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Martyrs of the 350,000 people across China in chongzhou offering condolences Yu Xu

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/20 6:29:42 Browse times: 109 Comment times: 0

Martyrs of the 350,000 people across China in chongzhou offering condolences Yu Xu(中国各地35万群众赴崇州祭悼余旭烈士)

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Around 350,000 people in chongzhou offering condolences Yu Xu, China martyrs (map)
Xinhua News Agency, Chengdou, November 19 (reporters Ye Hanyong and and Zhang Mimi)-sun rays still, Mulan in the army of souls! November 18 is the first Chinese air force j-10 female pilots Yu Xu martyrs "home" day, 350,000 people across China from all directions spontaneously to Yu Xu's hometown of chongzhou city, Sichuan province, female pilots to bid farewell to the last stage of their journey.
18th 15:20, hearse carrying Yu Xu martyr of ashes out into chongzhou Qiong Wen expressway exit, towards the chongzhou City Sports Center. At this point, the full two kilometre road was crowded with people, and they are holding chrysanthemum flowers, pulling up the black and white banner, holding photos of Yu Xu, tearful good daughter home to greet the people of chongzhou.

Yu Xu's friends, relatives, school teachers and students and all members of the group gradually came to lay flowers, Memorial. News Agency reporters in anyuan photography
"Sound around the Sierra Madre sky dancing here, Xu-Xu forever long loyalty to serve the noble spirit. "Chongzhou City Sports Center, two huge black couplet Central, Yu Xu casket is covered with bright red flag of martyrs. Outside the Hall, the crowds along the road from the stadium came to worship, long dragon team extends above 1000 meters.
"What a pity! Really good boys! "The 85-year old Chen Dazhen said, weeping, she walked for 1 hour, at 8 o'clock in the morning went to the mourning Hall outside, waited for 7 hours, in order to offer a daisy to the Yu Xu," she summed up in one sentence, that is: a great life, a glorious death! ”
"I'll send hero aunt. "Huang Jia Ting, 5 big eyes glistening with tears," her fly, wearing a white hat, hat and Red Star ... ... She flew away, don't come back, my mother took me with her to say goodbye. ”
Worship team, a white-haired old man, also dressed in the fashion of young, innocent and immature children, also have Bryant on crutches. Although crowded, but orderly.

Yu Xu's friends, relatives, school teachers and students and all members of the group gradually came to lay flowers, Memorial. News Agency reporters in anyuan photography
Chongzhou City Civil Affairs Bureau Deputy Director Wu Chunxue said staff under the guidance of the people 5 people in line, 10 rows, ordered into the mourning Hall. "Even three bows, flowers guide is the first row of each batch of spontaneous lead. "She said.
Scene, where dozens of volunteers, dressed in a blue vest guide people, to maintain order. Zhang Jiao was 25 years old at the junction station for 6 hours, the "micro-groups of the Communist Youth League, said here before volunteers, everyone came. Yu Xu made so much sacrifices for the country, we should. ”
"The thought that there will be thirty thousand or forty thousand people came to worship, unexpectedly light 18th afternoon till evening came a hundred thousand of people. "Chongzhou City Public Security Bureau Deputy Director YEUNG Ah-say, the Hall is open 24 hours, at 23 o'clock is still" the passenger flow peak "until late at night, there are still people came one after another.
19th, came to pay homage to the more than yesterday. Many people from dujiangyan, Mianyang, Chongqing and even further afield to come here. A dusty, middle-aged man with tears in his eyes, more than 1000 words of an article on the martyrs of the mourning Yu Xu lingqian. Reporters asked that he came by train from Hebei, "took a 29-hour train ride, at 9 o'clock in the morning today to Chengdu, and took a private car to come. ”

On November 6, 2016, Zhuhai, Guangdong, Airshow pilots Yu Xu of the last day, this is her last public appearances before his death. China Visual
Outside the Hall packed the whole wreath, large and small. High waves is the third time to deliver a wreath, "I'm a little letter in the circle of friends, Xinjiang, Guangdong, Hunan, ... ... Transfer me many friends, let me buy a wreath instead they come to pay homage to a hero. ”
Southern Sichuan primary school is the alma mater of Yu Xu. The children stood in long lines, raised his hands, salute to big sister. "Children are particularly worshipped her, listened to her story, all said they would be, when the people's Liberation Army Air Force, and some children to design a" plane ever happen. " "Young pioneers battalion instructor Xu Ding said.

First martyrs of the f-10 female fighter pilots Yu Xu from China with their parents, returned to the land she grew up. Ware photography
Rain is Yu Xu Yang high school alumni, in her eyes, Yu Xu was a "normal" girl. "The army for 11 years, she went from being a naughty little girls, beauty becomes a valiant warrior. "She said.
Ex-servicemen xiaohongyu is the 33rd issue of the air force Cadet, he understands Yu Xu's love of blue sky, and dedication to the cause: "when a pilot is not easy, being a fighter pilot is not easy. Display team pilots in particular, in the face of extremely complex mission, even the male pilot needs, hard to learn, exercise courage and wisdom, to redouble their efforts, not to mention a lesbian, I do not know how many times do we have to pay more than the hard. ”
A guy put a bouquet of chrysanthemums in the martyr lingqian: "we are born in the heart, she is an Idol! ”
Author: Ye Hanyong Zhang Mimi (source: Xinhua)
(Editors: xiaowugang UN845)
2016-11-19 23:48:22
China News Network

  新华社成都11月19日电  (记者叶含勇、张汨汨)旭日余晖依旧在,军中木兰化英魂!11月18日是中国空军首位歼—10女飞行员余旭烈士“回家”的日子,中国各地35万群众从四面八方自发赶到余旭的家乡四川省崇州市,来送别这位女飞行员最后一程。


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余旭的战友、亲属、母校师生以及社会各界人群陆续前来献花、祭奠。 中新社记者 安源 摄








中国首位歼10战斗机女飞行员余旭烈士与父母一起,回到了这片她长大的土地。安源 摄




  作者:叶含勇 张汨汨 (来源:新华网)
(责任编辑:肖武岗 UN845)
2016-11-19 23:48:22

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