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Businessman killed in Inner Mongolia, and put them in cages, sink to the bottom, the principal was executed

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/15 10:38:16 Browse times: 47 Comment times: 0

Businessman killed in Inner Mongolia, and put them in cages, sink to the bottom, the principal was executed(内蒙古富商被杀,装进铁笼,沉尸湖底,主犯被执行死刑)

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Businessman killed in Inner Mongolia, and put them in cages, sink to the bottom the perpetrator was executed | | cage heavy case of illegal detention | Zhejiang _ news

This is a four year sensation of Zhejiang "cage sink case" have gone through detection and counter-detection, multinational Chase, hundred-metre deep water fishing, case development and confusing, twists and investigation process, comparable to movie blockbuster!


The morning of December 13, 2016, the Hangzhou intermediate people's Court of China's Supreme People's Court issued the death penalty ordered, in accordance with the "iron cage chenhu" guilty of wilful killings, illegal detention in the case primarily Hu Fangquan pedigreed, marched to execution of the death penalty.

On June 10, 2012, because of huge debt disputes, businessman owner of Inner Mongolia nationality in the Wyndham Hotel Fengqi road, Hangzhou was picked, then illegally detained, Yongjia, Qingtian mountain between a few months and finally panicked creditors and his men thrown into a shallow reservoir, were killed. Mastermind of the iron cage heavy case of Wenzhou origin is the "boss" Hu.

> Hu pleaded not guilty in court

On February 11, 2015, the Hangzhou City intermediate people's Court was the fourth hearing of the case. Underwater salvage video played in Court of the Court horrifying: 83 meters deep under the water, bodies of murdered men as a baby, tightly curled up in a little cage, legs dangling. At this point, the 44-year old businessman sunk to the bottom of Inner Mongolia has up to 28 months.

For the moment, downtown Hangzhou Public Security Bureau task force has been fighting for more than 900 days, carried out the most difficult in the history of public security of China's deep-water fishing.

Nearly 300 Lake size, and reservoir fishing in one hundred meters deep, extremely difficult. Experienced many salvage failed on October 20, 2014, body search being reset, have used underwater robots and the country's top deep-scanning equipment. On December 28, 2014, Beishan Bridge more than 80 square metres of water on one side, Zhang's body was a successful search and cages to January 6, 2015 the victim a boss's body was recovered and the cage.

When the cage was being carried to the courtroom, everyone was shocked: only 60x70x70 cm size! Height 1.8-meter, weighs 200 pounds, how students are put into a cage?

> Rusted iron cage yellow

Forensic autopsy report issued by said bodies were soaked in water for too long, highly corrupt, cannot clearly be drowned and finally concluded the cause of death is unknown.

  What might have really happened

  Local bosses were put into pigs thrown in the Lake!

7:30 P.M. June 10, 2012 or so, Inner Mongolia nationality in Hangzhou's boss Zhang Wyndham Hotels and Wenzhou people Hu met after the boss had borrowed millions from Hu's funding, Hu is to ask for money. A boss thought was an ordinary communication and also did not expect money to talk about, it was Hu gang control and away from Hangzhou and out of touch. 11 o'clock Hu to call a boss family, asking for a ransom of $50 million to repay huge debts before the parties, paying again to release.


Hu was 18 years old in Wenzhou, a "snake head" work and help people smuggling to foreign countries, has a very strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, he frequently phoned boss family for ransom, was removed, and Yongjia, Wenzhou, Taizhou and Lishui, police looking for no gain of more than 40 days, Hu also subsequently disappeared, vanished. Five months later, on February 20, 2013, police found Hu fled to Thailand. Downtown Hangzhou police emergency dispatch 6 officers, Thailand police in cooperation with Hu in a Bangkok Hotel to a capture.


Subsequent net operations mounted by the police, and the other 13 people involved in the case have been arrested. But in front of police problems was that hostage-taking is the most crucial evidence was heard from again. In the review, Hu insisted he was just detained for a boss, putting people back two months later, don't know why a boss unaccounted for.

Police launched a comprehensive ' review, Kim finally suspects, Zhang and Fu three populations are consistent in saying: on September 1, 2012, under Hu's instructions, how many people will boss put into iron cage, shipped via truck to the Qingtian, Beishan Bridge, while the night the boss was thrown into a Lake of Lishui Qingtian thousand Gorge.

Directly into murder cases from unlawful detention. But the bigger problem comes, live to see people, dead corpse. But thousands of Canyon Lake, reservoir area of 71 square kilometers, second only to the Lake. Salvage in water four times, three times on December 28, 2014 after four o'clock in the afternoon and discovered both the iron cage. Through DNA matching, determined was the victim of a. On January 5, 2015, the bodies were brought ashore.


Homicide cases involving hundreds of meters deep water fishing, is the first time that public security in China, Zhejiang Province, and it is the first multinational Chase murder case.

In the face of irrefutable evidence, Hu still insists: he released a boss at the bridgehead. Hu's counsel filed, identified the cause of death is unknown, how can be murder? In his view, the cause is unknown, it is very difficult to judge, Zhang at the moment into the water or being carried on a railing of the bridge at that moment of life and death.


Court considered, according to Hu's statement, shipping Zhang when he was still alive at that time, high enough to determine a living water, in water, the facts of death. Though the body was unable to identify the specific cause of death due to high corruption, does not affect the behavior of intentional homicide identified.

On March 16, 2015, the Court of first instance ruled: Hu the defendant is guilty of murder, sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life and committed the crime of illegal detention, sentenced to three years, two crime and punishment, decided to implement the death penalty, deprivation of political rights for life. Two other men, both crime and punishment, decided to implement the death penalty with a two-year implementation; Kim both crime and punishment, decided to implement a life sentence.

Yesterday morning, primarily, Hu Fangquan finally went to the execution ground.

Source: qianjiang evening news reporter Fang Li correspondent Zhong Fa

Source: qianjiang evening news micro-signal

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Cage heavy case of illegal detention, Zhejiang

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内蒙古富商被杀,装进铁笼,沉尸湖底 主犯被执行死刑|非法拘禁|铁笼沉尸案|浙江_新闻资讯




























  来源:钱江晚报记者 方力 通讯员钟法



非法拘禁 铁笼沉尸案 浙江


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