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Former Vice Mayor of Rizhao city, Shandong province of taking bribes of nearly 20 million, the whole family involved in bribery

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/7 13:10:09 Browse times: 90 Comment times: 0

Former Vice Mayor of Rizhao city, Shandong province of taking bribes of nearly 20 million, the whole family involved in bribery(山东日照市原副市长受贿近两千万,全家人参与受贿)

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Former Vice Mayor of Rizhao city, Shandong province of taking bribes of nearly 20 million families participating in bribery | | corrupt | _ sunshine news

> Data

In September 2013, the Shandong provincial procuratorate received a report letter, reflecting the Rizhao municipal Standing Committee, Wan Tong, Minister of the United Front to serve as Deputy Mayor, Rizhao city, in Sunshine development zone, an e-commerce company in the event of processing, there are bribes, dereliction of duty crimes.

  A lead prosecutor inventions dig deep

This report letter reflect the problem, generally, no clear clues to follow, but the provincial procuratorate leaders are keenly aware: an e-commerce company event of the year for the group with the petitions and has a great impact, Wan Tong could be a major issue of the source.

Immediately, the provincial public prosecutor's Office back du Bureau sent investigation backbone, stability maintenance review an e-commerce company petitions on behalf of the organization leads preliminary investigation. Yiyuan, Zibo city, drawn after public prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor's Office lean force working group comprising four headed into the sunshine secret preliminary investigation. Company registration information, inventory company account books, vouchers, access to bank flow, account cards and related documents, and peripheral part witnesses more than more than 50 case studies more than 30 times. Three months of hard work the secret investigation, from external master Wan Tong and family members of people assets, business networking, social customs, and other important information.

Case personnel in investigation in the found, Wan Tong of bribery behavior and for others conspiracy to Lee behavior not directly corresponds to, often is and Enterprise boss long-term deal process in the for they provides help, Hou through borrowing, name to enterprise asking for or received bribery, and hidden in its son business of company and other company between of large between among, account works complex; while with family do has large anti-investigation prepared, change million with of child million a has established of 6 home company accounts, forged company account works, made Alliance, and transfer booty, and returned money.

22 three-level procuratorial net accounts inventory

On June 4, 2014, formally handed over the case to prosecutors for judicial process. Province hospital, and, Zibo city, hospital, and Yiyuan hospital three level prosecutorial organ through on million with family members assets of cleanup, from multitude of bank account card, and enterprise between in the found, million with of child million a opened of Hong Kong base company in 2010 rendering assets stage surged of exception phenomenon, and and sunshine local a real estate development company funds between close, and million with of wife Liu a just served as the real estate development company executives. As soon as possible to clarify the real estate development company with thousands of families in economic exchanges, become a new point of breakthrough cases.

After two months on the real estate development company conduct a comprehensive inventory of 22 accounts, investigators found that the real estate development company in the process of restructuring State-owned enterprises may be suspected of the loss of State assets, executives such as Chairman Guo encroach on State-owned asset problem. To move the case quickly, the Panel into the sunshine for the fifth time, in the acquisition of the real estate development company executives after the witness testimony and other evidence quickly on suspicion of abuse of power, corruption and crime investigation on Kwak, Yiyuan and offsite custody to the detention house for questioning, lay a good foundation for breakthrough case.

After the Kwak case, strong avoidance and Sun undue economic exchanges between local leaders and denied their economic problems. Project selection of capable forces dedicated to the trial, facts one by one push immediately surrounding the trial progress, and targeted forensics fixed Kwak crime problems, development of the real estate development company with the same messages. A solid grasp of crime on the basis of the evidence in question, investigators law, financial manager of the real estate development company in a case of detention, and experienced Accounting Professional and proficient in Scout interrogation, acquired the real estate development company the large number of illegal accounting information, effectively advancing the Kwak and investigation with economic exchanges between.

