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Triad boss in Shanxi shuaweifeng was released from prison the end of the hearing, will be severely punished

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/19 8:46:08 Browse times: 67 Comment times: 0

Triad boss in Shanxi shuaweifeng was released from prison the end of the hearing, will be severely punished(山西黑社会老大耍威风出狱审理结束,将被从重处罚)

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Triad boss in Shanxi shuaweifeng release the end of the hearing will be given heavier punishment Shanxi | black boss | |-profile out of jail _ news

> On May 23, 2016, Cheng Youze from prison in a high profile site. Video screenshot

Legal evening news (depth reporter Li Mingde) from 14th to 16th, social concern, the Shanxi Jincheng Cheng Youze (nicknamed drive c) due to high profile release, case of Jincheng city prosecutor's Office accused of assembling a crowd to disrupt social order, public hearing in yangcheng County, Jincheng city people's Court. Scheduled public hearing for three days because of the case involving accused 14 people, including Cheng Youze, witness up to 323. Trials continued until end 18th 16:30 P.M., full after collegiate, the presiding judge announced that the case would be selective sentencing.

By late reporters learned from the trial, Jincheng prison deputy warden due to improper disposal of the matter, was suspended. Other guards have been involved, one of the guards involved be arrested. Yangcheng County people's Procuratorate the prosecution recommended by Cheng Youze people are repeat offenders, shall be given a heavier punishment.

In addition, lawyers for Cheng Youze pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutors allege

Cheng Youze several times by prison guards Organization Organization welcome ceremony

14th 8:30 A.M., Shanxi Jincheng Cheng Youze profile out of jail, a yangcheng County, Jincheng city Procuratorate prosecute charges on suspicion of assembling a crowd to disrupt social order, public hearing in yangcheng County people's court case.

See law reporter late in the indictment, in May 2016, Cheng Youze several times by Wang Peng Jincheng prison prison officers passed messages, use phone, illegal arrangements for Wang Peng meets or any other means, and accused Liu Xin, and He Zhengxiang, Xing Fengjun (dealt with) and others to discuss, find people, find some good cars, jail welcome ceremony for their organization.

On May 15, to Cheng Youze Liu Xin, Li Guolin passed to Jincheng prison with messages. 16th, Liu Xin, He Zhengxiang, who in Jincheng prison guards Zhang Hongqing, an illegal arrangement met with Cheng Youze, talked out of jail to meet. Liu Xin, and He Zhengxiang, after the meeting, according to the intent of the thread and to Li Guolin, agreed with Li Guolin, Liu Huize, and others, to get more people, finding a good car to meet Cheng Youze Jincheng prison was released from prison.

On May 17, Liu Xin, and Meng Guanglu, and He Zhengxiang, Zhao, who operate in Liu Xin, Xin Rong jimaixing, to discuss meet Cheng Youze out of jail again and agreed to get a car, lined, eating and other related matters.

Subsequently, Meng Guanglu Zhao planned to meet Cheng Youze prison ceremony. Zhao Cheng Youze release was planned and designed, by a person in uniform dress (black short sleeve t-shirt, black pants), lined the parade uniform slogans welcoming ceremony. On May 17, 22nd, in places such as Xin Rong jimaixing and Liu Xin, Meng Guanglu, who further deliberation of the welcoming ceremony. Meanwhile, Zhao on May 17 purchased 19 black half sleeves and 1 solid white short sleeves, and arrange for their business, "Zhao Feng Video Studio" employs more than 10 people a unified black half sleeve, black trousers for activities.

To testify

Said three more armed police Deputy Superintendent was suspended due to improper disposal

On May 23, it was Cheng Youze released from prison days. Prosecutors said that on that day, more than 180 people, 50 luxury cars to meet Cheng Youze Jincheng prison was released from prison. 8:30 A.M., meet the team caused Merchants Bank Jincheng branch of Shanxi POO Hill ATM serious congestion points to the section of the prison, for more than 10 minutes. Meanwhile more than more than 20 people dressed in black clothes, in front of the prison floor rehearsal for the parade, and set off firecrackers and Fireworks along the roads in the vicinity blast caused serious road congestion.

