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Zhang zhijun: never allow Taiwan businessmen in mainland China to make money, Taiwan supports splitting

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/12/2 10:19:40 Browse times: 239 Comment times: 0

Zhang zhijun: never allow Taiwan businessmen in mainland China to make money, Taiwan supports splitting(张志军:绝不允许台湾商人到中国大陆挣钱,回台湾支持分裂)

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Zhang zhijun: never allow Taiwan businessmen in mainland China to make money back to Taiwan to support Division

"The observer network" recently, the Taiwan Hai Pa Wang group, Chengdu and Guangzhou, Shantou factory "sign false" problem was penalties. Because of the Sea King, founder and President of Zhuang Rongde family is a family friend of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan media think this is "to sanction green Taiwanese warning shots." Country Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office Zhang zhijun said in an interview with Taiwan media December 2, city, welcomed Taiwan businessmen to the city fighting, but must not be allowed to earn money, back to Taiwan Taiwanese Support Division.

Taiwan Hai Pa Wang Zhuang Rongde, President of international group (profile)

The Chengdu business newspaper earlier reported that in March-April this year, food and drug inspection Institute in Chengdu, Chengdu city Hai Pa Wang foods limited on November 24 last year to March 1 this year and eight batches of production during urinating beef balls, shrimp crispy frozen food sampling, and all failed. Company was found in duck neck leather raw materials such as oil, frozen mixed fake beef, shrimp, raw material production and beef balls, shrimp dumplings, is punishable by a fine of 404400 Yuan.

Work safety supervision Department of Guangdong Province on November 30 said, in early November, Guangzhou and Shantou in safety inspections, the safety production supervision departments, find Guangzhou sea fighter foods limited, the sea fighter (Shantou) Foods Ltd and its 2 branches there are safety hazards, and so on.

Taiwan the Mong Kok newspaper reported on December 1, with Tsai Ing-wen Hai Pa Wang group close to family succession of plant city, fined, sparked a city crackdown on green business concerns.

Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council spokesman Chiu hang is December 1 at a regular press conference, claiming that "5 · 20 "city authorities to hold different opinions on the Mainland since Taiwanese entrepreneurs and business people and entertainers, often suppressed, or require a political position, affecting the Taiwan people in the Mainland for business and investment interests.

According to reports, the Zhuang Rongde, Chairman of Hai Pa Wang and Tsai father Cai Jiesheng brother Cai Ying, CAI English business in the South. Cai Jiesheng and Zhuang Rongde were friends, Zhuang Rongde known Cai Jiesheng "teacher", and his "yangdi" philosophy is Cai Jiesheng teaches.

Tsai father Cai Jiesheng Zhuang Rongde, Chairman of Hai Pa Wang's "teachers" (figure/Taiwan the electronic newspaper)
Not only Cai Ying Nan Zhuang Rongde (CAI English brother) name in the "middle companies" as a Director, Hai Pa Wang restaurant in Taipei's Chungshan North Road and middle enterprise rent in 2015, Tsai Ing-wen, during the campaign, it had media exposure, Tsai also clarified: median enterprise and Hai Pa "landlord and tenant relationships."

Tsai Taiwan television program on sea fighter (information above)

And Tsai Ing-wen Hai Pa Wang group in the city, close to the family was found, Deputy Secretary-General of the China research Yang Lixian, with respect, city, now to "make City money, while secretly push for Taiwan independence" of Taiwan is sensitive, so naturally that kind of Association.

Yang Lixian November 30, Wang said in an interview with Le Monde, mainland China has clearly not welcome in the city, making money from the Mainland oppose "Taiwan businessmen on both sides", if CAI authorities determined to fight with China, simply called the sea fighter against doing business on the Mainland. Yang Lixian pointed out that if Tsai authorities refused to accept the "92 consensus" city of "Taiwan independence" position the difference will be obvious.

"Green Taiwan" issues, the CPC Central Committee Taiwan Affairs Office, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China Zhang December 2 at the China Forum of the Association accepts Taiwan the electronic newspaper reporter's question, said city welcomes Taiwanese businessmen to the city fighting, but must not be allowed to earn money, back to Taiwan Taiwanese Support Division, which run counter to the cross-strait relations.

Middle Office, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office Zhang (information above)

Chengdu plant has been food, sea fighter mark not being punished, Zhang said, the details he is not very clear, learned from news reports that sea fighter on the food safety issue, these are law and regulation.

Zhang noted that the city adhered to the "one China" principle, not because of "5·20" has changed, the Mainland's claim is consistent. Stand but also stability. Always has been for decades; change not because the Mainland's policy of cross-strait relations, but "5·20", the Taiwan new administration refused to acknowledge that the "92 consensus" and in the Taiwan Straits belong to one and undermine cross-strait political basis to institutionalize cross-strait exchanges were closed.

(Comprehensive Taiwan Wang Pao, Taiwan electronic newspaper, Chengdu business daily, in)

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-12-02 18:20:28
Observer network
张志军:绝不允许台湾商人到中国大陆挣钱 回台湾支持分裂






  台湾陆委会发言人邱垂正12月1日在例行记者会上声称,“5· 20”以来大陆相关部门对在大陆持有不同立场的台商、企业界人士和演艺人员,屡有打压,或要求进行政治性表态,影响了台湾民众在大陆经商和投资权益。












(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-12-02 18:20:28

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