Family battle claim bribes more than 19 million

Wan Tong case at the beginning, the obvious intent of evading, avoiding combat, subjective intent, benefit elements such as refusing to confessions. Outward redeployment of group and interrogation group from million with family property starts with, on its large economic between netting troubleshooting, thoroughly investigate not due source; from million with is in charge of contact work starts with, full Combs its is in charge of key business and major matters, determine focus sector and link for deep dug; from Hong Kong base company and other enterprise between funds starts with, on all not due funds between for screening, topic interrogation, expand million with to company trading for name, and line bribery of real of crime facts; from Liu a suspected of real estate development company account works starts with, Comb all involve improper funding, clarify and Guo were arrested for the facts. So many-pronged, ensure that the facts are clear, exhaustive, and get a wealth of information, with evidence of forming a strong offensive, with no excuses.

Investigators comb through discovery, to its child a abnormalities in Wan Tong spoiling, help does not understand the business of a company after its establishment, personally coming forward to negotiate loans, interbank lending, business, in the case of company losses, operating funds, was worked out by the wife of others asking for and accepting bribes to maintain operations. Trial the lay family influence, in harsh interrogation in due course on the basis of their humanity in time to inform their families, actively publicize the policy of leniency, to repent and regret, and in good faith to write dozens of pages of repentance and a handwritten confession, reluctant to explain the problem.

In order to ensure that evidence is valid, factual elements is complete, Zibo City Court sent four forensic accounting, Yiyuan County coordinating the local accounting firm, to troubleshoot the concerned all of the accounts are. Meanwhile, specifically deployed investigative prison and prosecution personnel team, trial standards for every fact, every evidence of comprehensive checks. Investigation of evidence, strong iron offensives and humane care, after Guo confessed their crime, and gradually the State tens of millions of Yuan of economic loss caused by abuse, and his wife Liu to the company asking for bribes and other facts.

After 13 months of painstaking investigation, taking evidence throughout Beijing, Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces and 6 cities in the province, some investigators outside accommodation for more than more than more than 200 day and night, and finally succeeded with case investigation open. The investigation, from 2007 to 2013 in September, Wan, Rizhao city, used to serve as deputy mayors, municipal Committee, duties of the United Front work Department, call bribes totaling 19.596 million Yuan. After the incident, all money recovered. February 2012 to September 2013, with the convenience of using the above-mentioned post, Lanshan district Rizhao City Government a real estate development company should be exempt from paying land late fee of 47.879 million Yuan, causes great economic losses to the country.

>: Tang Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Sunshine corruption Wan Tong

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山东日照市原副市长受贿近两千万 全家人参与受贿|日照|贪污受贿|万同_新闻资讯
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  随即,省检察院反渎局派出侦查骨干,以维稳复核某电子商务公司上访事件的名义,先期组织线索初查。后又抽调淄博市检察院、沂源县检察院精干力量组成工作 小组,四次带队进驻日照秘密初查。先后查询公司注册资料,清查公司账本、凭证,调取银行流水、账证及相关单位文件资料,并外围座谈证人50余人次,案件研 讨30余次。三个月的辛苦秘查,从外围掌握了万同及家庭成员人员资产、企业经营、社会关联网等重要信息。

  办案人员在侦查中发现,万同的 受贿行为与为他人谋利行为不直接对应,往往是与企业老板长期打交道过程中为他们提供帮助,后通过借款等名义向企业索要或收受贿赂,且隐藏在其儿子经营的公 司与其他公司间的大量往来之中,账务繁杂;同时伙同家人做了大量反侦查准备,更改万同之子万某先后设立的6家公司账目,伪造公司账务,订立攻守同盟、转移 赃物、退还赃款。


  2014年6月4日,万同案件正式移交给检察机关进行司法处理。省 院、淄博市院、沂源县院三级检察机关通过对万同家庭成员资产的清理,从千头万绪的银行账证、企业往来中发现,万同之子万某开办的港基公司在2010年呈现 资产阶段性猛增的异常现象,并与日照当地一家房地产开发公司资金往来密切,而万同之妻刘某恰好担任该房地产开发公司高管。尽快厘清该房地产开发公司与万家 的经济往来,成为突破万同案件新的切入点。

