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Former Deputy Director of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office: the peaceful reunification of Taiwan and little chance of

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/18 3:32:48 Browse times: 93 Comment times: 0

Former Deputy Director of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office: the peaceful reunification of Taiwan and little chance of(中国国台办前副主任:和平统一台湾的可能性越来越小)

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Former Deputy Director of China's Taiwan Affairs Office: the peaceful reunification of Taiwan and little chance of

Today is a popular exception 2017 annual meeting of the global times, topics covered China and Japan-South Korea relations, the South China Sea issue and other fields. However, this is also one of the most powerful topic is about "how long Taiwan independence can madness" issue.

Because, in the discussion, including the military people and the Taiwan Affairs Office of a former senior government official, more guests with respect, our mainland China peaceful reunification of Taiwan has become increasingly less likely, even in front of Trump's clamor has been lost, around the year 2020 there will be a war in the Taiwan Strait!

Next, let small series to bring guests the wonderful speech!

First of all, "former Deputy Commander of the Nanjing military region, Lieutenant General Wang Hongguang" statement:

Hongguang Wang

"First of all, I have a basic judgment of the current situation across the Taiwan Strait, Trump was not elected has been on both sides of the conflict continues to accumulate, the crisis continues to deepen, have reached a near breaking point. Trump took office, recent words and actions mean the outbreak near the point of a match. My judgment is that by 2020 is certain that military conflict in 2020, before and after the outbreak of war in the Taiwan Strait is likely to seize Taiwan.

First, the "Taiwan independence" is the mainstream public opinion on the island now, and more and more on the island alone, cannot be returned. This example gets along well Needless to say, ten years ago is 55% does not recognize Chinese, now ten years after 2016 is 75% do not recognize themselves as Chinese, next generation, now accepted fifty or sixty years after the Chinese had not, island no one admits that he is Chinese, and this is the 1th.

Second, Tsai is rational "Taiwan independence", he's not speculators like Chen Shui-bian, she recently said she wanted to maintain the status quo, she offered to make a phone call to Trump, she used her actions broke the most basic red line of maintaining the status quo. In addition, she was appointed for "Taiwan independence" judges, these judges through judicial profile Taiwan into an independent State. Today is the most important of which is not to allow Tsai to answer answer answer no, the answer she had handed in is continuing to "Taiwan independence".

Third, some people and Japanese have connections within the Islands together, "Taiwan independence" what is next? Is in Okinawa, I cite a specific example. 1945 Taiwan retrocession, the Japanese left behind 300,000 Japanese to Taiwan after Taiwan, through Japan during the 50 years of Japanese when Taiwan was 6 million, 8% is 480,000, plus 300,000 people, nearly 800,000 people, after three generations of 75 years, 23 million people now has more than 6 million people are descendants of these people. His concept is not only "Taiwan independence", from his blood relationship and Japan's relationship is not generalized. We will force Taiwan, it's going to be a fight that we most strongly on "Taiwan independence" forces.

Fourth, the KMT has been picked up, mud help not on the wall, is constantly being marginalized. Ma Ying-jeou, who does not want the reunification of the country, the KMT is split in history habit. Early Kuomintang Sun Yat-Sen and Huang Xing there is a contradiction, then early Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei contradictory, now OK, these people which is the legislative caucus of the Kuomintang intimate comrades? The KMT did not play, and KMT young said we want to change the party, removed Chinese-made, you call this reform? Body of the party, this is the island. City now has 700 million Internet users, of which 93%, global times, when poll, is to use force to liberate Taiwan. Singapore's Lianhe zaobao, which is a white collar workers often look at newspapers, 83% agreed to the use of force or the threat of force unification Taiwan. Earlier this year, the 93% of Chinese youth against "Taiwan independence", city, 1.3 billion people are against "Taiwan independence", and General Secretary in two recent statements about 1.3 billion people, and you the island's 23 million people, then get rid of pro-unification, or more than 10 million, this confrontation is not compatible, will not give way to each other.

Fifth, Taiwan's energy has been unable to keep our armed forces unification, County have been Taiwan is not to change the initiative, this initiative, global Times editorial yesterday was good, to turn it into rebuilding Taiwan's right to reshape, and this is the balance of power. In several ways, have now reached a crucial time. I still have a four-point strategy. ”

How about taking combative, right?! However, when people thought the next appearance of the country's former Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office Wang Zaixi will ease following fierce when Lieutenant General Wang Hongguang, the former army General said he "basically agrees with," Wang Hongguang's comments, saying that "the possibility of peaceful unification is lost!"

