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Shenzhen Customs destroyed thousands of tons of foreign garbage, waste clothing in Japan and South Korea to immigration

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/18 15:41:03 Browse times: 83 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen Customs destroyed thousands of tons of foreign garbage, waste clothing in Japan and South Korea to immigration(深圳海关销毁千吨洋垃圾,日韩废旧衣物欲入境)

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Shenzhen Customs destroyed thousands of tons of foreign garbage waste clothing in Japan and South Korea to immigration customs | | | clothing foreign garbage _ news

South reporter Liu Ying Liu Youzhi photography "foreign garbage" is dangerous, not only with obvious stains, could also become the source of many diseases. This year, Shenzhen Customs seized 1046 tons of used clothing in the two cases, which is investigating cases of the largest solid waste. Today (November 17) morning, Shenzhen customs organizations to carry out the destruction of smuggled waste clothes.

June 2016 and September, Shenzhen Public Security frontier detachment in Shenzhen waters to intercept smuggling of used clothing "Li Yun" ship and "rongshun" ship seizure of used clothing, 605 and 441 tonnes respectively, after the surrender of the Shenzhen Customs. Testing by the Shenzhen entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of industrial technology center of renewable raw materials inspection and testing laboratory accreditation, smuggling cargo ship old clothes for the State prohibits the import of solid waste.

It is reported that "Li Yun" boat smuggling of used clothing total elimination of the 605 tons in August this year, the smuggling boat in the further investigation of this destruction is mainly "rongshun" boat smuggling of used clothing.

Shenzhen Customs anti-smuggling Department Survey, were arrested for smuggling waste cargo ship from loading, intent exported to the Mainland, specific destination has not been determined, is waiting for the boss to further order, didn't want to not come ashore were arrested.

Introduction Customs investigators, Hwang was in the gang "rongshun" Captain of the (Taiwan born), Zhang is "rongshun" Chief Engineer Liu, Mei an, Guo a, Zhou and other 4 sailors per capita. August 13, the groups driving "rongshun", cargo from Shanwei starting drove to Hong Kong Hou, in Hong Kong oil MA to run sent Terminal mount has a waste clothing, until September 4 morning Kai heading Hong Kong East Taiwan direction driving, the vessels forged has flag and passport, day morning line to SA big Peng angle South China waters Shi, was ahead of master to related clues of Shenzhen police border detachment seized.

A gang member account, those goods are mostly from Japan, and Korea to collect old clothes, number a lot, first after they set sail from Hong Kong to Taiwan, and then back to the coast of the Mainland, notification of final boss says games where it went, sold where they do not know.

Subordinate Shawan customs anti-smuggling Bureau of Shenzhen Customs anti-smuggling Bureau of investigation police Mingwei Wang introduced, used clothing in connection with complex undisclosed on the freighter, without disinfection treatment, many of the old clothes with obvious stains, with a large number of bacteria, are likely to become the source of many diseases, once into the mainland market will seriously endanger the safety and health of the masses. In addition, these garments are also found in children's clothes, old equipment, and so on, once into the market will have a tremendous security risk to the elderly and children.

This morning, the South reporter saw this used clothing store at the Ocean Terminal, including athletic wear, scarves, sweaters, fur and so on, packages are very tight, each package about seventy or eighty kilograms. Shenzhen Customs introduced Chen Lei, Deputy Director of the Finance Department, from smuggling ship unloaded to dock during inspection Department for disinfectants, followed by full of armed police escort to vehicles, transport to garbage incineration power plant of Nanshan and Yantian, expected destruction lasts about 10 days.

Mingwei Wang introduced, in accordance with the legal provisions, smuggled up to 5 tons of goods belonging to the serious, criminal responsibility, more than 25 tons, belongs to the circumstances are especially serious. Approved by the people's Procuratorate of Shenzhen City, Huang, above all 6 suspects were subordinate Shawan customs anti-smuggling Bureau of Shenzhen Customs anti-smuggling Bureau arrest. At present, the case is under further investigation.

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Custom clothing rubbish

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深圳海关销毁千吨洋垃圾 日韩废旧衣物欲入境|海关|衣物|洋垃圾_新闻资讯

  南都讯 记者刘颖 摄影刘有志 “洋垃圾”危害巨大,不仅带有明显的污渍,还有可能成为诸多疾病的传染源。深圳海关今年在两宗案件中查获1046吨废旧衣物,这是今年侦办的最大宗固体废物案件。今日(11月17日)上午,深圳海关组织开展销毁走私废旧衣物行动。










海关 衣物 洋垃圾


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