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United States Hi, received Christmas gifts in the South China Sea, do not read

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/17 11:33:15 Browse times: 120 Comment times: 0

United States Hi, received Christmas gifts in the South China Sea, do not read(美国你好,放在南海的圣诞礼物收到,勿念)

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United States Hello in the South China Sea received Christmas gifts do not read

There is big news again today.

According to the United States a number of media sources, on December 15, the Chinese Navy in the South China Sea while the United States underwater unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) fault of the machine, beat American salvage personnel go fishing before.

It is learned that the fish go it is the Chinese Navy "save South 510" salvage and rescue ship, the ship was a type 922 salvage ship (NATO called "wave 3" level), and the United States are of sea bottom topography detection operation "Bowditch", ocean research vessel, less than 500 meters.

United States Defense Ministry has immediately contacted the Chinese side through intergovernmental channels, they returned to the ship on December 15 "illegally" UUV. United States Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement that "the unmanned craft was United States sovereign immunity of all vessels, we have called on China to immediately return it, and to fulfil all its obligations under international law. ”

No matter what the facts, United States have begun pre-emptive, United States part of the media also played up China "stole" the United States assets. So far, China's Defense Ministry has not made any response on the matter. However, even if the United States unilaterally provided information, slightly more professional people will have no difficulty seeing this editor--United States, is a typical thief.


Location of the incident.

In accordance with United States media messages, incidents took place roughly from Subic Bay, 50 miles northwest, at that time, the United States oceanographic survey ship "Bowditch" (USNS Bowditch) is trying to recover the unmanned underwater underwater.

Can be seen from the figure, and is located in the waters near the broken line, approximately 100 kilometers from the huangyan island. This position is sensitive, is the United States "came close reconnaissance" focus area. On the nature of the waters in the area, China and the United States understands odds-on both sides-

According to July 12, 2016 People's Republic of China Government on in sea of territory sovereignty and marine interests of statement, China in sea of territory sovereignty and marine interests including: 1, China on sea all island, including dongsha Islands, and Paracel Islands, and zhongsha Islands and Spratly Islands has sovereignty; 2, China Sea all island has water, and territorial waters and adjacent District; 3, China Sea all island has exclusive economic zone and continental shelf; 4, China in sea has historic right. Due to the delimitation of the waters has not been formally, or it may be located in China's exclusive economic zone in the seas with historic rights;

Based on the United States has always been logical, global waters 12 nautical miles are all "international waters" (International Waters) and United States military forces had absolute freedom of action, activity rights equal to the high seas. According to this logic, the United States is in this position, China does not recognize the historic rights or the exclusive economic zone.


According to the United States to his allegation, this system is used to collect military marine geographic information throughout the world, the UUV was on the measurement of ocean salinity, water temperature, and the speed of sound, a pair of impressive-looking appearance.

In fact, from a professional point of view, this argument is hardly convincing. Global marine area is vast, and there is 361 million square kilometers, why American focus on South China Sea measured? If it is a general sense of salinity, temperature, and velocity, and other basic data have long been available, made the fight go measure it?

Clearly, the US is not the basic log data, but small changes in local areas, such as water temperature and poor sound. It is well known that submarine under the water, often with local water temperature, essential changes of hydrological parameters such as acoustic. There is no doubt that this UUV is aimed at detecting submarines, perhaps even in tracking submarines.

Reports said the UUV by Chinese fishing, is a United States tailida Slocum designed unmanned underwater glider (Slocum glider). In 2014, the United States Navy and the Dyne Corporation signed an agreement this UUV for military purposes, starting from 2015 was used for hydrographic survey mission in the Asia-Pacific region. Different from traditional UUV, which use similar heavy torpedo thermal power technologies, endurance and propulsive efficiency is much higher than ordinary electric UUV--2009 years, Le Touessrok Sam company an underwater glider 221 days to sail from New Jersey to Spain, sailed across the Atlantic for the first time. The system can also sail on the underwater formations, implementing a wide range of intelligence-gathering.

