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Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, 3,000 tons of medical waste was selling, in part processed into tableware, toys

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/20 8:58:02 Browse times: 127 Comment times: 0

Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, 3,000 tons of medical waste was selling, in part processed into tableware, toys(江苏省南京市3千吨医疗垃圾被倒卖,部分加工成餐具、玩具)

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, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, 3,000 tons of medical waste was selling parts into tableware, toys | | illegal buying and selling of medical wastes | Nanjing _ news

> Salvage station mountains of medical waste

> Disposable tableware is made from medical waste in this set of pictures are provided for police

> Police found antibiotic vial

> Civilian police in the inventory scrap book

Recovered from the hospital IV, Infusion bags, reusable medical waste, processed into disposable tableware and toys ... ... Nanjing xixia police station lasted 3 months, detected the first cases of medical waste pollution in Nanjing, suspects 3, 1 of them was arrested, 2 people have been released on bail pending trial; the scene seized 13.5 tons of medical waste, actual verified suspect acquisition, selling more than 3,000 tons of medical waste, in connection with the value of more than 40 million Yuan. Recently, the 3 suspects were prosecuted.

Correspondent Habitat wenxuan Luo Rui

/ZAKER Nanjing modern Express Reporter Gu Yuansen


Purchasing scrap heap a large infusion sets, infusion bottles

Medical waste is different from ordinary waste, it contains large amounts of pathogenic micro-organisms or isotopes and other harmful substances, not only cause environmental pollution, and may transmit disease. For the treatment of medical waste, health, environmental protection and other sectors have clearly defined, its recycling, disposal is governed by strict specifications, recycling, processing must be performed by a qualified company. However, in order to profit, some criminals to take the risk, stem from the illegal waste recycling, resale of medical business.

On August 29, the Nanjing xixia police station in yanziji family village when inventory control, found family village 1th salvage station acquisition, Stockpiling a large amount of medical Infusion bags, IV, infusion bottles, medical waste, with bad smell, sickening noises and have affected the people's normal daily routine around, causing dissatisfaction around households.

After investigation, the salvage station name is Kang Shiyuan Technology Nanjing co, the legal representative is 46 years old, Zhang, Zhang from Nanjing hospitals (including hospitals) recycling of disposable infusion sets, infusion bottle products such as plastics, glass, and then transferred to resell.


Police cleared two days 13.5 tons of medical waste

Qixia informed the Public Security Bureau in Nanjing city qixia District Environmental Protection Bureau, the environmental protection agency. Qixia Public Security Bureau set up the task force and invited experts to conduct studies.

From August 30 to 31st, astonished police station and a car with a total clean needles, infusion tubes and other medical wastes about 8.5 tons, antibiotic vial about 5 tons, about 13.5 tons. Disposable infusion tube, disposable syringes, needles and other dangerous waste have piled up, chaotic scene shocking.

The investigation, suspects and others in the beginning of 2012 Nanjing several hospitals in each month from 800 Yuan to 1000 Yuan price of recycled mixed with needles, infusion tube for medical waste.

After recovery, some employees will healthcare waste in accordance with the soft plastic transfusion bags, plastic bottles and glass bottles such as classification, disposable soft plastic transfusion bag packed with a mechanical compression, disposable plastic infusion bottle Crusher to crush into plastic granules, sold to Suqian, Zhejiang and other places for further processing.

Survey flow

Zhejiang found dressed in Suqian, tableware

To further identify the infusion bag (bottle) flows, task force for further investigation. Police investigation found that some recycling of disposable transfusion bag (bottle) sold to Suqian people 56 years old. Task force immediately to stay the implementation of catch, and on September 28 this year in Suqian city vegetable market town so caught.

According to the account from the beginning of 2014, with prices around 2000 to 2500 Yuan per ton from the acquisition on the one hand, around 2200 to 2800 Yuan per ton and sell plastics processing plants, processing plants produce plastic pellets through the markets and networks, sold to the plastic product manufacturers across China.

Police, medical disposable transfusion bag (bottle) main component of plastic granules are made of polypropylene and polyethylene, an important raw material is used to manufacture plastic products. After further processing the plastic particles, and even by some unscrupulous manufacturers used to produce counterfeit brands of plastic toys, cutlery, etc. In Suqian, in Zhejiang province found the police have processed disposable tableware. At present, the case is under further review.

Behind the case

"Overall that" environmental pollution and take evidence

August, qixia District Attorney Prosecutor in site exploration Shi found, although mountain of medical waste distributed with pungent of odor, but "specific which a package toxic harmful, or fine to which a needles or which Infusion bags toxic harmful" is is difficult, if just is finds needles toxic harmful, number insufficient 3 tons, fundamental enough filed standard, and to fine to each a parts detection identification several no may.

