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Six straight to the NIE Shubin ultimately ruled the scene details

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Six straight to the NIE Shubin ultimately ruled the scene details(直击聂树斌案最终宣判现场的六个细节)

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Six straight to the NIE Shubin ultimately ruled the scene details (photo) | | the NIE Shubin | Supreme People's Court, China Hebei _barcode news

This morning, China's Supreme People's Court of the second circuit court for the trial of the accused the NIE Shubin murder retrial case publicly, rape women, was quashed the original decision overrules the NIE Shubin was innocent.

> The NIE Shubin. Profile picture

The final results from the NIE Shubin was executed 7,890 days have passed. Justice has to be late, but we still waited.

After about the NIE Shubin, are said too much, only a brief review here.

On August 10, 1994, Kang Kang Mengdong xxx father reported his daughter missing after police investigation found Kang was killed by the NIE Shubin rape.

Shijiazhuang intermediate people's Court of manslaughter sentenced to death the NIE Shubin, the NIE Shubin to the crime of rape of women sentenced to death. The NIE Shubin appealed against the judgment of first instance, appeal.

On April 25, 1995, the Hebei provincial higher people's Court maintained the NIE Shubin committed intentional homicide conviction and sentencing, withdrawal of the NIE Shubin guilty of rape and sentencing, and commute period is 15 years, decided to implement the death penalty. On April 27, 1995, the NIE Shubin was executed.

On January 17, 2005, the other case the accused murderer Wang Shujin thinks the NIE Shubin case. After media reports on this matter, cause social concern. Since May 2007, the NIE Shubin mother Zhang Huanzhi, father Nie Xuesheng, sister Nie Shuhui complained to the Hebei provincial higher people's Court and a number of departments, don't think the NIE Shubin's murderer, requires a judgment of acquittal.

On December 4, 2014, China's Supreme People's Court, Shandong provincial higher people's Court directive to review the case. Shandong provincial higher people's Court after review consider the trial judgment is no lock the NIE Shubin objective evidence of the crime, and accused time of crime, instrumentalities, cause of death of the victim, there was significant doubt, suggest that the Chinese Supreme People's Court for a retrial of the case.

China's Supreme People's Court decided on June 6, 2016 brought the case. Unclear facts, insufficient evidence concluded that the trial judgment should be commuted the NIE Shubin innocence.

Today, friends and split up China's Supreme People's Court for the second circuit are located in Shenyang, Liaoning province, as well as the NIE Shubin after Lao Jia Shen, Luquan County, Shijiazhuang area of Hebei countryside NIE Zhuang Cun, witnessed the final verdict of the NIE Shubin case scenarios.

  Expert judge, more than 120 people attend

This morning, the first court of China's Supreme People's Court for the second circuit, which lasted 21 years of the NIE Shubin case of wilful killing, raping women, here come the final result.

The first Tribunal's largest Court is the Court of China's Supreme People's Court on the second tour, can accommodate up to 130 people, around 9:30 A.M., the gallery was full.

> Shenyang, China's Supreme People's Court for the second circuit. Profile picture

9:37 A.M., the NIE Shubin mother, Zhang Huanzhi, the complainant in black down jackets, Attorney Li Shuting, supported by access to the court room. Before the end of the trial, Zhang Huanzhi and Li Shuting without an interview.

9:56 A.M., after the court clerk read out the Court of discipline, Zhang Huanzhi and Li Shuting entered the courtroom. Subsequently, the Chief Justice Hu Yunteng led 4 other judges into the Chamber.

Hu Yunteng read out the verdict shows that full Court the case was written during the retrial, to verify the evidence of the crime, and part of the original investigators and witnesses, on issues relating to procedures to seek expert advice, and has listened to complaints and agents.

10:32 A.M., full standing ovation, Hu Yunteng announces final review results, declaring the NIE Shubin was innocent.

Some NPC deputies and CPPCC members, experts, scholars, judges, prosecutors, police, lawyers, University teachers and students, the general public and news media, more than 120 people attended the public sentencing in the case.

  Nie Mu shouted "my baby not come back"

Revision of China's Supreme People's Court retrial acquitted the NIE Shubin, at the site of the NIE Shubin mother Zhang Huanzhi heard wailing after this result.

Seen at the scene, the presiding judge, Second Circuit Court President Hu Yunteng read when the trial would, sitting on the bench the NIE Shubin, the complainant mother Zhang Huanzhi and lawyer Li Shuting has been stone-faced, and from time to time on the paper record.

10:32 A.M., standing ovation, Hu Yunteng took the retrial results. After being acquitted in the NIE Shubin, Zhang Huanzhi first tears, sat together began to cry, and a 3-time shouting "my baby not come back", "get my child back."

