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The Ministry of education:Since 2012 the school buildings were no one collapsed because a disaster

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The Ministry of education:Since 2012 the school buildings were no one collapsed because a disaster(教育部:2012年来校安工程校舍无一栋因灾倒塌)

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Ministry of education: 2012 year school engineering school without tolls | collapsed | Ministry of education school | collapsed tolls _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 13- determined not to let the next generation end – head of the Department of education interpretation of school security long-term mechanism

Xinhua, and Liu Yizhan

Recently, the transmit of the Ministry of education and other departments on the establishment of primary and secondary school premises security long-term mechanism, country towns and rural areas, both public and private and non-education system, education system in all primary and secondary schools (including kindergarten), the notice would come through the annual inspection, early warning, communications channels as well as accountability, comprehensive reinforce campus security protection mechanisms. Ministry of education official questions for journalists to interpret relevant policies and measures.

  When the project was not completed

Reporter: my 2009 implementation of the primary and secondary school premises security project is over, the introduction of contact from school projects?

Head of the Ministry of education: school project was all over the campus, the security work will never end. Since the new century, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has deployed to implement a series of school construction projects, in particular the implementation of the school project, school earthquake and comprehensive disaster prevention skills improved significantly. But works only addressed the key areas of focus, there is a part of the building does not meet national safety standards, are unsafe. Primary and secondary schools in China's sprawling, weak, some time earlier, does not meet modern standards for school buildings still in use, introduced a comprehensive system protection without delay.

In addition, due to the frequent disasters, disaster losses continued, every part of the premises are damaged or tolls reached the period of seismic evaluation is needed, schools also needed to be strengthened after the new construction and reinforcement of security maintenance and day-to-day management. Therefore, it is important to think of this work as a long-term and arduous task.

  Primary and secondary school premises information management national network

Reporter: implementation of the project for three years, which are the scores?

Head of the Ministry of education: the implementation of the project over three years, we basically took safety "assets". National investigation identified a total of 375,000, single building 2.17 million campus, the area of 1.45 billion square meters, the first comprehensive measure the quality of primary and secondary school premises distribution, construction sites and the security situation, to which schools are unsafe, there is a kind of hidden dangers, has done it. Through reinforcement, 140,000 had been completed in the country school campus, the 350 million square meters, nearly one-fourth school new scenes replacing the old. 2012, the University engineering school buildings stand in a row in hotan, Xinjiang "8·12" earthquake, zhaotong, Yunnan province "9·7" earthquake and Sichuan Lushan "4·20" 32 earthquakes above magnitude 5 earthquakes severely tested, none caused by building collapses and the tolls of dead and wounded. Many schools also play a role in emergency shelter and become residents in temporary shelters and disaster relief material reserves.

Special needs emphasis is, synchronized with the school project, in accordance with harmonized technical standards and requirements, and built a covered 410,000 primary and secondary schools (including teaching), 2.14 million single building fundamentals of information management system for primary and secondary school premises, dynamic monitoring of the safety of the premises for the first time and information management.

  The local people's Governments is the main body responsibility for school security

Reporter: long-term safety mechanism in the subject how to determine?

Head of the Department of education: according to the comments, the local people's Governments is the main body responsibility for school security. Establish long-term mechanism coordinated by the provincial government organizations, municipal coordination guidance, County government organizations. Education, development and reform, public security, supervision, finance, land and natural resources, urban and rural housing construction, water conservancy, auditing, security monitoring, earthquake and meteorological departments in accordance with the functions of the departments, respectively, to perform its responsibilities. Protection of rural compulsory education in primary and secondary schools school security funding by Central and local share. Provincial people's Government responsible for coordinating the implementation of local funds, development of provincial, municipal and county levels of Government specific share method. In the course of school building, Chief Officer of the local government and various elements of those responsible are signed, take life responsibilities, school premises if there is quality problem, even if the relevant personnel leaving the original post should be held accountable.

  Six key tasks completed a long-term mechanism

Reporter: establish a long-term mechanism, what are the main focus?

Head of the Department of education: there are six main items: first, the establishment of safety inspection system; second is the improvement of safety early-warning mechanism; third, the establishment of safety communications announcement system, and the improvement of safety hazard exclusion mechanisms; five is strictly of safety management systems; six is the sound of safety responsibility system.

  Each school, each building must enable information bulletin

Reporter: observations of safety information issued, how?

Head of the Department of education: information dissemination system will rely on the information management system for primary and secondary schools, urge all over the County as a unit, according to the school inspection results to truthfully reveal basic information about each school, each building and carry out safety inspection of the premises, the implementation details of school renovation, and other relevant information. Related departments for primary and secondary school information data for statistical analysis, to inform the provincial government school information there may be a security risk, and released to the community on a regular basis every year to the national primary and secondary school premises information bulletin. Local governments at all levels should establish appropriate communications and bulletin system. Provincial notice situation at the city or county level, County notice to every school, every building.

  Central support Midwest schools excluded premises risks

Reporter: demands the removal of school safety issues, Governments at all levels have what safeguards? How the funds should be protected?

Head of the Ministry of education: excluding schools by provincial Governments consider the security risks within their respective administrative areas by city and County face classrooms of the ravages of natural disasters, as well as the results of these, prioritize to develop the annual implementation plan, full arrangements for funds and remove safety hazards; the County Government in light of local conditions, classification step by step implementation. Taking into account the weak Midwest financial, Central Government will support the Central and Western rural compulsory education schools, funding through long-term mechanism of rural primary and secondary school premises to repair and upgrade schedule. Other stages of education guarantees of safety arrangements by local and other sources of funds. The private, foreign investment, foreign enterprises (things) in primary and secondary schools funded by the investment required and the units responsible for the implementation of local government support. Seismic fortification criterion does not meet the key fortification class or meeting the design life still needs to continue to use the premises, once a year, and identification; reach focuses on earthquake fortification class standards, identification of once every 5 years. There are significant security risks, safe use of school premises, the security alert has been issued in a timely manner.

(Edit: SN064)November 13, 2013 Xinhua(教育部:2012年来校安工程校舍无一栋因灾倒塌|教育部|校舍|因灾倒塌_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月13日电 坚决不让下一代受到伤害——教育部负责人解读校舍安全保障长效机制
























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