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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: establishment of the National Security Committee terrorist separatist tension

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: establishment of the National Security Committee terrorist separatist tension(外交部:设立国安委令恐怖分子分裂分子紧张)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: establishment of a National Security Committee that terrorist separatist tensions | | | terrorists _ the National Security Committee for Foreign Affairs news

November 13, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, November 13, 2013, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang presided over a regular press conference. At the meeting, Qin Gang's remarks on China-US military interaction, China set up a National Security Council and other matters to reporters.

Following is a transcript:

Qin Gang, first released three messages:

United States Secretary of State John Kerry, Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia demeike·Meikong tender invitation, Vice Premier of the State Council Liu yandong will be held between November 17 and went to America to hold the fourth round of Sino-US cultural exchanges high level consultations and a visit to Ethiopia.

United States President Barack Obama appointed United States Special Representative of the President, the Minister of Finance James BU·LU will visit China on November 15. Chinese BU·Lu Finance Ministers welcome to Jacob. Chinese State leaders will meet with Jacob BU·Lu's Finance Minister, departments concerned will work with Jacob BU·Lu finance ministers hold talks.

Upon invitation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Ecuador Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of likaduo·Aman duo·padiniao·aluoka will pay an official visit to China on November 18.

  Question: on November 12, the 68th General Assembly elected new members of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China high votes. China's comment on this?

Answer: on November 12, the 68th General Assembly elected 14 new members of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China high votes. Reflecting the international community's progress in China's human rights cause and China's active participation in and promotion of international human rights exchanges and cooperation fully affirmed. We thank all the countries that support China's candidature to the Human Rights Council. China will continue constructively involved in the work of the Human Rights Council and other United Nations human rights mechanisms, promoting dialogue and cooperation, promote the international community in an equitable manner to all kinds of human rights, in a fair, objective and non-selective approach to human rights issues, and make more contribution to the healthy development of the international cause of human rights.

  Q: so far this year, the two sides interact frequently, in August the two navies held a joint anti-piracy in the Gulf of Aden waters walkthrough, next year China will participate in the United States, led by 2014 Pacific Rim military exercises. Some analysts believe that, with the interaction between the two armed forces to enhance bilateral mutual trust will also increase. How do Chinese see military mutual trust between China and?

Answer: recently, Sino-US military exchanges are increasing, it is also implemented in June of this year President XI Jinping met with President Obama in the annaboge estate specific performance to achieve results. The two heads of State meeting in annaboge, both sides agreed to further strengthen military exchanges and cooperation, enhance mutual trust, reduce miscalculation, jointly maintaining regional and international peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region in particular. Annaboge Manor after the meeting on the Chinese side of the interaction between two armies are pleased and hope that this momentum will continue.

  Q: yesterday, 18 third plenary session decided to establish the National Security Council. China to set up the Agency was for what reasons? Some said that it was because Japan will set up a "Japan version of the National Security Council". How do you respond to this?

A: China's decision to set up a National Security Council aims to improve national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security.

You during the second half of the question seems to be to set me up. I said, what is the purpose of China's decision to set up a National Security Council. No doubt, China set up the National Security Council, terrorists have tensions and separatist tension, nervous of extremist. In short, those who attempt to threaten and undermine China's national security forces nervous. Reporter, you ask me that question, trying to get Japan intended it?

  Q: given the Philippines Typhoon "petrel" attacks affected by serious, China is considering to provide further assistance to the Philippines?

A: China is highly concerned about the Philippines suffering "petrel" strong typhoon disasters. President XI Jinping, expressing sympathy and condolences to the Philippine people and wish them a good fight against disasters and rebuild their homes.

To help people in the disaster areas, the Chinese side will provide the Philippines with humanitarian supplies, including tents, blankets and other aid. We will keep talking with the Philippines, making these supplies shipped to the disaster areas as soon as possible.

  Q: how is China's assistance to the Philippines in General?

A: the Chinese Government and people have expressed sympathy and condolences to the Philippine people. We have to provide cash and material assistance to the Philippines. China has also suffered from Typhoon "seagulls" attack. In this disaster, casualties and property losses in China. The Chinese Government actively mobilizing all forces and resources, disaster relief, disaster relief, job placement at the same time, also in fulfilment of our international humanitarian obligations. We will work with the relevant parties, closely tracks the Philippines disaster development, within the limits of its capacity to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of the Philippines.

  Q: China is providing assistance to the Philippines from China to the Philippines, was shipped to disaster areas after the local procurement in the Philippines?

Answer: as far as I know, this batch of humanitarian aid including tents, blankets and so on, from China to the Philippines, you can help people affected by the thousands of Filipino.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China-US military interactive question and answer session, China set up safety committees)

(Edit: SN064)November 13, 2013 China News Network(外交部:设立国安委令恐怖分子分裂分子紧张|外交部|国家安全委员会|恐怖分子_新闻资讯

  中新网11月13日电 据外交部网站消息,2013年11月13日,外交部发言人秦刚主持例行记者会。会上,秦刚就中美两军互动、中国设立国家安全委员会等事项答记者问。






















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