原本便民的好事却在青银高速的淄博服务区悄然变了味:客运车要想在服务区搭载乘客,必须要交人头费。这些人是什么身份、他们征收的这些费用归谁所有,他们的行为是否合法,对此记者展开调查。

  高速服务区拦车 向过往车收“人头费”






  记者发现,他们给司机开具的所谓收费单据,竟然是淄博顺和客运经营服务公司进站车辆乘客人数核准单,上面没有加盖任何公章。车上的乘客对于这种情况也是十分的不满,“你看看坐地起价 漫天要价,最起码来说是行业不规范吧”。

  收费标准看心情 雁过拔毛受不了


  卖票的竟然没有车票,就让人十分费解了。但是接下来记者看到的一幕,就更让人震惊了。“上了三个一共15”。客车司机刚准备给这几位制服男女缴纳“人头费” 。没想到制服男子却十分的不满,“一人多少钱?一人五块吗? 一人10块! ” 就这样经过这几位制服男女一倒手,客车司机就要按人头每人缴纳10元的费用。


  客车司机告诉记者,这种现象已经存在很久了。过往的车辆只要从淄博服务区拉客,这些人就要收取人头费,而这费用的收取并没有任何标准。客车司机说,“你早晨来的,一个人扣20 。下午来的扣15的,扣10块,也有扣5块。从潍坊到邹平倒过来的一个,放到站上给看看,就收5块钱的保管费。”


  强收人头费 究竟谁来管?


  记者向淄博市运管处的工作人员展示了暗访拍摄的视频后,运管处的工作人员十分肯定地告诉记者:“不是我们的人!”记者提出问:“不是你们的人?可是穿着你们的制服 ?”“不可能,你看看来, 穿着这样的制服吗 ?上边是交通执法吗 ?”


>责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

高速服务区 人头费


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