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Girl Telecom fraud was seen jumping into the mother son daughter dropped out of

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Girl Telecom fraud was seen jumping into the mother son daughter dropped out of(女孩因电信诈骗跳海自杀,母亲:儿子为女儿辍学)

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Girls for telecommunications fraud was seen jumping into the mother: son daughter dropped out of suicide _ | |, Guangdong Telecom fraud | news

> Cai Shuyan living pictures.

In August, the 3 network fraud concern to China and the students were, which 3 cases were listed included China's Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of public security jointly supervising the first batch of 21 major telecom fraud crimes. Huilai County in Jieyang city of Guangdong Cai Shuyan was 3 incidents of female college students in one of the victims. After 3 months, Cai Muzhang still failed to get out of pain, father Choi on the job injury, and gave the family woes.

Cover pages News (thecover.CN) reporter learned that, at present, 7 criminal suspects have been arrested. The first 10 months of this year, Guangdong province network fraud in criminal cases and the Kyoritsu 43002, mass loss of 800 million Yuan.

  "Wanted her to read the books, we have to rely on"

On August 29, Cai Shuyan after running away from home the next day, huilai, Guangdong Police found her body in the beach. College daughter suddenly passed away, to the economic condition was not too good of a heavy blow to the family.

In the three months after the incident, journalists back to Cai Shuyan's mother Lady on the cover, she has still not come out from the pain. "Wanted her reading the book out there, we have two old people have to rely on. Now we can't do anything, it hurt like hell every day. "Zhang said, are going to get a new house rent. "Now rent a House looks sad, always wanted her daughter. ”

Earlier this year, in order to ready for tuition and living expenses for his daughter, Zhang made home help from home to Guangzhou, husband Mr CAI in Guangzhou as a security guard. "This job is his to find this year, he has been doing at the site before doing odd jobs, was unstable. "The two were close to 7000 Yuan of income in Guangzhou, together with daughter admitted to Guangdong art college, was brought by the family of bright. However, July and August of this year, Zhang will work to save-14000 Yuan referred twice to daughter, but the 9800, but on August 19, was tricked by Telecom fraud.

Ms Zhang, after the daughter's death, she returned to their hometown, rheumatism and joint pain and feelings of sadness, she cannot work. Even worse is that lost nearly 60 years of her husband's work. "On October 8, he breaks his foot in Guangzhou, home for 1 month, now a little better, but still want to use. ”

In addition to Cai Shuyan, they also have a 16 year old son. "We can't take care of him, so he went to his cousin's help, no wages, is to let him have something to do. He is too small and no culture, how can it work out. "She said, in order for the daughter to go to College, son last year to finish junior high school no longer read. "His grades are not as good as my sister, would not let him continue to read. ”

7 suspects of causing her daughter's death, she said: "this is to be fixed by the law, these people can be what, I don't know. ”

  Event review: deception left a note to leave sea

On August 31 this year, in huilai County in a Community Forum, appears the search posts, 19 years old girl Cai Shuyan, huilai, in connection with the August 19 SMS fraud after more than 10,000 yuan for tuition and living expenses, on August 28, runaways, traces of the family was anxious to find her, and made a report to police.

In the net post, poster accompanied by a suspected she leaves for his younger brother's suicide note. Suicide note referred to suicide because that text message scam, out being mother to give her money. Suicide note wrote: "there is hope, and despair, this feeling is really bad, I really can not afford. ”

On August 29, the police found his body on the beach. From September 3 to 14th, public security organs have the suspect Chen Minghui, Xiong Yunjiang, 7 people arrested. On October 8, huilai County in Jieyang city, Guangdong Province, the people's Procuratorate of 7 suspects, approved a decision to arrest according to law.

  Guangdong: 10 months before 40,000 "catch" a loss of 800 million

Cai Shuyan event-just Guangdong Province involving one of Telecom fraud cases. On November 28, the Deputy Director of Guangdong Public Security Bureau Li Qingxiong 12th people's Congress of Guangdong Province on the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee for regulation of telecommunications fraud reports on the work of the network, the first 10 months of this year, Guangdong province network fraud in criminal cases and the Kyoritsu 43002, mass loss of 800 million Yuan, the detection 6972, 6,056 detained criminal suspects. Li Qingxiong introduced, although from January-October this year a total of State telecommunications network fraud number, and property loss per cent decrease, but about China 8.6%, 5.2%; 59 single involving more than 1 million Yuan, has more than 4 losses in millions of Yuan.