In view of this situation, Jincheng prison deputy warden Li Zhihong to testify, said Cheng Youze released at 8 o'clock in the morning, prison escape was 21 years and 22 countdown to the unveiling ceremony, held regular meeting of the discipline after 20 minutes. 69 released need to be released from prison on the day, vehicles and personnel discipline outside the building lot. After informed that Cheng Youze of whom, immediately arranged to police information, and talk to Cheng Youze, let the family call to pick him up outside people to evacuate, or again in the evening to let him out of jail.

Li Zhihong said: "police officers ' feedback is Cheng Youze no affection cards that he not contact people outside, do not know specifically who are outside to pick him up. Then I arranged to inform the prison police presence and increased vigilance. ”

According to prosecutors, Jincheng prison armed police deployed three times to a total of about 30 people. Li Zhihong said the daily release of prison personnel would have armed police, usually armed group of three, at the prison gate.

Li Zhihong said: "at 11 o'clock in the morning, I saw Cheng Youze posed a lot of firecrackers, a clothed man and through negotiations, they withdrew to discipline firecrackers car 100 metres away in the East of the building. At 12 o'clock noon, after work, I went home. Not clear Cheng Youze released after a welcoming ceremony, firecrackers were set off. ”

Li Zhihong said Internet video or a friend forwarded only after he saw that afternoon, and they knew that they engage in such a grand, affect so much.

In court, Li Zhihong, said Cheng Youze release video of yourself when Cheng Youze too aggressive, and very bad implications for the prison and the political and legal system. He was the inappropriate disposal of this event, has had a significant effect, themselves currently remains in a suspended state.

 Prosecutors recommended

Is a repeated 3 defendant shall be given a heavier punishment

During the hearing, yangcheng County Prosecutor's Office says the prosecution to meet Cheng Youze jail personnel, vehicles near Jincheng prison together for a long time, a large number of firecrackers and Fireworks, such as shot put, setting off for a long time, resulting in chaos near the prison, seriously interfere with the normal operation of the prison order, led by the Department of labor "labor process to advance," interrupted in advance, was unable to reach the purpose of the meeting. Prison Bureau to prevent the effects of prison security incidents occurred, squadrons requested extra police to maintain order near the prison gate, had to temporarily adjust the commutation of the penalty enforcement section staff order of release, Cheng Youze, delayed the release of more than 10 people.

Cheng Youze a high profile release, also seriously affected in jinpushan hospitals, schools, kindergartens and surrounding units and residents work, teaching, and life. Meet the prison related videos fairly quickly the app forward, the Internet and other media, caused a strong social reaction.

Prosecution in yangcheng County Prosecutor's Office believes that Cheng Youze people assembling a crowd to disrupt social order, if the circumstances are serious, resulting in the work of government agencies cannot, causing serious losses. The criminal facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, Cheng Youze crime of assembling a crowd to disturb social order should be held accountable person of criminal responsibility. Due to Cheng Youze, Cheng Huilin, three Bi Peng is a repeated, shall be given a heavier punishment.

> Indictment

Prison guards in connection with the

People were processing arrests

Law late reporters from Yang Xuelin, Zhu Xiao Ding Cheng Youze defence counsel was informed by the Court Prosecutor, produced Cheng Youze displayed in the interrogation, when he was released from prison, Zhang Hongqing of prison policemen take the initiative to find him, let him give his relatives find work. Cheng Youze boss called a shopping city, Jincheng Zhang Hongqing phone to help Zhang Hongqing relatives find work. Zhang Hongqing records shows that Cheng Youze 8 days before his release from prison, he had an illegal arrangement drive to meet with their friends, said he removed the meeting recording. Cheng Youze out of jail the same day, his car after work at noon, visited the Jincheng Haitian hotel for Cheng Youze welcome dinner for his release from prison. In the banquet scene, he also met colleague Wang Peng and Gao JP two prisons.

During the hearing, according to yangcheng County Prosecutor's Office presented evidence by the prosecution, on June 5, 2016, the Jincheng prison guards Wang on suspicion of abuse of yaodu district of linfen city, Shanxi province Prosecutor's Office under criminal detention. On June 16, linfen city Procuratorate approved the arrest, is now in custody in the detention center. And other suspected violations, disciplinary officer are subject to different treatment.

Event review

On May 23, a group called "triad boss from prison in a high profile" video went viral on the Internet. In the video, firecrackers, and stopped next to a number of vehicles, more than the black-clad young men lined up, plus outside many personnel, meeting the same day Cheng Youze Jincheng prison released from prison staff.