Prosecutor "identified as a whole", "pollution is a physical concept as a whole, even if the suspect be divided into needles, infusion sets, infusion and other widgets. Itself is a whole apparatus of medical appliances, their waste is also a whole. " Finally, the approach the Prosecutor's evidence the police, Zhang is suspected of crime of environment pollution. Following the end of investigations, criminal suspect Zhang prosecutors arrest.

Express inquiry

Where disposable tableware, toys?

Hospitals concerned will be subject to any penalties?

Qixia police told the modern express reporters, some medical wastes are processed into toys or disposable tableware. So where do these toys, cutlery went? It is understood that the local police for further investigation.

Police said, according to People's Republic of China solid waste pollution environment control method and the medical waste management Ordinance of provides, produced of clinical waste, and medicine waste and the waste drug, and drug, medical dangerous waste, must by national about provides for disinfection, and destroyed type, pretreatment and disposal; no capacity disposal of or disposal not meet national control standard of, must by location County above government environmental protection and health administrative competent sector specified of has corresponding qualification of units on behalf of disposal. Violation of regulations, dispose of medical waste, resulting in serious consequences, it will be possible to constitute the crime of polluting the environment. Serious pollution to the environment, to three years ' imprisonment or criminal detention, and Department or penalties; consequences are serious, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years and fined.

Qixia police told reporters that the 3 suspects in the case had been prosecuted for selling illegal waste-a hospital, prosecutors involved in the investigation. With the hospitals concerned violations of the provisions on environmental protection and health sectors will be subject to administrative penalties, such as related personnel misconduct, will also be held criminally responsible.

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Illegal buying and selling of medical wastes in Nanjing

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Modern express
江苏省南京市3千吨医疗垃圾被倒卖 部分加工成餐具、玩具|医疗垃圾|非法倒卖|南京_新闻资讯
>这些一次性餐具都是以医疗垃圾为原料制成的 本组图片均为警方提供

  从医院回收输液管、输液袋等医疗垃圾后转卖,加工成一次性餐具或玩具……南京栖霞公安分局历时3个多月,侦破了南京市首起医疗废物污染环境案 件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人3人,其中1人被逮捕,2人被取保候审;现场查获医疗废弃物13.5吨,实际查实嫌疑人收购、倒卖医疗废物3000多吨,涉案价值 4000多万元。近日,3名嫌疑人被提起公诉。

  通讯员 栖文轩 雒呈瑞

  现代快报/ZAKER南京记者 顾元森



  医 疗废弃物不同于一般废弃物,它含有大量的致病微生物或同位素等有害物质,不仅会造成环境污染,而且可能传播疾病。对于医疗废弃物的处理,卫生、环保等部门 有着明确规定,其回收、处理都有严格的规范,必须由有资质的公司进行回收、处理。不过,为了牟利,有些不法分子铤而走险,干起了非法回收、转卖医疗垃圾的 勾当。













  警 方介绍,医用的一次性输液袋(瓶)制成的塑料颗粒主要成分就是聚丙烯和聚乙烯,是制造塑料制品的重要原料。这些塑料颗粒经过再加工,甚至还被一些黑心厂家 用来生产仿冒知名品牌的塑料玩具、餐具等。警方在宿迁、浙江发现了已加工好的一次性餐具。目前,案件正在进一步审查中。



  8月,栖霞区检察院检察官在现场勘查时发现,虽然堆积如山的医疗废物散发着刺鼻的异味,但“具体哪一包有毒有害,或精细到哪一个针头或哪个输液袋有毒有害” 却十分困难,如果仅仅是认定针头有毒有害,数量不足3吨,根本不够立案标准,且要精细到每一个部件检测鉴定几无可能。

  检察官提出了进行 “整体认定”,“污染物是一个物理整体概念,即使嫌疑人将其分割成针头、输液袋、输液管等小部件。医疗用具本身就是一个整体器具,其废物也是一个整体”。 最后,警方采用了检察官的证据认定办法,张某的行为已涉嫌环境污染罪。侦查终结后,犯罪嫌疑人张某被检察机关批捕。





  警 方表示,根据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》及《医疗废物管理条例》的规定,产生的临床废物、医药废物及废药物、药品等医疗危险废物,须按国家 有关规定进行消毒、毁型等预处理和处置;无能力处置的或处置不符合国家控制标准的,须由所在地县级以上人民政府环境保护和卫生行政主管部门指定的有相应资 质的单位代为处置。违反规定随意处置医疗废弃物,造成严重后果的,将有可能构成污染环境罪。严重污染环境的,处三年以下有期徒刑或拘役,并处或者单处罚 金;后果特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。



医疗垃圾 非法倒卖 南京


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