King in Greek

The following is his statement:

Basically, I agree with the General Wang Hongguang said ... ... Why I said basically agree with it? In my opinion, just slightly a little different, I think the possibility of peaceful unification is gradually lost, because we have sworn of the anti-secession law is very clear, and in three cases we will act according to law, one of the most important article is the possibility of peaceful reunification has been lost. So I think it should say in the close slowly and gradually lost.

The Trump and Tsai 10 minute dialogue, Taiwan issue has aroused unprecedented attention, let Taiwan more exposed the nature of the problem. I think now of Taiwan authorities and two Jiang times, even Lee Teng-hui of times, are has up changes has, now of Taiwan authorities from a species meaning Shang told, it has lost has independent sex, slowly of has became United States, and Japan right anti-China forces of agent, United States is wants to playing Taiwan brand to curb China of peace rise, "independence" split forces wants to using United States, and Japan to seeks independent. They are used to each other. I remember after Donald Trump made the remarks, a lot of people say Taiwan has become the United States of a piece, that has access to a "Taiwan independence" scholars, he said on television, he said we were using that we still have value. Cheeky, of the current Taiwan situation, analysis of why I broadly agree with Mr Wang Hongguang, details are a little bit different. In my opinion, has four points.

1th, the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces in Taiwan have been bigger, now Taiwan island has no power to stop "Taiwan independence", so in that sense, in Taiwan "Taiwan independence" separatist could have taken to the road of no return. It is clear that turned out to contain "Taiwan independence" is mainly the KMT, KMT has had it now, he had no ability to contain. In addition, the decentralized power, can not be together. Is the younger generation now be misled by the Democratic Progressive Party, along with some small parties have to move closer to the DPP, so this trend is really bad.

2nd, I think legal "Taiwan independence" will be split in the future style. Because Chen Shui-bian had wanted to pass a referendum law "Taiwan independence", he was to succeed, because we are firmly opposed to the KMT a majority in the Legislative Yuan, and United States President Bush also hoped that stability in the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, Chen Shui-bian did not succeed. But now situation different has, DPP in legislation hospital has control has most, Qian soon Tsai Ing-wen appointed has seven a justice, which has several is very obviously of has "independence" tendencies of judge, such I on is worried, future he not only through repair Gazette, and may through Shi Xian "independence", because such a "independence" style compared security, not by which leaders announced, he also not bear responsibility, he on through legislation institutions or other of way, put repair Gazette Shi Xian yihou put "independence" terms put in. "Taiwan independence" main style I think is to be legal in the future "Taiwan independence", which is his first choice.

3rd, the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan power, both Tsai and other leaders, who seeks "Taiwan independence" tendency will not change. He said maintaining the status quo, many of us understand in order to maintain its present situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, is not, it is necessary to maintain the current of "Taiwan independence" secessionist status quo. Tsai now policies I outline into 16 words, alienated city, relying on the United States and Japan, solid foundation, gradually plan an independent.

4th, the "Taiwan independence" how long can still rampant, I think we can now contain "Taiwan independence" only trends in mainland China. So to ask the "Taiwan independence" how long can still rampant, I think the key to the Mainland's determination.

It appears from the above two comments, if Donald Trump in Taiwan that challenges our bottom line on our core issues, Taiwan independence elements continued in Taiwan jumped a foot up, then cross-strait unification will really not far away.

However, although two guests for the peaceful reunification of Taiwan's chances looked down upon, but they are not "military" people. Among them, Wang Hongguang words capture will be back out of the "war does break out in the Taiwan Strait," the essence of who decides:

"The Democratic Progressive Party came to power on the surface situation gone bad, but I think the bad thing sometimes can be turned into a good thing, the DPP more perverse, to promote" Taiwan independence ", which may bring opportunities, it is possible to accelerate the process of the reunification of the motherland ... ... We will be with the greatest sincerity and efforts to strive for peaceful reunification, it will not change, but could last peaceful reunification does not depend on us, it depends on Taiwan island. ”

(Editors: xiaowugang UN845)
2016-12-18 15:07:04
Global times

























(责任编辑:肖武岗 UN845)
2016-12-18 15:07:04

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