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Vice President of the China National School of administration, the original trial He Jiacheng, bribery of 7.1 million Yuan

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Vice President of the China National School of administration, the original trial He Jiacheng, bribery of 7.1 million Yuan(中国国家行政学院原副院长何家成受审,受贿710万元)

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Vice President of the China National School of administration, the original trial He Jiacheng | 7.1 million Yuan bribery case of bribery | He Jiacheng | Academy _ news

> Trial

> Trial

> Trial

On December 2, 2016, the intermediate people's Court of Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province, public trial, former Vice President of China National School of Administration He Jiacheng bribery case. Ningbo Procuratorate to send representatives to appear in court to support the public prosecution, the defendant He Jiacheng and his defenders appear to participate in the proceedings.

Ningbo city people's Procuratorate charged: the first half of 1995 to 2014, He Jiacheng make use of link property of the defendant, President, Chairman, the State Internal Trade Bureau Deputy Director, Vice President of the China National School of administration positions on the convenience or a form convenient conditions for the relevant units and individuals in the investment business, post adjustment matters to provide help, either directly or through their relatives illegally receiving property amounts equivalent to RMB 7,107,071 Yuan. Attention to bribery He Jiacheng criminal accountability.

During the hearing, prosecutors showed evidence He Jiacheng and his defenders in cross-examination, prosecution and defence debate comments fully, He Jiacheng also conducted a final statement in the Court said the sentence commuted.

NPC deputies and CPPCC members, journalists and the general public more than 60 people attended the trial.

The Court finally adjourned, selective sentencing.

He Jiacheng resumes:

He Jiacheng, male, of Han nationality, born in May 1956, Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, to work in 1975, the party in 1981. Served as Vice President of the National School of administration, Member of the Communist Party.

Bachelor's degree in economics at Nanjing University in 1978-1981.

Master's degree in economics at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of social sciences reading in 1981-1984.

Read serving to the Chinese Academy of social sciences of economic 1984-1986, doctor of economics degree. Director of the Research Office of the Deputy Director of the laboratory of comparative economics, development economics. 1985: "Sun yefang economics Award" in 1986 and "national outstanding young and middle-aged scholars" title, he was promoted to associate professor, and was elected member of the Chinese Youth Federation.

General Office of the CPC Central Committee investigation of 1986-1987 Studio.

1987-1989 comprehensive system reform research, the CPC Central Committee political Bureau Deputy Director. 1987 was elected Vice President of the China Association of young entrepreneurs.

National Deputy Director of the General Office of the Ministry of materials 1990-1992, and Director of the Minister, the China materials Economic Research Institute Director (Secretary). (1992-1993, Vice Mayor of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. ) In 1990 and the fourth China Book Award. 1991 elected Deputy President of the China Society of logistics. 1992 enjoy special allowance of the State Council of China, was elected Standing Committee of the Chinese Youth Federation.

1993-1995 national policy regimes and regulations Division of the Department of internal trade. 1994 was elected Vice President of China's State-owned assets management society.

1995-1998 China huaxing Group Chairman, President and Party Secretary. (Green class in September 1996-July 1997, the Central Party school. ) In 1997 was elected Vice-Chairman of China Logistics Association.

1998-2000 party member and Deputy Director of the State Internal Trade Bureau. (September 1999-January 2000 attended Harvard University's Kennedy School. )

Chinese key large State-owned 2000-2009 Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Since 2000 election Chinese student association at Harvard University's Kennedy School President, China's information infrastructure and economic development Center Advisory Board Vice Chairman, members of the National Commission for information technology experts, China Russia Vice President of the Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Invited researcher of Peking University, Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of social sciences.

September 2009 Vice President of the National School of administration, Member of the Communist Party.

March 2013, Executive Vice President and member of the Party Committee of China National School of Administration (Minister level).

In October 2014, on suspicion of a serious violation, the receiving organization survey.

On October 13, 2014, the decision removed from his leadership post.

(Source: Ningbo Court)

> Editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Bribery case any home into the National School of administration

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中国国家行政学院原副院长何家成受审 受贿710万元|受贿案|何家成|国家行政学院_新闻资讯










  何家成,男,汉族,1956年5月生,江苏南京人, 1975年参加工作,1981年入党。曾任国家行政学院党委委员、副院长。

  1978-1981年 在南京大学读经济学学士学位。

  1981-1984年 在中国社会科学院研究生院读经济学硕士学位。

  1984-1986年 在中国社会科学院经济所读在职经济学博士学位。比较经济学研究室副主任、发展经济学研究室主任。1985年获“孙冶方经济学奖”,1986年获“国家级有突出贡献中青年学者”称号、破格晋升为副研究员、当选中国青联委员。

  1986-1987年 中共中央办公厅调研室工作。

  1987-1989年 中共中央政治体制改革研究室综合局副局长。1987年当选中国青年企业家协会副会长。

  1990-1992年 国家物资部办公厅副主任,兼部长办主任、中国物资经济研究所所长(正司级)。(1992-1993年江苏无锡市副市长。)1990年获第四届中国图书奖。1991年当选中国物资流通学会常务副会长。1992年享受中国国务院特殊津贴、当选中国青联常委。

  1993-1995年 国家国内贸易部政策体制法规司司长。1994年当选中国国有资产管理学会副会长。

  1995-1998年 中国华星集团董事长、总裁兼党委书记。(1996年9月-1997年7月中央党校中青班学习。)1997年当选中国物流协会副会长。

  1998-2000年 国家国内贸易局党组成员、副局长。(1999年9月-2000年1月哈佛大学肯尼迪学院学习。)

  2000-2009年 中国国务院国有重点大型企业监事会主席。2000年起先后当选哈佛大学肯尼迪学院中国同学会会长、中国信息基础结构与经济发展中心顾问委员会副主席、国家信息化专家委员会委员、中国俄罗斯东欧中亚学会副会长。北京大学、清华大学、中国社会科学院特邀研究员。

  2009年9月 国家行政学院党委委员、副院长。

  2013年3月 国家行政学院党委委员、常务副院长(正部长级)。




>责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

受贿案 何家成 国家行政学院


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