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Visit Shenzhen demolished village: businesses were still moving

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/18 3:32:52 Browse times: 102 Comment times: 0

Visit Shenzhen demolished village: businesses were still moving(回访深圳拆迁村:仍有商户未搬迁)

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Visit Shenzhen demolished village: businesses were still moving | shuibei | nail _ news

> Took the site from a height

> Wang aerial cover reporter Zhou Haojie Shenzhen

> Because demolition debris on the "thousand people feast" and "at least 200 million yuan per household" rumours of demolition charges, Shenzhen Lo Wu Shui bei cun and night becomes famous.

> Now, nearly two months after the incident, reporters visit found that businesses were still moving out, also did not discuss issues well fetch.

> December 16, 2016, journalists came to Shui bei Cun on the cover, in addition to sites outside the Centre dug a shallow pit, and other sites did not differ much. Instead, have basically completed the demolition of the site next to the road flat Water Bay community park was filled with sediment, roadside filled with bricks.

> Journalist on the scene saw the cover at the site north of the Shui bei er road and two--2014 years has made the building renovation of Qi Cheng Hotel Jia fukang jewelry city has not been removed.

> Hotel to be closed

> Qi Cheng Hotel 1, 2 floor, there are a lot of jewelry and gold stalls, compared with two months ago, and small business operators have moved a lot, some jewellery stalls has posted an eviction notice, said they have moved to a nearby jewelry store, and leave contact information. Also on the inside rear of shop staff are also busily inventorying stores jewelry and gold, finished in time for the move before the end of.

> Shuibei arches and site

> Qi Cheng Hotel staff described to reporters, they have received notice to stop operating on December 20. "After the 20th will not be allowed to organize activities. "But they also said it was not clear when the building demolition.

> In Jia fukang jewel city, East of it, upstairs tenants had moved out, the entire exterior of the building also has traces of chisels, seems torn. But the one-storey building still has a gold and a smoke in the hotel business. Gold line staff said, is still waiting for the boss to inform, not sure when will move.


> Unopened jewelry city smoke in a corner of the hotel

> Liquor still open, in the northeast corner of the building. Only boss Wu Jie and his staff operate Kobayashi. Wu Jie introduced to cover journalists, she still discuss with village fetch problem on a good move. She says she is not a nail, fetches village just don't arrange programmes for them. "I agree with their rehabilitation, but later we will return to this store, they say there's no final plan, so at the end we talk about it. ”

> Wu Jie is the Puning, Guangdong people, Shui bei Cun has more than 30 years, almost half of the Shui bei Cun people. Shui bei Cun began demolition this year, the villagers gradually moved out, her business has also been affected. "People have come to the end, a great influence, but this store is you bought the property, without paying rent, so just stay here, or leaving early. ”

> "Hopefully in January next year on a good, had talked about the move, built and then moved back, expects it will take three or four years later. "She said, and will continue to stay in Shenzhen, because some customers making frequent phone contact with her, let her continue to send some tobacco and alcohol, make a living.

> Editor: Zhang Xiaoya

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Shuibei nail

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper

>  封面新闻记者 周浩杰 深圳报道 航拍 王凯

>  因为在拆迁废墟上摆“千人大盆宴”以及“每户最低2亿元”拆迁费的谣言,深圳罗湖水贝村一夜爆红。

>  如今,事发近两个月后,记者回访发现,仍有商户未搬离,称还没商讨好回迁的事宜。

>  2016年12月16日下午,封面新闻记者来到水贝村,除了工地中心挖了一个浅坑以外,与其它的大工地并无太大分别。反倒是已经基本拆迁完毕的工地旁边,原本道路平整的水贝社区公园被堆满泥沙,路旁放满了砖石。

>  封面新闻记者在现场看到,在工地北侧的水贝二路上还有两栋建筑物——2014年曾作了翻修的琪澄酒店以及家福康珠宝城尚未拆除。


>  琪澄酒店1、2楼还有不少的珠宝、金器档口,与两个月前相比,小商户已经搬走了不少,有的珠宝档口已经贴出了搬迁通知,称已经搬到附近的珠宝商城,并留下了联系方式。还在里面留守的商铺工作人员也在忙碌地清点店里面的珠宝、金器,赶在年底之前搬迁完。


>  琪澄酒店的工作人员向记者介绍,他们已经收到通知,要在12月20日停止营业。“20号之后就不能再举办活动了。”但他们也表示,目前尚不清楚这栋楼何时拆迁。

>  在它东边的家福康珠宝城,楼上的住户早已搬离,整栋楼的外墙也有凿过的痕迹,显得破破烂烂。但该楼一层仍有一间金器行和一间烟酒店在经营。金器行工作人员称,目前仍在等老板通知,未能确定什么时候会搬。


>  还在营业的烟酒店,在该楼东北角。只有老板吴姐和店员小林在经营。吴姐向封面新闻记者介绍,她目前仍在跟村里商量回迁的问题,谈好了就搬了。她表示自己并非钉子户,只是村里还没安排回迁方案给他们。“我同意他们改造,但以后我们要回这个店面,他们说还没最后规划好,所以把我们放到最后来谈。”

>  吴姐是广东普宁人,来水贝村已30多年了,几乎是半个水贝村人。在水贝村开始拆迁这一年多来,村民陆续搬离,她的生意也受到影响。“人都走完了,影响很大,不过这店是自己买下来的物业,不用交租,所以才呆在这里,不然早就走了。”

>  “希望能在明年1月前谈好,谈好了就搬,等建好再搬回来,预计也要三四年后。”她表示,之后会继续留在深圳,由于有一些熟客经常电话联系她,让她继续送一些烟酒,可以维持生活。


水贝 钉子户


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