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Yu Xu remains were cremated in Tianjin, parents friends friends a tearful farewell

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/18 15:41:14 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Yu Xu remains were cremated in Tianjin, parents friends friends a tearful farewell(余旭遗体在天津火化,父母亲人好友战友含泪送别)

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Yu Xu remains were cremated in Tianjin parents friends friends a tearful farewell | | | Yu Xu _ remains the air force news
Yesterday, the funeral parlour, wuqing district, Tianjin, Chengdu business daily journalist staging a bunch of baiju at Yu Xu ash place

  Martyr mourn deeply Sichuan air force female pilot Yu Xu

The sky was clear, cold and bleak. November's Tianjin was wrapped in layers of winter chill.

On November 16, which is the Jian-10 female pilots Yu Xu left a fifth day. This may be the coldest day in Tientsin. On this day, Yu Xu's body was cremated, and her parents, relatives, friends, and fellow soldiers, this was bones shiver with cold day, tearfully send her away.

At the funeral parlour, wuqing district, Tianjin, Chengdu business newspaper with a bunch of white chrysanthemum, sent all of the heroine in the eyes of the last stage of their journey. This remote town, the name Yu Xu might never to forget the pale blue sky.

  Coagulation tear in the corner of

November 16, at 4 o'clock in the morning, and most of the people in their sleep, Yu Xu's relatives and friends had started. Their beautiful and spirited chongzhou sister Twitter like a little Sparrow, after this day will belong to the sky.

Wuqing district wuqing city there are 20 km to funeral home. Yu Xu's body early in the day to. A little after 5 o'clock in the morning, half black and half the sky blue, and on the ground outside the funeral parlour has filled the people bid farewell to Yu Xu. Her fellow soldiers, wearing the pressed air force uniform. Her relatives, dressed in black clothes, wearing white, eyes red and swollen, still immersed in the intense grief of losing Yu Xu.

Yu Xu friends and relatives from Sichuan to Tianjin, some more than 20 people. Yu Xu sacrifice even if distance is 5 days, they still feel like an impossible nightmare. Black and white portrait of Yu Xu, remained and shoulder hair, and enjoyed the way, as she was still happily and say hello to everyone around.

Yu Xu's mother grieved hard time keeping, once the two comrades to Yu Xu helped maintain the balance. Touch me Yu Xu Yu Xu's father's portrait, head down, as if with his daughter says his guests.

Funeral music sounded, which means really is the last time to see the space dream air of Hua Mulan. She also had a lot of dreams have not yet reach, told air force barracks experience of the true man, she had unfortunately failed to see the film. She loves animals, love beautiful, she was always careful to take care of my family, take care of the people around him. Her vacation and returned to chongzhou look, but never completed the plan.

A vivid girl sent away, is one of the most brutal in the world. 8 o'clock in the morning, after the last tribute to Yu Xu's body, families and friends is to finally catch a glimpse of her, then wait for the cremation. Funeral home welcome the spirit room and not crowded for Yu Xu, from mourning relatives. Small room, terribly silent, low crying sound coming through the wall, someone quietly asked, "is that female pilots? Too bad, too bad. ”

  Thoughts in the heart

This is a simple farewell. 8:25, cremation is completed. Yu Xu's ashes was covered with red flags and funeral home staff in uniform holding a black umbrella, holding the ashes escorted Yu Xu friends and relatives move on. Everyone's face is so sad and give up, they don't say a Word, just helplessly watch the dress in a tiny box of a handful of their most cherished sister. Her smile, her stubbornness, her persistence, her soul will not disappear because of the fire.

Chengdu business newspaper he just stood by silently, not disturbing from start to finish of Yu Xu friends immersed in the most profound pain. Holding a bouquet of white chrysanthemum, quietly praying for Yu Xu. The morning sun on the white chrysanthemum, as is self-evident sorrow in this space. That bunch of baiju, staging Yu Xu's ashes were in place. Even a brief company, is a memorial to the heroine's most sincerely.

A couple of days, the heroine Yu Xu will be able to go home.

Chengdu business newspaper Chief Zhao q from the day

Source: Chengdu business daily

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
The remains of the air force Yu Xu

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