Not long ago, the United States Navy had announced that the system will be deployed to the South China Sea in a high profile, United States media called secret weapon against Chinese submarines.

What is to do, United States Army he had made that very clear.

Japan Internet comments


United States thief says, journalists have the following views.

First of all, on unmanned systems, maritime traffic and marine activities, international law is blank, and international circles on whether the law of unmanned systems and systems the same cautious views on the rights. Therefore, regardless of whether the incident area is on the high seas, the exclusive economic zone, still has the historic right of water, United States are unable to "violation of the freedom of navigation" rules to accuse China, can only claim ownership of property in the name of China last spring. The so-called "sovereign immunity", is sheer nonsense, China is caught at sea, and not from the United States on board grilled over and left the mother ship, the boat has no status of subjects of international law are open to question.

Secondly, to safeguard their own interests and security point of view, China's approach acceptable. These unmanned systems clearly in violation of the security of China's system, even give these unmanned craft a legal status, it cannot be compared with the legal status of Chinese vessels. If it hinders freedom of navigation of the vessel in China, endangering the safety of Chinese ships, China can only take measures against it, not just wait for hazardous events. This time, United States's own admission, the ship is out of order, it should hit the others do?

Finally, the Convention on international law on maritime military activities such as lack of sufficient jurisdiction, did not make clear that American troops came close reconnaissance, especially unmanned craft with the legality of drone operations and also does not require China's salvage Act compliance. This is the grey area, US military unmanned boats to come, China can be detained.

Originally each other shines fresh repertoire, United States I have to say "back". If the United States continues to hand returned to China on its property, China could consider the solemn promise to the United States protesting, this boat seriously endangered the safety of Chinese ships and personnel, asked United States to explain and apologize. Problem is, for the tens of thousands of dollars (the value of the whole system a lot of money, of course), the United States will head to apologize?

Chinese army has always been a teacher of civilization, the decisive shot, for a reason. United States to be virtuous, might as well put the whole story, let the world know right from wrong.

Lake/Yan Bo

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-12-17 22:59:22
美国你好 放在南海的圣诞礼物收到 勿念


  据美国多家媒体的消息, 12月15日,中国海军在南海趁美国一艘无人水下潜航器(UUV)故障之机,抢在美军打捞人员之前将其捞走。






  按照美国媒体披露的消息,事发地点大致距离苏比克湾西北方向50英里,当时,美国海洋调查船“鲍迪奇号”(USNS Bowditch)正打算收回这一无人水下潜航器。


  根据2016年7月12日《中华人民共和国政府关于在南海的领土主权和海洋权益的声明》,中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益包括:1,中国对南海诸岛,包括东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛和南沙群岛拥有主权;2,中国南海诸岛拥有内水、领海和毗连区; 3,中国南海诸岛拥有专属经济区和大陆架;4,中国在南海拥有历史性权利。由于这片水域尚未正式划界,它可能位于中国的专属经济区或内拥有历史性权利的海域;

  而基于美国的一贯逻辑,全球领海12海里外统统是“国际水域”(International Waters ),美国军事力量拥有绝对的行动自由,活动权限等同于公海。照此逻辑,美国也不承认中国在这个位置有专属经济区或历史性权利。





  报道称,这次被中国捞走的UUV,是美国泰里达因公司研制的斯洛克姆无人水下滑翔机(Slocum glider)。2014年,美国海军与泰里达因公司签署协议,将这种UUV用于军事用途,从2015年开始被用于在亚太地区执行水文调查任务。与传统UUV不同,该系统使用类似重型鱼雷上的热动力技术,因此续航力和推进效率远高于普通的电动UUV——2009年,斯洛克姆公司的一架水下滑翔机用221天从新泽西航行到西班牙,首次完成跨大西洋航行。该系统还可以在水下以编队方式航行,实施大范围的情报搜集。












(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-12-17 22:59:22

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