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Traffic accident outside a toll station in Dali, Yunnan, killing 5 people

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/27 21:47:29 Browse times: 77 Comment times: 0

Traffic accident outside a toll station in Dali, Yunnan, killing 5 people(云南大理一处收费站外发生车祸,致5人死亡)

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A charging station in Dali, Yunnan accident killed 5 people (photo) | | | traffic accidents in Yunnan Dali _ news

> Sun Jiasheng for traffic accident scene photography

CNS, Kunming, November 27 (reporters and)-27th, the reporter learned from a secret squadron of Dali, Yunnan province, Dali cloud wave toll traffic accident outside, a car crash truck, killing 5 people.

26th 23:37 P.M., Dali police said the secret Squadron, cloud waves toll booths down one kilometre from a car accident, hundreds of people were stranded, specific number unknown, secret Squadron after receiving the police sent 15 people to dispose of three cars.

> Sun Jiasheng for traffic accident scene photography

On arrival at the scene, rescue soldiers found at a traffic light, truck stop at the stop line, a Harvard H6 car crash, a car half a car is stuck in vans, vehicles severely deformed, that many passengers were trapped in the vehicle, the number is unknown.

Secret Squadron now divided into three groups, using barrels of alert, alert the alert group divided into rescue range; the second group used winch for fire vehicles car carefully out of the tail of the truck; rescue team used rescue tools to rescue the body, trapped bailout.

> Rescue Sun Jiasheng for relief troops are taken

Prolapse after cars, rescue teams have rescued the driver's seat and Assistant driving seat trapped then discovers that the back seat or three people were trapped, but due to the climbing and rescue more difficult, relief troops expanded, pliers and forceps to expand the body and rescue, rescue all personnel.

Confirmed by the medical staff after checking, rescued the five people (four male and one female) showed no signs of life in the cause of the accident are still checking. (End)

>: Tang Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Dali, Yunnan accident toll station

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China News Network
云南大理一处收费站外发生车祸 致5人死亡(图)|大理|云南|交通事故_新闻资讯
>图为交通事故现场 孙甲胜 摄

  中新网昆明11月27日电 (何春汛)27日,记者从云南省大理特勤中队获悉,大理云浪收费站外发生交通事故,一辆小轿车追尾大货车,致5人死亡。


>图为交通事故现场 孙甲胜 摄



>图为救援官兵正在进行救援 孙甲胜 摄




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