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The NIE Shubin family: block the NIE Shubin case review should be held responsible

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/3 11:35:56 Browse times: 117 Comment times: 0

The NIE Shubin family: block the NIE Shubin case review should be held responsible(聂树斌家属:阻挠聂树斌案复查的人应该被追究责任)

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The NIE Shubin family: block the NIE Shubin case review should be held accountable | the NIE Shubin | | family grievances _ news

After more than 20 years, the NIE Shubin was a judgment of acquittal. However, the NIE Shubin's parents, this belated justice son still unable to change back to vivid life. According to the Caijing reported on December 2, the NIE Shubin family applied for State compensation, accountability program and start, hold people accountable.

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> The NIE Shubin
On December 2, 2016, the Chinese Supreme People's Court of the second circuit court for the NIE Shubin murder retrial case publicly, rape women, was quashed the original decision overrules the NIE Shubin was innocent.

In 1994, Shijiazhuang, Hebei people the NIE Shubin was arrested for murder, rape of women by the public security organs to take compulsory measures, and later by the Shijiazhuang municipal intermediate people's Court sentenced to death, the NIE Shubin brought an appeal, the Hebei provincial High Court upheld the NIE Shubin committed intentional homicide conviction, decided to implement the death penalty, according to China's Supreme Court authorized the provisions of parts of the death penalty approved by the Supreme Court case approved the NIE Shubin of the death penalty.

On April 27, 1995, at age 20, the NIE Shubin was executed.

On January 17, 2005, the other case the accused murderer Wang Shujin thinks the NIE Shubin case. NIE case appeared "two hard", the public attention. The NIE Shubin family started the NIE Shubin flat road to cause complaints.

On December 4, 2014, according to the Hebei provincial higher court, Shandong province, China's Supreme Court orders the High Court review of the case. After the review, Shandong province High Court that "according to the evidence of the conviction and sentencing to inaccurate, inadequate, does not exclude the possibility of other crime, it is recommended that China's Supreme People's Court for a retrial of the case."

China's Supreme People's Court on June 20, 2016, to determine the cause of the second circuit court. On July 4, the second circuit courts full Court rehearing the case until today, for sentencing.

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> The NIE Shubin's mother, Zhang Huan

In the retrial, Li Shuting agents view the NIE Shubin's lawyer, even if not confirmed Wang Shujin is a murderer, nor the NIE Shubin enforce criminal acts of wilful killing, raping women. Therefore, all accused of illegal evidence in the NIE Shubin, should be excluded by law, cannot be used as the basis of the conviction and sentencing of the NIE Shubin.

This time, China's Supreme People's Court considers, but finds that the NIE Shubin intentional homicide committed crimes, the crime of rape of women is based primarily on the NIE Shubin's guilty confession and put on other evidence confirms the same. But overview full case, this case lack can lock the NIE Shubin modus operandi of objective evidence, the NIE Shubin modus operandi time cannot confirmed, modus operandi tool spent coat source cannot confirmed, victims death time and death reasons cannot confirmed; the NIE Shubin was captured zhihou Qian 5 days interrogation record missing, incident zhihou Qian 50 days within more name important witnesses asked record missing, important original documentary attendance table missing; the NIE Shubin guilty for said of authenticity, and legitimacy doubts, guilty for said and in volume other evidence for card consistent of authenticity, and reliability doubts, Is a place where someone else commit; the evidence upheld the verdict didn't form a complete chain, did not meet the standard of evidence is true and sufficient proof, facts are clearly did not meet the basic requirements, basic evidence of conviction.

China's Supreme People's Court since the NIE Shubin has been executed under the criminal law and judicial interpretation provisions, was quashed the original decision overrules the NIE Shubin was innocent.

NIE complainants and their representatives have raised the case of Wang Shujin murderer views in the present case, in this regard, China's Supreme People's Court said Wang Shujin case did not belong to the scope of the trial, had not been adopted.

Fan Chongyi, a professor at the University of politics and law, China believes that any case should adhere to the principle of evidentiary adjudication, NIE evidence there are so many loopholes, so much doubt, cannot form a complete chain of evidence, there is no objective evidence to lock, revision according to suspected crime without, is fully justified and legitimate.

Fan Chongyi, of all criminal cases, evidence collection, storage, preservation, transfer and other aspects in accordance with, or leaving a great legacy. Through NIE, in application of evidence to conclude a series of new rules for trial-centric reform to provide a test after the NIE released, scholars to strengthen ...

"In sum, through the principle of evidentiary adjudication, in order to adhere to this principle, we should stick to the core criteria for determining the objective evidence, final judgment not to insist on suspected crimes without. "Fan Chongyi said.

After the arrested Wang Shujin, NIE Jia from 2005 complaint. On March 15, 2005, Zhang Huanzhi (the NIE Shubin mother) commissioned Li Shuting represented the NIE Shubin appeals the case retrial, has been more than 11 years and 8 months.

Li Shuting its Twitter posting said: "11 years in, I don't remember how many times the next NIE Zhuang cun (the NIE Shubin), even in the April 10, 2010 to December 2014 lifted my aunt Zhang Huanzhi acting positions for 4 years, led the reporters to visit, interview, and never stopped. ”

Li Shuting said the good news is, there are numerous legal and news, plus lots of carries a sense of ordinary people, 11 years, have been concerned about the NIE Shubin, has been concerned about the NIP family, has been exploring the truth of the case of the NIE Shubin. "One was 11 years old by journalists relay reports jiuan, exoneration finally redressed. ”

Appeals lawyer Liu Bojin before the NIE also said that during his time in Agency complaints, marking 54 applications to the Court, but has not been successful, but the good news is, ultimately NIE High Court review was directive by China's Supreme People's Court, Shandong province, completed a historic breakthrough. "It can be said that NIE is vindicated in the case, and promotes the progress of China's judicial, guaranteeing the rights of lawyers in cases of complaints. ”

Lawyer Wu Lei recommends that the reconstruction and efficient grievance complaint review and relief mechanism, "if justice cannot eradicate injustice occurs, it is recommended that abolition of the death penalty."

Nie Mu Zhang Huan shoots over seven years more than waiting for the results for 21 years and 7 months. At this point, her cry no more commuting, complaints.

Eve of the sentencing, Zhang Huanzhi heart are somewhat disturbing, but failing to hide her delight, on the phone, she told Caijing reporters, "a material sitting up all night preparing for tomorrow, write to say, almost no space to answer the phone."

  Upon cause of NIE, the NIE Shubin parents apply for national compensation and claims to hold personnel accountable.

On the issue of accountability, NIE Jia thought, first, that 22 years ago, in the absence of sufficient evidence when it executed the NIE Shubin, policy makers should be held accountable and, secondly, NIE after the case was reported, there is no progress for a long time, in the process, block the NIE complaint, review the case also should be accountable.

(Reporters Zhang Yuxue)

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
The NIE Shubin family case

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