Field marshal and lawyer Li Shuting hastened to comfort, Chief Judge Hu Yunteng caution "also had something to say to you."

After Zhang Huanzhi emotional stability, informed the Tribunal, in accordance with relevant provisions of the State compensation law, Zhang Huanzhi 2 years may apply to the Hebei High Court of State compensation, in addition to legal assistance can apply for national compensation.

  Nie Mu are satisfied with the results, but justice comes too late

After the end of the trial, the first time the NIE Shubin mother Zhang Huan was interviewed at the scene.

For the verdict, said Zhang Huanzhi, "I am very satisfied, I was waiting for this day, I was going for the result. Good results, after all, I also lost my son, my son is not coming back, at this point I'm really suffering, this just came too late. ”

Next, Zhang Huanzhi, said: "there is no intention to 21 I was waiting for this result, next I'm not sure, has not discussed with wife. If agreed, I'll tell you. ”

Complaints over the years during what was the most difficult? Zhang Huanzhi, justice is not perfect, "go where ignoring you, I feel this is the most difficult. ”

For results of the retrial of China's Supreme People's Court, Zhang Huanzhi said, "I made it clear to everyone that I was satisfied, I praised Chinese Academy of the Supreme People's Court, they aggressively up and down on the correcting, great determination, reflecting progress step by step in the reform of the judicial system, which I experienced. Judicial environment changes, reflected in the cases of the NIE Shubin. ”

  Nie Mu presiding judge of consulting on matters of State compensation

After the trial ended, the NIE Shubin said mother Zhang Huanzhi "has something to say."

11:30 A.M., on hand to witness the presiding Hu Yunteng and Zhang Huanzhi's conversation, both talks will focus on the follow-up of the national compensation matters.

Meet Hu Yun, and Zhang Huanzhi, said: "I am for State compensation is not clear in this regard. ”

Hu Yun Teng reply said, according to the legal provisions, within 2 years can be made to the Hebei High Court for State compensation, back and can now raise; in the Hebei High Court can appoint a lawyer when applying for State compensation, the Hebei high court costs of lawyers can provide legal assistance.

In the scene, Zhang Huanzhi response to Hu Yunteng carefully recorded in a notebook, and repeatedly confirmed.

In the conversation, Zhang Huanzhi expressed his inner doubts: "we all know the Hebei high court cases of NIE's stance, I think China's Supreme People's Court to me, just give me the Hebei High Court for compensation, I do not know this program can. ”

Reply gave Zhang Huan Zhi Hu Yunteng "reassured". He said sentencing has informed the Hebei High Court at the end, "immediately after you applied for will not be accepted. Hebei High Court today will state its position, their attitude is very clear. ”

Hu Yunteng said on many occasions, difficult things not happening, Hebei Supreme People's Court, China would respect the High Court's decision. Can talk about the amount, the Hebei High Court will carefully study.

Li Shuting the NIE Shubin's litigation lawyer also said that he had not done for State compensation cases, you can find a lawyer Zhang Huanzhi agent familiar with the matter.

11:50 A.M., nearly 20-minute conversation ended. Hu Yunteng said Zhang Huanzhi before leaving: "formation of the case history, revision is now administering the advance results of the CPC Central Committee, first of all to thank the national judicial progress; you and your wife, your daughter should look forward, life goes on, and you are now facing hardship, economic loss of State compensation, you have to take care. ”

In addition, Hu Yunteng said, if this passage to Shenyang are in trouble, "we can give you."

  Nie Fu that commuted the results excited cry

That news of the NIE Shubin was acquitted, the NIE Shubin's father and sister Nie Shuhui burst into tears. The NIE Shubin father thanks to the rule of law, media and lawyers said.

  Apologize to the Hebei High Court Twitter, Nie Fu accepted

After China's Supreme People's Court for the second circuit acquitted overrules the NIE Shubin, the Hebei High Court on Twitter to apologise to the families of the NIE Shubin, "would like to express sincere apologies to the NIE Shubin's parents and their relatives. ”


Hebei High Court said resolutely obeyed and the implementation of China's Supreme People's Court, and according to the NIE Shubin parent application, start State compensation programs in a timely manner. Will learn the lesson of the case, and on the question of the existence of unlawful trial investigation.

> The NIE Shubin's father and sister cried.

The NIE Shubin said father Nie Xuesheng, Hebei High Court accepted the apology. He said his son carried back for so many years, the Hebei High Court's apology was too late to apologize.

> The NIE Shubin family finally have justice for being late.

Author Wang Mengyao Han Xuefeng edited Wei Miaomiao

Photography Peng Ziyang

> Editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
China's Supreme People's Court, the NIE Shubin, Hebei

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