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Recent large-scale smog comes from Heilongjiang, China? Local officials said: “the conclusion lack any basis in haste“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/10 6:58:20 Browse times: 38 Comment times: 0

Recent large-scale smog comes from Heilongjiang, China? Local officials said: “the conclusion lack any basis in haste“(中国最近大规模雾霾源自黑龙江?当地官员说:“结论草率缺乏依据”)

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Recent large-scale smog comes from Heilongjiang, China? Local officials said: "the conclusion sloppy unfounded" | smog air pollution Heilongjiang _ | | news
For heating, burning straw and fire of Heilongjiang, burned out half of China's haze
October 31, 2016 – November 6 satellites monitoring the province of crop straw burning fire

Harbin science and technology daily, November 9 8th network in North China, East China in recent days large-scale haze is caused by the heavily polluted air masses over long distances in Heilongjiang province. In this regard, the Heilongjiang provincial environment monitoring center Deputy Director Liu Yuanhai, said: "the conclusions too hastily, and lack of tracer monitoring, modelling of processes, related to the lack of scientific basis. ”

9th, as reported in the journal of science and technology: "the night of November 6, convene a meeting to discuss the Department of environmental protection causes heavy pollution, said widespread pollution in Northeast China, East China area, began on November 3-4th Harbin and Daqing, suihua, Heilongjiang province, local winter coal-fired heating and biomass burning emissions are regional wide range of heavily polluted ' culprit '."

This criterion is the Department of environmental protection: "on November 7, the environmental satellite Application Center test data showed that from October 31, 2016 November 6, environmental satellite monitoring of crop straw burning fire to 756, with 580 points of fire in Heilongjiang province ranked first, accounting for the monitoring of China's total number of fire 76.7%, Shanxi province, far more than the second place of 66 fire points. ”

"What do you think about this data? "The reporter asked.

"These straw burning and we are monitoring, this is only one cause of Heilongjiang local pollution, but the judge said the haze transport more than 1600 km lack the necessary scientific basis. Transmission is not a closed pipe, but spread in various climatic conditions, and stacked along the polluted air masses, without scientific monitoring and analysis, not human judgment wide range pollution comes from Heilongjiang. "Liu Yuanhai replied.

Liu Yuanhai, said: "I think the air pollution problem in a regional environment, the need for comprehensive, scientific, systematic, comprehensive analysis. Rather than rush out in a very short time a certain area of the pollution is caused by long distance transmission of such a conclusion. We have serious doubts about the network came out of the now polluted air mass travel 1600 km, 30%-50% per cent. ”

"Any regional air pollution, mainly pollution increases and the impact of adverse weather conditions caused by a combination. Pollution from local sources and external transport pollutants accumulate together form the complex chemical reactions. ”

"On changes in the source, we also analyze other parts of industrial emissions, heat, straw combustion overall pollution levels caused by the discharge of pollutants is accumulation of mutations to the problem. And now in winter, adverse weather conditions will occur more frequently, these are factors that could cause the formation of a regional heavy pollution, we are not only concerned about local pollution long range transport role. ”

"Based on the night of November 4 monitoring data show that straw burning is one of the major causes of this round of Heilongjiang local smog, but pollution from biomass combustion air masses generally do not produce long distances. We also carried out a scientific model simulation, we calculate is the polluted air masses are not able to transfer the results of the past. ”

Liu Yuanhai stressed, pollution air mass of far distance transmission also not simple not variable of, in transmission process in the also will occurred various complex of changes, strictly for need professional of shows trace monitoring and meteorological conditions of monitoring and after numerical model, method for simulation calculation, on whole pollution process for full of Hou assessment, to said clear regional transmission of process and the transmission volume, not simple on can said have clear of.

Asked what is the "tracer monitoring", Liu Yuanhai says: "need for marking particles, following air mass transport, able to identify. We will also step up research in this area. ”

Ministry of environmental protection in Heilongjiang local winter coal-fired heating and biomass burning emissions are regional wide heavy pollution "culprits". Pay close attention to the technical renovation of coal enterprises this year, Heilongjiang province. Heilongjiang province, according to the latest statistics provided by the Office of environmental protection, complete electric power enterprise in Heilongjiang province desulfurization, denitrification, dust and other environmental infrastructure has reached more than 80%.

According to reports, the key coal enterprises in Heilongjiang province are mainly concentrated in power (CHP) company, at the end of June 2016, 316 sets of coal-fired power plants in production units across the province, with 242 units, total installed capacity of 96.05% has completed the transformation of desulfurization facilities; 103 units complete denitrification facility renovation, the total installed capacity of 81.1%. Unfinished transformation of desulfurization facilities in Heilongjiang province Unit for small units, there are "big pressure" phase-out plans; more than 200,000-kilowatt units for denitrification facility renovation, did not engage in reconstruction of denitrification mostly small unit of cogeneration units, circulating fluidized bed boilers, low emission boilers; all units with dust removal facilities.

Source: Science Daily

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Haze air pollution in Heilongjiang

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  科技日报哈尔滨11月9日电 8日网传华北、华东近日大规模雾霾,是由黑龙江省重污染气团经长距离传输导致的。对此,黑龙江省环境监测中心站副站长刘元海表示:“这个结论过于草率,并且缺少示踪监测、模型分析的过程,缺少相关的科学依据。”


  环保部得出此判断的依据是:“11月7日,环保部卫星环境应用中心检测数据显示,2016年10月31日至11月6日期间,环境卫星共监测到秸 秆焚烧火点756个,其中黑龙江省以580个火点数稳居第一,占此次监测到中国火点总数的76.7%,远超第二名山西省的66个火点数。”


  “这些秸秆燃烧点我们也监测到了,这只能说明是造成黑龙江当地污染的原因之一,但判断说这团雾霾传输1600多公里缺少必要的科学依据。传输过 程并不是一个封闭的管道,而是不断在各种气候条件下扩散,同时又叠加沿途污染气团,没有经过科学监测和分析,不宜人为判断大范围污染就源自黑龙江。”刘元 海回答。

  刘元海说:“我认为考虑一个区域的环境空气污染成因问题,需要进行全面的、科学的、系统的综合分析。而不应该在很短时间内匆忙拿出某一个区域的 污染是由于远距离传输导致的这样一个结论。我们严重质疑现在网络上传出的污染气团传输1600公里,占比30%—50%的说法。”


  “在污染源的变化上,我们同样要分析其他地区工业排放、供暖、秸秆燃烧等排放污染物的累积而造成总体污染排放水平突变这样的问题。并且目前进入 冬季,不利气象条件也会更频繁的发生,这些都是可能造成某一个区域形成重污染过程的因素,我们不能只关注局部污染可能远距离传输的作用。”





  据介绍,黑龙江省重点燃煤企业主要集中在电力(热电联产)企业,截至2016年6月底,全省316台燃煤电厂在产机组中,有242台机组,占总 装机容量的96.05%,已完成脱硫设施改造;103台机组已完成脱硝设施改造,占总装机容量的81.1%。黑龙江省未完成脱硫设施改造的机组多为小机 组,有“上大压小”淘汰计划;20万千瓦以上机组都进行了脱硝设施改造,未进行脱硝改造的小机组大部分是热电联产机组、循环流化床锅炉,属低排放锅炉;所 有机组均有除尘设施。



雾霾 空气污染 黑龙江


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