On May 27, the Jincheng city held a "playing gangsters and mobilization campaign, the deployment of meeting", informed the Jincheng City Public Security Bureau "5·23" task force on May 26, with "alleged crime of assembling a crowd to disturb social order", "Cheng Youze detained according to law."

On June 10, the Shanxi provincial public Security Bureau published information confirm Cheng Youze on June 8 was "in accordance with law approved the arrest." The same day, the Jincheng City Intermediate Court for the sentence to make a ruling before the Court revoked the sentence.

According to public reports, Cheng Youze prison three times, plus the approval of arrest, he is "four".

In April 1984, Cheng Youze convicted of robbery were sentenced in jindongnan area for six years, was released in April 1988.

In December 1996, also convicted of hooliganism, robbery, intentional destruction of public and private property, gambling by Shanxi High Court sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment, was released in 2006.

In October 2009, Cheng Youze offenders were arrested for the third time. In September 2012, he found guilty of crimes of illegal trading in explosives, intentional injury and unlawful detention by Shanxi High Court sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment.

December 14, 2016 to 18th, Cheng Youze people "suspected crime of assembling a crowd to disturb social order" in yangcheng County, Jincheng city, Shanxi province, the people's court case public hearing.

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Shanxi black boss-profile out of jail

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Legal evening news
山西黑社会老大耍威风出狱审理结束 将被从重处罚|山西|黑老大|高调出狱_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(深度记者 李明德)14日至16日,备受社会关注的山西晋城程幼泽(绰号程三)因高调出狱,被晋城市检察院指控涉嫌聚众扰乱社会秩序一案,在晋城市阳城县人民法院公开开庭审理。原计划公开开庭审理三天,因该案涉及包括程幼泽在内的被告人有14人,相关证人多达323人。庭审一直持续到18日下午16时30分结束,经合议庭合议后,审判长宣布该案将择期宣判。




  程幼泽多次通过狱警传信 组织出狱迎接仪式







  称三次增派武警 副监狱长因处置不当被停职

  5 月23日,这天是程幼泽刑满释放日。检方称,当天有180余人,50辆豪车前往晋城监狱迎接程幼泽出狱。上午8时30分,迎接队伍造成招商银行晋城分行晋 普山ATM分点通往监区方向路段严重拥堵,时间长达10余分钟。同时20余名身穿黑色衣服的人,在监狱管教楼前列队彩排,并在附近沿途道路上摆放鞭炮及礼 花炮,造成道路严重拥堵。

  针对此情况,晋城监狱副监狱长李志宏在出庭作证时称,释放程幼泽的当天上午8时,监狱正在搞21年无脱逃及22年 倒计时揭牌仪式,20分钟后又召开管教例会。当天有69名刑满释放人员需要释放,管教大楼院外车辆和人员很多。获悉其中有接程幼泽的人后,马上安排干警了 解情况,并找程幼泽谈话,让其打亲情电话让外面接他的人都撤离走,不然晚上再放他出狱。







  3被告人属累犯 应当从重处罚

  庭 审中,公诉方阳城县检察院称,迎接程幼泽出狱人员、车辆在晋城监狱附近长时间聚集,大量鞭炮、礼花炮摆放、长时间燃放等行为,导致监狱附近秩序混乱,严重 干扰了监狱的正常工作秩序,致使劳动改造科牵头的“劳务加工推进会”提前中断,未能达成会议目的。狱政科为了防止影响监区安全事故的发生,请求武警中队增 派警力维护监狱大门附近秩序,刑罚执行科不得不临时调整减刑人员的释放顺序,将程幼泽等十余人的释放时间推迟。





  多人被处理 一人被逮捕

  法 晚记者从程幼泽辩护律师杨学林、朱孝顶处获悉,法庭上公诉人出示程幼泽的讯问笔录中显示,他未出狱时,监狱干警张宏庆主动找到他,让他给其亲戚找点活干。 程幼泽用张宏庆手机给晋城市一商场老板打电话帮张宏庆亲戚找活干。张宏庆笔录中显示,程幼泽出狱前8天,他曾违规安排程与其朋友会见,会见后他把会见录音 删除了。程幼泽出狱当天,他中午下班后驾驶私家车,来到晋城海天大酒店参加程幼泽的出狱接风宴请。在宴席现场,他还碰到了监狱同事王鹏和郜晋鹏两人。












山西 黑老大 高调出狱


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