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Xuchang, Henan science and technology curator punched a female doctor was suspended

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/24 2:13:20 Browse times: 82 Comment times: 0

Xuchang, Henan science and technology curator punched a female doctor was suspended(河南许昌科技馆长拳打女医生被停职)

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Henan xuchang punched a female doctor was suspended, the Director of science and technology (photo) | beating beaten | | Technology Museum _ news

> On December 7, xuchang city people's Hospital, xuchang city Xing Jingfeng, curator of science and technology (the man in black) due to dissatisfaction with service doctor Luo to the ground

Orient today ? mammoth journalist Han Zhengqiang/vintu

  Xuchang, curator of science and technology of the incident hit videos max out your circle of friends

On December 20, the crazy play doctor video also turned to a reporter on the phone, the video showed, on December 7, 2016 8:14 P.M., two young men and women in the black jacket, in the hospital corridor with a man dressed as white-coated doctor controversy. Female doctor after a short stay up and back to the Office, at this time, black t-shirt women catch up and start shoving women doctors, and fighting between the two sides.

A few seconds later, female doctor when you want to get away, men in black ran up to a female doctor, punched and knocked down the hallway chairs. Female doctor out of his Chair then rolled to their feet. When the black man to continue beating, was a lady in red to discourage. Video captions, xuchang city, batterers are Xing Jingfeng, curator of science and technology.

As of December 22, the video has been broadcast more than 40,000 times.

  Verified the attacker is in xuchang city, curator of science and Technology Department

The morning of December 20, the reporter after investigation and verification, video monitoring systems from xuchang city people's Hospital, taken 4/f is in the hospital corridor. Are women doctors in outpatient Department of the hospital ultrasonic room Mr.

Xuchang city hospital officials said they did not want to see against medical personnel safety and physical and mental health, if you are not satisfied with the doctor's consultation services of the parties, can complain to their departments, hospital. Four-floor clinic in xuchang city people's Hospital, by the head of the Department of communication, was a female doctor Luo declined interviews with reporters.

On December 21, in xuchang City Science and Technology Association, introduced the discipline inspection team leader Wang Weichao, Xing Jingfeng for xuchang, xuchang city, curator of the Museum of science and Technology Association affiliated secondary institutions, section-level cadres. December 20 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, after they received complaints from the victims ' families call, immediately set up by Vice Chairman Xu Hui as head of the investigation team, and interviewed the parties Xing Jingfeng, a detailed understanding of the situation. Reporters want to interview Xing Jingfeng, but without support of the unit.

Xu Hui, Vice-President of the Association introduced in xuchang city, following a preliminary investigation, the night of the incident, Xing Jingfeng took his wife to the xuchang city people's Hospital for a pregnancy test, may be caused by not satisfied with Romania's clinical services is disputed. Xing Jingfeng has stepped forward to push a Luo, and Luo was tripped down a hallway bench.

  Investigation progress organization in Xing Jingfeng suspended duties

It is understood that after the incident, Xing Jingfeng hurriedly left the scene with his wife. Luo was playing a claim shall be investigated for criminal perpetrators responsible, and apologize in person.

Yesterday afternoon, the video of the beatings the doctor on duty, curator of science and technology in xuchang city, about 120 people have commented.

Reporters from weidu district police was informed that they did not receive the victim Luo's injury report until after the injury report, they will take appropriate action according to law.

Yesterday afternoon, xuchang Xu Hui, Vice-President of the Association, told reporters at noon on December 21 team members had a meeting of the Association, decision, suspend Xing Jingfeng positions, accept the investigation.

>: Tang Zheng Xueyou

Article keywords:
Beat beat science and Technology Museum

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