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Debris flow in Zhejiang suichang: is seven years old and help pregnant women gave birth to a daughter

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/14 9:43:35 Browse times: 85 Comment times: 0

Debris flow in Zhejiang suichang: is seven years old and help pregnant women gave birth to a daughter(浙江遂昌泥石流:被七旬老太相救的孕妇生了一个女儿)

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Debris flow in Zhejiang suichang: is seven years old and help pregnant women gave birth to a daughter (photo) | | mudslides _ in suichang news

> Su Weiping family and obstetric health care workers. Zhejiang second hospital photo

CNS, Hangzhou, November 13 (reporters and and Zhan Chengfang)-"we gave her the name ' peace ', is the hope that after the whole family can safely, healthy. "13th in the maternity ward of the second affiliated hospital of Zhejiang University School of medicine, experience the pain of mud-rock flow wild Su Weiping told reporters.

On September 28 this year, the 14th typhoon "Moranti" and the 17th Typhoon "Catfish" has effect, Su Weiping the North boundary of the suichang County, Lishui city, Zhejiang Province town of Su Shang Cun village, due to continuous heavy rainfall and landslides occurred, without batting an eye, Su Weiping was mercilessly swallowed up by mud-rock flow.

"Nothing, not even my brick. "Su Weiping told reporters that the family of five, in this disaster, his parents, two and a half year old daughter could not survive.

Reporters learned that when a disaster occurs, Jinhua, Su Weiping was working. His daughter and parents were debris flows instantly "volume", but July's wife, Lady at the critical moment he conceived, was saved by a fellow septuagenarian old lady in the village of down, but the situation is still not optimistic Lady.

"Lady suffered a left lower limb multiple open fractures, along with instability, clonic contractions, fetal heart rate. Because of concerns about unborn children, acting nervous when she treated, depression. "Zhejiang second hospital said Wang Liquan, the Director of obstetrics, especially at night, patients will be crying, talking to himself.

For patients suffering from psychological trauma and mental health practitioners continue to enlighten, psychological comfort. "We treated, told him that her children vital signs are stable, and her foot injury after the initial treatment, will get better in future, she began to calm down. "Wang Liquan told reporters today the caesarean mothers and daughters safe, baby is healthy, the patient's body is gradually recovering.

In the maternity ward, reporters saw Ms. "Remember the scene, very uncomfortable, do not want to talk. Daughter born smoothly now, I feel a lot better. "Although subject to talk to strangers, but today, Ms" exceptional case "opened her mouth.

It is learnt that the Lady present inpatient medical costs about 150,000 yuan. "After the killing, his wife was rescued and taken to the hospital the first time, the Government provided us with a great deal of resources to assist the medical expenses themselves never paid the money. "Su Weiping said that has just begun to see the family had nothing, although I feel very sorrow, under the support of so many people, however, he gradually came out from the pain.

"Baby went in front, the daughter gave us a lot of joy and hope, this is a new beginning, I would like to start a family burden. "Su Weiping hopes this new life not only to live in peace, should give society some positive energy in the future. (End)

>: Tang Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Debris flow in suichang County

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  中新网杭州11月13日电(方堃 詹成芳)“我们给女儿取名‘安宁’,就是希望全家人以后都能平平安安、健健康康。”13日,在浙江大学医学院附属第二医院的产科病房,亲历泥石流蛮荒之痛的苏伟平这样告诉记者。









>责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

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