Another according to Guangdong Province Police Office message said, November 15 4 o'clock in the morning, Guangdong Police out more than 1800 over police in Guangdong Province and the Liaoning, and Hubei, and Guangxi, and Tianjin, 10 a provinces (City) 28 a city concentrated carried out "Hurricane 24th," combat telecommunications fraud crime project received network action, success destroyed multiple "guess guess I is who" "I is you led" class telecommunications fraud crime groups. "Hurricane 24th" action started in August this year, until November 21, during the total destruction of telecommunications fraud crime dens, over more than 150 Telecom fraud suspect captured more than 270 employees, captured personal information 200duowantiao, initial nuclear broken cases over more than 320. It is understood that the captured of the fraud committed by the police, a computer science graduate students million profit through the sale of personal information.

Among them, as "guess who," "I'm your leader" kind of fake acquaintance's source of Telecom fraud in November 2015, the Ministry of public security has the white zone, Maoming city as China cracks down on network new network crime and the governance initiative one of the seven key treatment areas. In January-November this year, Maoming and Dianbai level public security organs seized 750-Member offenders, smashing the dens of more than more than 260, effectively curb such crimes on the rise.

  Second batch of 41 major fraud cases to 250,000 people

Cover reporters learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate, China's official website, China's Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of public security jointly listed network fraud and the supervision of the 21 cases, as of November 24, apart from the 1 at the investigation stage, and the remaining 20 cases had approved the arrest of 7 481 people, transfer to prosecute 9 564, decision 4, 53.

Cover journalists reported Zhou Haojie Guangzhou

> Editors: Dong Zhang

Article keywords:
Guangdong Telecom fraud committed suicide

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
女孩因电信诈骗跳海自杀 母亲:儿子为女儿辍学|广东|电信诈骗|自杀_新闻资讯

  今年8月,一连3起学生遭电信网络诈骗案件引起了中国关注,这3起案件也被列入中国最高人民检察院中国公安部联合挂牌督办第一批21起重大电信网络诈骗犯罪案件中。广东 揭阳市惠来县准女大学生蔡淑妍是3起事件里其中一名受害者。3个月后,蔡母张女士仍未能走出伤痛,蔡父在打工时不幸受伤,又给这个家庭雪上加霜。




  在事发三个月后,封面新闻记者再次联系上蔡淑妍的妈妈张女士,她至今仍未从伤痛中走出。“本来想着她读完书出来就有工作,我们两个老人就有依靠了。现在 我们也做不了工,每天都伤心得要命。”张女士说,正打算换一个新的房子租下来。“现在租的房子看着就觉得伤心,总想着女儿。”

  今年初, 为了给女儿准备好学费和生活费,张女士特意从老家去到广州做家政,丈夫蔡先生也在广州做保安。“这份工也是他今年才找到的,之前他一直做的是在工地打零工,过得也不稳定。”两个人在广州的收入接近7000元,加上女儿考进了广东外语艺术职业学院,让这个家庭带来一点亮色。然而,今年7月、8月,张女士将打工存下的14000元分两次转给了女儿,但其中9800元,却在8月19日被电信诈骗骗走。









  蔡淑妍事件仅仅是广东省涉及到电信诈骗的案件之一。11月28日,广东省公安厅常务副厅长李庆雄在广东省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议 上作整治电信网络诈骗工作情况的报告时表示,今年前10个月,广东省共立电信网络诈骗刑事案件43002起,群众损失8亿元,破案6972起,刑拘犯罪嫌 疑人6056名。李庆雄介绍,虽然今年1至10月全省共立电信网络诈骗案件数量、群众财产损失同比均下降,但分别约占中国的8.6%、5.2%;单笔涉案 金额超过100万元的59起,有4笔单笔损失在千万元以上。

  另据广东省公安厅消息称,11月15日凌晨4时,广东警方出动1800多名 警力在广东省及辽宁、湖北、广西、天津等10个省区(市)28个市集中开展“飓风24号”打击电信诈骗犯罪专案收网行动,成功摧毁多个“猜猜我是谁”“我 是你领导”类电信诈骗犯罪团伙。“飓风24号”行动从今年8月开始,持续至11月21日,期间,共捣毁电信诈骗犯罪窝点150余个,抓获电信诈骗犯罪嫌疑 人270余名,缴获公民个人信息200多万条,初步核破案件320余宗。据了解,在警方抓获的电诈疑犯中,一名计算机专业毕业的大学生通过贩卖个人信息获 利百万元。

  其中,作为“猜猜我是谁”“我是你领导”类假冒熟人电信诈骗的源头地,2015年11月中国公安部就已将茂名市电白区列为中国打 击治理电信网络新型网络违法犯罪专项行动七个重点整治地区之一。今年1至11月,茂名、电白两级公安机关共查获违法犯罪人员共750人,捣毁窝点260余 个,有效遏制了此类犯罪上升势头。



  封面新闻记者 周浩杰 广州报道


广东 电信诈骗 自杀


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