  经过历时两个月对该房地产开发公司22年的账务进行全面清查,办案人员发现该房地产开发公司 在国有企业改制过程中可能涉嫌存在国有资产流失,董事长郭某等公司高管侵占国有资产的问题。为推动案件快速展开,专案组第五次进驻日照,在取得该房地产开 发公司高管证人证言等相关证据后,迅速以涉嫌滥用职权、贪污犯罪对郭某进行立案侦查,并异地羁押到沂源县看守所进行讯问,为突破案件奠定了良好基础。

  郭某到案之后,坚决回避与日照当地领导之间的不正当的经济往来,且矢口否认自己存在经济问题。专案组挑选精干力量专司审讯,逐笔事实扎实推进,实时围绕 审讯进展情况,针对性取证固定郭某犯罪问题,拓展该房地产开发公司与万同间的往来信息。在扎实掌握涉罪证据的基础上,办案人员依法将该房地产开发公司财务 经理张某立案拘留,并安排经验丰富和会计专业精通的侦查员对其讯问,获取了该房地产开发公司大量非法账务信息,有效推进了对郭某以及与万同之间经济往来的 侦查。


  万同到案之初,明显存在避重就轻、逃避打击的意图,对主观故意、谋利事项等要素拒 不供述。外调组与讯问组从万同家庭财产入手,对其大额经济往来拉网排查,彻查不正当来源;从万同分管联系工作入手,全面梳理其分管要害业务和重大事项,确 定重点部门和环节进行深挖;从港基公司与其他企业往来资金入手,对所有不正当资金往来进行甄别,专题讯问,拓展万同以公司交易为名、行受贿之实的犯罪事 实;从刘某涉嫌的房地产开发公司账务入手,梳理其牵扯的全部不正当资金,厘清其与郭某分别涉嫌的事实。如此多管齐下,保证了事实清楚,没有遗漏,并且获取 了众多的信息,对万同形成了强大的证据攻势,使万同无可狡辩。

  侦查人员通过梳理发现,万同夫妇对其子万某异常溺爱,帮助丝毫不懂经营的 万某成立公司后,亲自出面协调贷款、拆借资金、联系业务,在公司巨额亏损、经营资金不足的情况下,由妻子出面向他人索要和收受巨额贿赂,维持公司运营。审 讯中,打好亲情感化牌,在严厉讯问的基础上适时对其进行人性关怀,及时向其通报其家人情况,积极宣传宽大处理的政策,促使万同幡然悔悟,并真诚地写下了数 十页悔过书和亲笔供词,愿意主动交代问题。

  为确保证据合法有效,事实要素齐全,淄博市院派出四名司法会计,沂源县院协调本地会计事务 所,对涉案企业全部账务均进行排查。同时,专门抽调侦监和公诉人员进驻专案组,以庭审的标准对每一笔事实、每一份证据全面把关。在铁的证据、强大的侦查攻 势和人性化关怀下,郭某供述了自身犯罪问题后,又逐步供述了万同滥用职权造成国家几千万元经济损失,以及利用妻子刘某向公司索要巨额贿赂等事实。

  历经13个月的艰辛侦查,取证遍及北京、山东、江苏、安徽四省及省内6个地市,部分侦查人员在外住宿超过200多个日夜,万同案件终于成功侦结。经查, 自2007年至2013年9月,万同利用担任日照市副市长、市委常委、统战部部长的职务便利,索受贿共计1959.6万元。案发后,赃款全部追缴。 2012年2月至2013年9月,万同利用担任上述职务的便利,指使日照市岚山区政府免除某房地产开发公司应缴纳的土地出让滞纳金4787.9万元,给国 家造成重大经济损失。


日照 贪污受贿 万同


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