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Shanxi punished students squatted in a high school class, use a ruler to face

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Shanxi punished students squatted in a high school class, use a ruler to face(山西一所中学罚学生蹲着上课,用尺子打脸)

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Shanxi punished students in a high school class rulers face squat private middle school in Shanxi jinzhong | | | corporal punishment _ news

Original title: private corporal punishment in middle school students in Shanxi province class teacher with a ruler sitting student face

Pictured in jinzhong city of Shanxi, taigu County hengda middle school.

Future network Beijing, November 21 (Xinhua He Zhuohui) because the beep during the class, jinzhong, Shanxi, taigu County hengda middle school students Xiao zhe was teacher who punished a week over the next weeks, Xiao zhe can squat in class class.

"Squat after three classes in the whole lower body without consciousness, were classmates helped back into the seat. "Xiao zhe told reporter, his local students, fed up with school corporal punishment of students, now go home.

This isn't the first time Xiao zhe was corporal punishment in hengda middle school more than two years, Xiao zhe did not count how many times he was corporal punishment, saying that "corporal punishment is often", the most serious of which was a kick in the butt.

Xiao zhe told reporters, his own experience of corporal punishment in schools is not alone, he had entered the school more than two years, many students in the class, other classes of students was corporal punishment, most serious corporal punishment is spanking, slapping, take a ruler fans face.

Squatting is often spanked in class the next day unable to walk properly

"Our school corporal punishment on us from the time I started reading the first constant, squatting in class were common. "Xiao zhe introduction, dormitory points, the quilt is irregular, night talk, there are all kinds of trivial things, and sometimes" a word not "would be grounds for Student fined for SAT class.

On November 18, Xiao zhe accidentally have given voice in the classroom, apologized to the teachers, but still to no avail, Xiao zhe was corporal punishment squatting classes a week, together with the tables have also been implicated in corporal punishment for a week.

Corporal punishment class sitting in a number of ways, Xiao zhe described, at times crouched in his seat, sometimes in the classrooms Hall, sometimes on the platform at the foot of teacher readers place.

Xiao zhe recalls that corporal punishment is one of the most serious in two years time is spanking.

"Class at that time was playing with classmates, because shouting voices are a little big, be passing grade officer badge. "Xiao zhe says, the last being headteacher with legs thick sticks to beat more than 10 more, can't walk the next day.

Xiao zhe not the most severe corporal punishment.

School students, who asked not to be named told reporters, corporal punishment is one of the most serious being the teacher straight face.

A the student displayed in the conversations with other students, a student of the school once was the face because he can't answer questions in class, but also a "serial slap."

In this class, students can't answer questions, dozing and other issues will be the teacher of corporal punishment.

"Often punish students do push-ups, do is a lesson, students when the teacher wasn't looking they will lie on the ground, it is equivalent to lying on the floor listening. ”

The student also said: can't answer questions, the teacher will direct students kicked, or take a ruler called the student's face.

"Saturday night is a time of reckoning"

Xiao zhe called every Sunday night class students ' day of reckoning.

A November 18, a class in the school classroom recording shows that in this teacher's class, the teacher clearly stressed, "one minute and I lie in the Hall ten minutes late. ”

Xiao zhe describes, if the dormitory is points, then all dorm students will have to do squats, squat 200 to 600 per cent according to the circumstances, sometimes more.

Hengda middle school is located in the Shanxi province taigu County, public information, hengda is a 24-track secondary system run by junior high school, formerly known as the third high school in taigu County, January 29, 2010 Government of taigu County and taigu hengda coal gasification, Ltd reached an agreement by taigu hengda coal limited purchased all the assets of the school. After the transfer nature of private schools, by the hengda coal gasification company running, the County Education Bureau support guide.

Public information, hengda secondary school students within the framework of free and compulsory admission, which some students about 1600-1800, the other for foreign students in the province is about 2,200-2,400, this part of student tuition fees. From looking at the number of students, most of the students in the field.

"Our school is mostly foreign students to live on campus, got one wronged and endured, parents also tried to curry favour with teachers, teachers regardless of their children. "Xiao zhe explained.

Xiao zhe told reporters, punishment is a very common thing in this school, his class teacher is a male teacher, class took an iron bar girls spanking, the students saw this teacher would make a detour.

Future network reporter calling hengda middle school, a principal surnamed Yang responded to on the phone, heard of individual teachers before corporal punishment on students, but did not know about the reporter, tomorrow will reply after investigation to reporters.

Respondents requested, Xiao zhe in the article names.

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Jinzhong, Shanxi local middle school corporal punishment

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山西一所中学罚学生蹲着上课 用尺子打脸|山西晋中|民办中学|体罚_新闻资讯

  原标题:山西一民办中学体罚学生蹲着上课 老师用尺子打学生脸


  未来网北京11月21日电(记者 贺卓辉)因为在上课期间发出声响,山西晋中太谷县恒达中学的初三学生小哲被老师体罚一周,在未来一周时间里,小哲只能在课堂上蹲着上课。




  蹲着上课是常事 被打屁股第二天无法正常走路
















  恒达中学位于山西省太谷县,公开资料显示,恒达中学是一所二十四轨制民办初级中学,前身为太谷县第三中学,2010 年1月29日太谷县政府和太谷恒达煤气化有限公司达成协议,由太谷恒达煤气化有限公司购买学校全部资产。转让后学校性质为民办,由恒达煤气化有限公司办 学,县教育局予以支持指导。







山西晋中 民办中学 体罚


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